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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Ohhhhhhhh shouldnt' have googled that at work. LMFAO
  2. :shock: Clearly I've missed something here......... :shock:
  3. Ahhh I see. I'm still new to this stuff. I get bindunne and word removed/clearing in the woods.
  4. I assumed you meant with the West Ham fans Mike. I chose to ignore the innuendo at the time, but as ususal, I'm never able to enjoy the moral high ground for long.
  5. I always dreamed that Miss Villa would be on here when I came over. Like a glorious reunion of thinly veiled sexual harrassment.
  6. Edge and Christian reeked of awesomeness. They were comedy gold when together.
  7. :oops: Ahem, yes. She may have read a couple of posts on 606. We don't really speak now. :oops:
  8. **Ahem** Yes. Sadly. I may have to sit on my hands..... or get her to do it for me.
  9. In case my wife is reading this..... no of course not.
  10. Things that cheer me up? A very lovely West Ham supporting young lady asking me last night if I wanted a ticket with her to the game on Saturday.
  11. Yet you would pick your horses shite up bare handed? Daily. Like I said, its just re-fried grass - if you squash it, it even looks like grass cuttings. Really nothing to be squeamish over.
  12. Not knowingly. But I'd be quite happy to eat it. Don't see what all the fuss is - a horse is a large herbivorous quadruped, same as a cow. Yet people who eat beef get squeamish about eating horse. Illogical, captain. Eaten horse - meh. A bit bland tbh beef is better.
  13. (At the extreme risk of being branded "posh"....) As a horse owner, horse poo is fine. Its all always on my hands/clothes and is essentially just re-fried grass/hay. Dogs eat all sorts of crap along with their food - would NOT be picking that up barehanded.
  14. Eames

    General Chat

    Worse than Dunstable and Daventry? :shock:
  15. Eames

    General Chat

    My boyhood town in Kent, having been dragged from the lovely midlands was Tenterden. Or Tenet Warra Den roughly translated as "Pig grazing land for the men of Thanet"
  16. Please dont tell me you think the blood on WWE is real? You being serious or not? Im speaking of the actual claret rather than the means of producing it. So are you saying its real blood? It is indeed. Just the method of extraction is artificial.
  17. WWE/MMA are both fake in their own ways. Yes WWE is scripted, but the bumps they take are real, the blood is real (generally caused by slicing open the forehead with a razor blade) MMA is scripted in that you only see the fights that Dana White wants you to see so the best fighter doesn't necessarily become champion or whatever. And you can't deny that two topless oily men rolling around the floor is anything other than a bit ghey. I'm not an added watcher of either, but given the choice I'd rather watch the wrassling. I supose its my prefered brand of coffee.
  18. If Pro Wrestling is generally gay then MMA is just gay p0rn. Two oily men trying to fling each other to the floor and then mount the other one.
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