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Everything posted by AVTuco

  1. Palace to relegate with a 98,9 % certainty. Their fans would be delighted if they saw this.
  2. Possible, how has he been playing individually? As for Darikwa, he's been linked to Man United a bit lately eh, Moyes personally went and watched him not long ago apparently.. Anyone have an idea about Kiyotake's season so far?
  3. Were you on holiday or something? Still believe in your median. I would handclap here, but don't know how to do it on iPad.
  4. In penalties: you fail - you're off. Benteke should not take penalties any more.
  5. It may turn out to be rather difficult for him in the near future, because he is being double or even triple marked. Others need to start scoring too so that Benteke gets a little more room.
  6. Even if we were to break even on him he was good business for what he has given us. It's fair to say we'll more than break even on him. Definitely, I'm not disputing that at all. But his real worth is still undecided until someone pays the big bucks. And when we're debating our best business all-time, a should be is not enough.
  7. I don't think you can include Benteke here yet. Let's see first what we get for him when we sell him. The price hasn't been set yet. We have some guestimates, but all we know is no-one was willing to pay what we wanted in the summer. I don't disagree that he will be some of the best business, but it's not certain yet. He wasn't free, and for example a bad injury might happen any day.
  8. Fair enough I think my judgment of Bacunas technicality is a bit colored by his performance against Liverpool. I've mostly noticed his defensive work since being moved to RB. He's really impressed me there, seems unbeatable at times. But I think you have a very good point with his raw physicality making up for some weak defending at times. However I love seeing players being "runned/ran up"(grammar?) and tackled/muscled off the ball. I think Bacuna and Lowton would compliment and compensate each other, both defensively and offensively if they were to have a right side partnership. Overlaps, One-Twos and Crosses, all over the place! Lambert sure has some tasty combos he can try with these two on the right hand side.
  9. He gets it all together - he'll be a beast. Quite a turnaround, but anyways, that is funny.
  10. Bacuna was one of our most standout players for me, if not the most. Definite MOM. Even before he did that free kick. He is solid and pacey in defence, so he never got caught out, and he did well going forwards. I think the match thread is the worst place to judge a football match. The angst on there is hilarious. The Man City match thread contains the now-legendary "Bacuna is not a footballer". I think in some ways Bacuna could be our new Ashley Young: underwhelming at times, but likely to provide a spark occasionally that changes a game. "Bacuna is not a footballer" - LOL. That is legendary alright. Too bad I'm too lazy to go and check who said that.
  11. He has to. Lowton's right there waiting.
  12. He was only out for a week wasn't he? Yes, I think so. Even though he started on the bench the next game and came on when Luna got injured. Which some of us thought was because of his illness. So, no conspiracy?
  13. Did Clark have this tendon problem also when he was out for a bit too long with illness?
  14. Yeah at the time I was thinking please don't shoot!!! And I was thinking: SHOOT man SHOOT already!
  15. He's getting a bit too arrogant to my liking, even if our other players are obviously holding him back. But he should rise above it and make them better.
  16. Good post heid3ster, nice different read. I think I get what you mean.
  17. Just like his shooting, he's a boom or bust type of a player overall. My money's heavily on bust, but we'll see. And I'm not a moaner, he's the only one of our signings this summer that I don't think will make it.
  18. Just want to acknowledge here that Nathan has improved from last season and is part of the reason why our defense looks so much better than before.
  19. Exactly. I almost expected Benteke to stop running because he knew this guy was going to unleish it anyways.
  20. *Would have FFS. Please learn English. I'll put this nicer. I like to read your posts Avflife, but as a foreigner can't always follow your posts with ease. Can you make my reading a little bit easier.
  21. No doubt Andi will be straight back in next week though I hope Andi will.
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