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Everything posted by Daweii

  1. Nifty little player isn't he.. Still question marks over the quality of the opposition but some of the things he was doing like the crosses and making space are pretty universal skills, so provided he finds it as easy in the Championship to run past players as he did in League Two then he'd be a quality signing.
  2. I think a lot of players here already will be transformed with Max Marchesi over seeing fitness training this coming season. We're likely compensating Inter Milan a pretty penny to get his services so players like Veretout will have no excuse come the start of the season if their engine isn't there.
  3. Good to see us seemingly making moves early especially for freebies. We would wind up kicking ourselves if we passed up players we could get now even without the takeover completed if they wound up at a rival. I understand being potentially limited financially prior to the takeover being ratified, but bosmans we can do..
  4. Not to mention the only cast-offs we are looking at are those that have proven they can get promoted in the past. I wouldn't say that it's sad just that it's common sense to look at players that can do a job in the Championship that have also worked for RDM before to great success.
  5. In the 09/10 season he played for West Brom under RDM's management he scored 13 goals in 45 appearances. 18 goals overall counting the cup competition. In the 7 seasons since that season he has only scored a grand total of 12 times. I always heard that RDM gets the best out of creative attacking players and it seems that is the case at least with Dorrans.
  6. Daweii


    It could very well be a mental block. It's the same thing that gets people with lower back pain, you expect it therefore you avoid bending and when you have to bend you expect the pain so there is pain. It may just be that light exercise will get you past it eventually but of course if the pain gets worse cease whatever it is you are doing and go see your physio again.
  7. All I have read from the likes of Birmingham Mail is Di Matteo can start assessing the squad now and anyone he's not happy with that likely won't sell for their "valuation" can be sold at a majorly cut down price. I have seen some sources taking that and insinuating that does also mean releasing some of them once Xia has taken over if no one has taken the bait, but for now all it seems we can do is list people for transfer that Di Matteo doesn't want. That said all we are missing out on are those pre-transfer deals that a few clubs are making, but it seems that work is happening now and the takeover will likely be ratified by the time the transfer window is open.
  8. To be fair it's hard not to be a selling club these days especially in our position. I mean Leicester are struggling to keep their best players and they won the league and have Champions League ahead of them. Lowly Aston Villa with nothing but the potential of promotion ahead of us haven't got a leg to stand on keeping players like Amavi if clubs like Liverpool with their £100k a week wages come knocking. The only way to not be a selling club is to stay successful long enough that your current players believe that there is no where better to go, as Leicester are finding out though one season of greatness is not enough to convince their stars that they will manage it again and again and again.
  9. There are teams out there likely concerned about us. We have appointed a manager that wins things and has gotten a team promoted before. We are also seemingly backed by a lot of money which doesn't guarantee success but it helps, there are lots of teams in the Championship wondering how they will make a move in the transfer market this Summer without selling prized assets to do it. We on the other hand appear to have £50+ million regardless of if any of our players are sold, we are in a decent position once all the fit and proper is sorted out compared to many in this league.
  10. That said seeing his name added to Recon Sports as of yesterday seems to suggest that he's passed his part of the fit and proper, so unless there is someone else super dodgy that we don't know about it seems to be going smoothly. Definitely a filing to keep an eye on as more names may be added as they pass the checks.
  11. Daweii

    Adama Traore

    I get that he's unproven and a work in progress but it does seem awfully like Villa these days to sign a player from Barcelona and then rarely play him. I mean yeah he played a lot for our U21's (good for them) but not for the Senior team. Adama seemed like he would be useful even on a bad day as he would have likely created something in a match. That was our issue last season, we had no shortage of players that could score goals I mean Ayew banged them in with ease when he finally made a chance for himself we just lacked creative players. It annoyed me that we had arguably one of the most promising creative players in Europe in our team and he rarely featured, more annoying was when he did he made things happen.
  12. Depends how much we're planning to pay him. We need at least one transfer to happen on our side to know just how much a change in owner has changed our buying policies. If we are that confident of getting promoted we could be signing players to Premier League wages even in the Championship, it's down to the player then if their pride will allow them to play in the small leagues. The fact we are going for El Ghazi if reports are true shows that we aren't letting a change of league inhibit who we are after.
  13. I dunno if it happened today or when he got in yesterday but he's already told Tony Parks to pack his bags, he was of course our goalkeeping coach.. I wonder what he was doing for the last year cause he certainly wasn't making Guzan a better keeper that's for sure.
  14. Daweii

    Adama Traore

    Like Sharky said in grand total of 20 minutes he played last season he made defenders in the Premier League look like they lacked any ability whatsoever. He doesn't need to pass if that keeps happening.
  15. @cyrusr He's a kid waiting for Christmas Day basically and he's growing impatient, he wants to play with his new toy.
  16. I think we should be more morally ambiguous though not lacking morals 100%. Right now we play it straight 100% we won't do a single thing that is even close to breaking the rules, yet we should in some instances. Now I'm not saying go 100% off the deep end and start breaching every rule left, right and center because what is the worst that will happen? A fine? That's not what I'm saying, all I am saying is stay competitive and if that means bending the rules from time to time like all the other clubs are then so be it.
  17. 29 years since we started the 1987 season in Division 2. I was 1 month old when we were promoted back to Division 1. It's been a long ass time, but thanks to alphabetical order when they do update the tables we'll be starting in 1st place so only 21st in English Football. We'll be back in our rightful place soon enough.
  18. Which is how some other clubs in China have been run. For instance Guangzhou Evergrande I believe it was them anyway, the owner on behalf of Evergrande Real Estate pumped £2-3 billion into the club knowing that success would put his main company on the map in China. I think his company was worth like £2 billion when he bought Guangzhou Evergrande and is now worth over £10 billion. I am likely getting a few things wrong here as all the research and stuff was done like 3-4 weeks ago when it was rumoured our owner was Chinese, but it could very well be that we will be treated similarly.
  19. Well our last proper manager Remi Garde only won 3 in 23 so both are an upgrade on him. While Eric Black won 0 in 7 so is one of the few managers in history with a 0.00% win percentage.. RDM and Clarke are colossal upgrades compared those two lol.
  20. All I'm saying is I give zero **** about the rules provided we never get caught bending them. These days playing it proper gets you nowhere and it's getting to the point where the only place being legit will get you if Championship or lower. I mean look into how many clubs in the Premier League have sister/feeder clubs even though the FA doesn't allow it, for instance Man City have like 13 other teams assisting them in all sorts of ways. The future is in being slightly dodgy and personally I'm for that cause I don't really want to see us in League Two as a complete nothing team no one gives two shits about but us.
  21. It's Watch Dogs but uses Watch_Dogs predominately in all marketing.
  22. Welcome to Villa Buddha handsome..
  23. He looks expensive, is Xia already flashing the cash to get a coaching team far out of our league. I mean coming from Inter is one thing but he seems to carry enough of a pedigree to flesh out an entire website..
  24. The game that suffered from crazy Assassins Creed 1 syndrome and will likely be vastly better on its second time out? Yeah I remember Watch_Dogs. The game itself wasn't that bad it just felt largely unfinished likely because UbiSoft underestimated the extra time current-gen would require. It's the exact same thing that happened to Assassins Creed 1 and we all know how much love that series gained in the end.
  25. He's only been in the job 25 minutes and we're already signing exotic names. Granted it's a fitness coach but more of this please, more raiding of Inter Milan as well.
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