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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Eames

    General Chat

    Now thats one PM you CAN keep to yourself. :yuk:
  2. Whatever floats your boat, I'm thinking of this......
  3. I suppose the only question here is "Did you both smash it?"
  4. Alan Green didn't like the Poznan on 5Live last night. Well done boys, whilst you've been having your cuddle, they've scored.
  5. Eames

    General Chat

    Now is it just me that read this and had the image of US engaging in some furious, tooth grinding masturbation in Mr Plant's hedgerows? It's just you. Seek help. Now. :shock: Really?
  6. Eames

    General Chat

    Now is it just me that read this and had the image of US engaging in some furious, tooth grinding masturbation in Mr Plant's hedgerows?
  7. Eames

    General Chat

    Jesus H. Christ, where do I begin on the things that were awful about that. Wrong in just about every way imaginable. Truly the nadir of Villa shirt tomfoolery. Except the badge..... which is a thing of beauty.
  8. At risk of sounding like a creepy internet perv, may I just say Hubba Hubba and Awooga!! :angel:
  9. Tenterden Cycling Club Juvenile 10 mile time trial Champion '96,'97, '98, Junior Champion '99 and '00
  10. I've always wondered why you walked funny US.
  11. Now there is something we can all enjoy.
  12. Whatever you and the missus get upto in your own time is our own business! Freudian slip? Is that German for 'fisting'? :shock:
  13. Nelson Mandella is sitting on the lawn of the Presidential mansion having a sneaky beer when a car transporter pulls up. A little Japanese bloke jumps out the cab, and thrusts a clip board under Nelson's nose saying "You sign, you sign?" Nelson looks puzzled and says "I'm not signing for this I haven't ordered any new cars - what are you doing here?" The Japanese bloke looks back at his clip board, scratches his head and asks "You not Nissan Maindealer?"
  14. Eames

    Indian Girls

    Duly noted mate - apologies.
  15. Seems like a classy bird Dante.
  16. Eames

    Indian Girls

    On the racism/defending the culture issue - I find this all very difficult. If you have chosen, or at least your family did, to come to the UK and reside, and contribute to the community/economy, send your children to school here etc. it is unbelieveable to think that you would then expect them to behave like they are living in a mud hut in Bangalore when it comes to finding a husband/wife. I have a very close friend who is Shikh and whilst married now and sorted to a partner of her choice, she has been through hell to get there, when all her family wanted to do was palm her off on the first person to ask if he could marry her. On the OP - yes Indian girls are hot!!
  17. OK, I'm thick. I totally don't understand that website. It basically explains how AV would make no difference to 70% of the Parliamentary seats compared to FPTP. Putting the decision to elect governments in the hands of 30% of people. Yup.... democracy at its finest. :wink:
  18. Jon (AWOL) - what the hell are you talking about? The constitution under this current flawed system allows for attacks on it like we are seeing from Cameron. Just because that does not sit comfortable with your political views is your problem not mine. The examples of the changes that Cameron is forcing in (ironically Cameron a big supporter of the No campaign was voted in under AV) are there to show that FPTP allows for and seemingly encourages these constitution changes. We have a totally flawed voting and parliamentary system in this country. We have ridiculous situations where parties can gain majority Gvts with less than a majority vote. We have a flawed system where a PM can decide to change the number of MP's to favour their own party. We have a flawed system where a PM can appoint 170 new Lords to the HOL at the drop of a hat. we have a HOL that still includes people in there based on who their grandmother was screwed by. We have a flawed system where non-residents have a say who gets elected. We have a flawed system where not every vote is equal. Is that non-party enough for you? Except that in the UK you don't vote for a government or a party, you vote for a local representative in Parliament. There has NEVER been a system to elect a "government" The PM is the man who can command the support of the majority of the house of commons, NOT necessairily the leader of the biggest party. PM's have ALWAYS created Peers along party lines. Lloyd George did it to force through several reforms - didn't Mr Blair get into hot water of the issue of Peerages.....? :? I rather think so. Cameron is not the first and won't be the last to manipulate this system so to lay sole blame at his door for this is highly disingenuous. Hereditary Peerages are not the only failings of the Lords. Alan Sugar got in for being on TV, Seb Coe got in for being able to run..... John Prescott got in for eating.... Lords reform is something that Blair promised - and largly failed on, and if the coalition has failed on something. It is choosing to look into AV rather than the failings of the second chamber.
  19. In a great many constituences, MP's are returned despite most people who voted, voting against them (or not for them). Democracy my arse. Under AV, at least the MAJORITY of voters are pretty happy with the returned MP, not the MINORITY. But you don't vote AGAINST a candidate you vote for the person you want to represent you - surely?
  20. AV reduces the number of safe seats and increases the number of marginals to a reasonable degree. There is a great link to "prove" that on this very thread somewhere. Can I ask what the problem is with majority seats - surely that just means that the majority of people in that area want to be represented by that particular candidate. Why is that a bad thing? Isn't that afterall what democracy is all about?
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