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Everything posted by fightoffyour

  1. These are absolute shite. By my calculations we should be beating these 7-0.
  2. It's at the point where all corners and throw-ins should be checked and given correctly. And it should take one second.
  3. fightoffyour


    What do you need to know? I stayed there for 2 nights, seemed very nice but I don't know much. I stayed near the river in Saõ Nicolau, north side of the Ponte Luis. Seemed like this would be a bit of a happening area which wasn't much the case (not dead either), but we did have a craft beer bar (Cervejaria Cask Beer) and a port and petiscos bar (Wine Chalet) right by our hotel (Porta Nobre). You have to be aware though that stepping even a road back from here is essentially going up a huge hill. You would come walk down it (dodgy knees aside) but up is a serious hike! You can uber easily and insanely cheaply though. It's only about £12 from the airport even. The other district to stay up the hill would be Baixa, near the cathedral and the Mercado do Bolhão.
  4. I'd rather have your avatar as our badge than the Heck thing
  5. Agree with everything really, but I still think it can work in principle with higher fps, greater margin for error, and the help of automated technology that can call an offside on the screen in as little time as it would take to notice a linesman's flag up after celebrating. Referees I want to review the footage on a device before they even make a tough decision, independent of (additional) bias or possible inferred criticism of their performance. I've been suggesting this for years already. Both of these aspects together would actually rather render VAR as we know it now as obsolete actually.
  6. The rule is actually first point of contact with the ball, not when it leaves the foot:
  7. No one's asking for a perfect badge. I would ask that they didn't take a horrifically bad initial design and tweak it into the worst badge in world football.
  8. One employee per fan? Proper customer service that.
  9. You missed the best bit! It's bad that a Blues fan wouldn't be able to get a ticket to see Villa if they wanted because of our waiting list:
  10. As someone said, the sensors in the balls could be used to determine the exact (or first frame after the) moment of contact.
  11. How about "umpire's call" like in cricket? 30 cm margin of error, if you're in that then it's linesman's call otherwise it should be factually correct from the tech.
  12. It's true; if you introduce a 10 cm or 20 cm or - if you're Arsene Wenger - a 1 metre margin of error, or whatever, you just move the edge and will still very tight calls at a different point that will be debated. However, I think it would be much more palatable for fans having that debate to say "well, it could have gone either way, but he is clearly [x] cm ahead of the defender, I can accept it's probably offside" (as if any fan ever talks like that). What we saw yesterday is a prime of example of what's not palatable.
  13. Bellingham strikes late as Real beat furious Barcelona What's most important you ask? World peace? Stopping climate change? Fighting disease and hunger? No. It's goal-line technology being introduced in La Liga.
  14. "If it's offside it's offside", but is this offside?
  15. Wild week of football that was, great stuff.
  16. Onana got booked in the match should be sent off surely
  17. It's about time goalkeepers started just standing in the middle. All too often a shit penalty is a free goal because they just slump over to one side.
  18. Got enough on his plate scoring and assisting for us
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