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Everything posted by Shoody

  1. I think he meant the standard of the league is poor, which it is. Looking for proof, answer this: How many games did one of the worst united teams in years go unbeaten? Only to be beaten by Wolves. Blackpool beating anybody and everybody also comes to mind.
  2. ... just yesterday he said he wouldnt be leaving Everton. And its not up to Moyes. He has until next summer on his contract and if the Everton board dont want to lose him, they will just say 'No you cant talk to him'.
  3. Ashton did threaten legal action though and only backed down because the FA / PFA told him to.
  4. Makes for Horrible, Horrible Reading. - Lets kick the shit out of them on the pitch. Loads more over on their forum too.
  5. Pre-Match Tactics Build Up from Everton, some nice stats in there to be fair
  6. Was hoping for an offer on for this game, especially now its on TV aswell but I guess they cant backtrack on all the fans that bought the special home ticket for the Blackburn, Wolves and Newcastle games.
  7. Yes. Terrifying CM of Heitinga, Neville and Cahill. I know Cahill is a goal threat but don't see much other contribution. Most of the Everton fans don't rate Billy Russian. Osman is decent player but not at the level of our wide players IMO. And Bent is significantly better than Beckford. So whilst you are right to highlight the strength of their back 5, with the possible exception of Hibbert who I have always viewed as their weak link, I think our front 6 are a lot better than theirs, given their injury position. No not the best midfield in the world and I would expect us to dominate the midfield..But whilst these guys are no where near their best pairing, they are both decent defenders and I expect them to sit just infront of the defence beating away our attacks as often as possible. I think we'll dominate the defence, as long as Walker/Cuellar (whoever is at Rightback) can keep Baines out of the game we have a very good chance. I just hope we dont switch the wingers too early like vs Wolves, it's a game that will require us to keep chipping away at the defence until we get our way through because they will probably have 7 (inc Keeper) defensive-minded players on the pitch. Not a time where you would switch the wingers if we havent scored after 25 minutes again. (unless we do play this 4-3-3 a la England with the Roaming forwards/wingers behind Bent - which is what I think we should do.. but if we go 4-2-3-1 with 2 full wingers an 'In the hole' etc again, we can switch them too early)
  8. Agreed, apart from saying the league is poor this season. It's much closer and harder to see who will be where - the competition is fierce. I can see why a team with little to play for this season would think it isn't exciting.. but even though I hate where we are it is an exciting end to the season for teams at both end of the table and even those in the middle as nobody is out of either the Relegation Battle or European Battle. Every team is arguably still in it with something to possibly fight for imo.
  9. General, With the anthem recordings taking place on Monday night, is this something that will be used for our home games for the rest of the season or is it being kept for next season? I sincerely hope we can get it ready for the Newcastle game at home. Also, can we use the video avfcgoodie posted ( ) for the 5 minutes leading up to kickoff as players are doing the handshake thing. It would make for superb entertainment for those few minutes when not much is really going on and really build the crowd up (and for the naysayers on Houllier, would atleast give the team a teamtalk )
  10. Earned his transfer fee vs Man City. We'd be bottom without that goal atm. Once the team has some confidence it will be worth it. He's had 8 games and 3 goals, a brace over the next 2 games continues his 1 goal in 2 game ratio, which is exactly why we bought him. Unfortunately he's had 2 games for England that he isnt used to having and got a goal in each of those games instead of the 1 he owed us in his 8th game . (Both delivered by Ash from Out Wide might i add)
  11. ^ Which time? Probably that used to coming up and going down again that it really didnt matter what happened as they'd be in a different league either way by the end of the season.
  12. ^ Where he can take a player on, use his pace and speed and also have a few longshots with that 'Best in the world' finishing? Out of everybody we have id say Fonz - for his trickery and longshots or Bannan - for his passing range are the two best players suited to the position. Fonz there right now maybe wouldnt work but could see him doing a job there in the future, he;s obviously a striker though.
  13. We've been pissed off with him all season actually. Dislike him a lot. Everton haven't actually said anything about any of the injuries other than Arteta and Fellaini. Cahill has been playing with his lately but going off with 20/30 mins to go, he may play. Rodwell and Saha were at a specialist so I assume they are both out. Coleman, absolutely NO idea how serious it is. Anichebe has been carrying an injury too and sat out Nigeria training but was passed fit to play. Either way, significantly weakened team to what would usually start. According to GrandOldTeam Cahill is out after actually injuring himself and Anichebe is also out after aggravating his injury. Agreed Heitingha has been a bag of shit, seems to be coasting on his ego since July.
  14. It would be good to have a few waves of them (but it would never work). As they come out from the tunnel both times... and if we need a boost.. it would never work. But at kickoff would be good to ensure people are riled up for the game. Balloons and Flares would look ace imo. Just make sure the guy with the flares isnt a clearing in the woods
  15. Take 'em along. Having a ball in the stand was the best bit about the Man City Cup game.
  16. No nothing from official sources and his twitters gone quiet since he announced his injury.
  17. Dont see £60m there im afraid, player values will drop considerably in the Championship. Bent supposedly has a £7m buyout if we get relegated.
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