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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Ladies and gentlemen we have a WINNER!!! The prize for the most ungrateful, pig-**** ignorant, over the top, factually bereft reaction goes to..... C V Byrne. The prize? A season ticket at another club of your choice. My treat. We don't need idiots like you near this football club. **** off newbie. Loads of you new **** crawling about the place these days. So the basis of your arguement appears to be, "I have posted on this website more than you (regardless of the fact that 5999 of my posts have been me wanking myself into oblivion over the latest mobile phone) I therefore am more informed on club matters than you." Ok. Remember Bodymoor Heath, the free coaches, free flags, mosaic, refurbished Hotle Suite, Acrorns sponsorship etc. **** me. Randy really has been a shit owner hasn't he. :bonk:
  2. Ladies and gentlemen we have a WINNER!!! The prize for the most ungrateful, pig-**** ignorant, over the top, factually bereft reaction goes to..... C V Byrne. The prize? A season ticket at another club of your choice. My treat. We don't need idiots like you near this football club.
  3. So what?! A 40 year old American student confessed to portraying a Syrian lesbian prisoner.... its the internet. You never really know.
  4. Really?! Well how about that. I'm stunned. :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
  5. Chill out people. The General does indeed have a FB page, but you can only like it. No option for Q&A... no wall. Nada. Why would a club determined not to spill the beans to the media then put something so blatant out in the public domain. I call bullshit. In fact, I call sticking lousy Small Heathian Bullshit.
  6. what the fudge is trending? It means lots of people are talking about the same thing...... eg #toodepressedatvillaslackofmanagerimflyingtoswitzerland
  7. Explain? If I have to explain its not funny. :cry:
  8. Dignitas is trending on Twitter........... perhaps there is a Villa press conference going down tomorrow?
  9. Confident enough to put £500 of your own hard earned money on it? Once done we should see the odds drop quite significantly... Studying for a graduate degree mate, I don't have two pennies to rub together, never mind £500! Convenient.
  10. Never been a huge call for calligraphy in Birmingham. Let's face it, the blue half of the city have only just got to grips with smearing their own excrement onto the walls of their caves. Brilliant. Just brilliant.
  11. I don't know if this has been posted and it is probably bollox. But with all the negativity and uncertainty regarding McLeish, I thought we could draw some hope from it. I want this..... but I'm calling bollocks.
  12. From what I gather, and what makes sense to me, is that Mcleish has contacted Villa and asked to be considered for the job. Before we spoke to him, we asked for permission from the Birmingham owners... they refused and leaked it at the same time. Hopefully nothing more than that in it, and the odds are suggesting it is not as big a contact as the media are making out. Mcleish is still not odds on even after this "breaking news". There is hope for us all yet! THIS
  13. People who believe Talkshite should abuse themselves, in fact most of them are self harmers in some shape or form Took that as red but just wanted reassurance.
  14. People who believe Talkshite should abuse themselves, in fact most of them are self harmers in some shape or form Took that as red but just wanted reassurance.
  15. People who believe Talkshite should abuse themselves, in fact most of them are self harmers in some shape or form Took that as red but just wanted reassurance.
  16. Villa Insider getting some unholy abuse ib Twitter. Something about talkSHIT confirming Moyes ruling himself out. Anyone able to confirm?
  17. I concur with your source Eames, maybe we have the same source? A number of points. - I believe Merse is actually in London at the moment. - Find me a bookie who'll take £5k on something which was so close to being evens. It would appear we do Gaz. BTW, I love your avatar, but it makes my eyes go queer.
  18. "I have it on good authority that Paul Merson is currently smashed out of his skull on holiday in Madiera & is telling anyone who will listen that it's MARK HUGHES......DONE DEAL & he has personally lumped on £5000. Confident or what?" I have it on good authority that this is bollocks.
  19. On the Phil McNulty article, surely "Crap BBC Journo asks leading questions to create non-story" Can't see GT saying he was "surprised and disappointed" by Randy - isn't he employed by the club? Would be pretty stupid IMHO.
  20. Should be number 1 on the new managers agenda...
  21. which is a pity so we have to go & read what he's says on another forum! A forum I left BTW because of all the nastiness & bickering IIRC when VT was set up H&V is one nasty looking forum btw....
  22. UPDATE from MM I have only posted what I know which is Hughes is not being considered , I said McClaren wouldn't happen as you saw gone to Forest but was considered , Benitez still not sure if they will go back to him if Plan A fails , McCliesh not considered but they aint going to slag the bloke off either . I am not going to post who I think we are in for because it is not definate and I am not going to cock things up either by speculating when it could be very close .
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