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Everything posted by foreveryoung

  1. Jamie o'hara looking a bit chunky on SSN too. I thought he had a boxing match coming up?
  2. The whole teams a mess here. Southgate gets us second in a easy run in the Euros lose to a poor Italian side and the media and FA think he is the messiah. Why can no one apart from Joe public not see through his ineptness. He can bond a team to all be buddies which helps, but he cannot set up a team for shit!!
  3. It's not engine power I said this. It's an aero issue not being able to used the power due to the car porpoising. Basically they cannot stop the air from stalling underneath the car, which is causing the bouncing and bad aero.
  4. I'd rather have Biden waiting for Nato to make a move, rather than Boris thinking of partnering up with Poland and supplying the tanks Nato or the US won't. Boris needs to step down and leave it to the big boys.
  5. Diesel £1.82 BP right opposite Tesco who are £1.69. Fuel companies taking advantage of us again no doubt!!
  6. There's been plenty of girls in F1
  7. My lad is 7, he's needed to go the dentist 18 months ago with a little tooth pain, but with Covid we have properly struggled to get him booked in for anything more than a check. Finally about 6 months ago he went to the dentist again, seems the tooth now needs to come out along with another one, rear baby teeth so not the end of the world, but because he is immune compromised he needed a blood test before he goes, which we waited another 3 weeks for. We were then told 6 months for an appointment to have the teeth out, which I got on the phone had a moan, an shock horror they knew nothing about his immune issue, after explaining they said they would get a sooner date. Phone call 4 weeks ago appointment for 24th which is today. We had a call last week for a pre check, which again I had to explain there would be no need as we had a recent blood test, which finally they agreed. Got him all ready this week, finally he was happy to go and looking forward to getting rid of the pain. Can you believe they called yesterday to cancel as they have no staff at Birmingham dental hospital and it will have to be on a later day. I understand this happens with adults all the time and we kinda accept it. But to do it to a child, when you have primed them for it, an waited for so long is properly out of order, guess we have gotta start getting used to the crap!
  8. Thats not bad, but petrol/deisel version of the kia SUV would be around 25k.
  9. I saw this on a garden today, you get some horrible cheap jobs, an this was one of them.
  10. Hybrids are a waste of time chap, they are not even that clean. Best go for full electric or a smaller engine car with a battery to back up the power, MHEV.
  11. It may be great and green to have a EV car. But by the time 2030 hits they will be no cheaper to run than a small economical petrol or diesel car. If you think the cost of them will come down, your dreaming, unless you are going to buy one with old technology. The new ones with longer ranges, which have new battery technology are going to be circa 40k+for a basic small model. Then there will be a road tax, no doubt, an they are not the cheapest to insure, due to most accidents, even relatively light ones, may to have the battery replaced for safety reasons.
  12. Is this one of the most significant global addresses many of us will here in our lifetimes? Shit getting real!
  13. orrible stuff. USA using it in Iraq. It's actually legal to use on troops, military bases, but not in civilian areas.
  14. USA used it in Afganistan, its horrible stuff, used in general just to inflict the most pain to troops, but mainly children and civilians There was pictures all over twitter, you don't wanna see them.
  15. Don't let it worry you Will. Your still more than welcome to VP anytime........................ as long as you bring Kate
  16. They've got plenty of stock, they just cannot get it to the Ukraine troops quick enough. Anyway, if Nato get involved, they will be using a different type of ammo. Like the stuff that would fill a B2.
  17. Chip shops are an example of everything being about money. Not one chippy I know of buys the expensive potatoes anymore, which make great chippies. Our local one did when it first opened, some of the best chips I've ever had, you would eat everyone. Now they have reverted to the cheap potatoes, you can certainly tell, as the chips are now horrible.
  18. Was thinking this, what the hell's the matter with them??
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