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Everything posted by Shoody

  1. No to them both. If we were going to get Big Sam it should have been on a 'Till the End of the Season' contract after the Sunderland game, give him some hope of staying on and then getting rid, fed up of us taking the moral high ground so often... its nice, but we get **** over too much. He'd have been our best chance of staying up and sorting the defence out. Calls of 'revolving door' etc etc... but i would never have taken him long term. Rafa turned a champions league winning squad into a midtable one during his tenure. A nice manager who always has the players and fans on side at Liverpool... but buying some of the dross he did when a CL winning team should be able to attract the top players was poor... would I really want him backed in the transfer market? No.
  2. Not convinced by his transfer record. Dont get me wrong, hes done very well with his disgustingly small budget and have mucho respect for the guy. I think Fellaini is a great buy for them but then he also goes and drops money on Bilylaetdinov. Very patchy at transfers but a half decent manager. If he could bring Baines and one or two of Rodwell, Fellaini and Arteta or even Cahill on a small contract, I'd be rather happy.
  3. Agreed, suddenly because Houllier is under fire and Benitez says he wants to come back to england it means we want Benitez. Who actually has said that? From the posts that I have read there is no concrete, factual post that says we are after Benitez? Can you quote me on that, please? Sarcasm
  4. Figured this may be the case but judging from older posts I wouldn't be surprised if it was serious. Excuse me?
  5. Thought i'd make a new thread posting the other teams' fans quotes in the build up to the game, not sure what everyone will think... but to me, banter is what football is all about.. and reading people scathing the club gets me a bit more riled up for the game. Only because I thought i'd pop a long to the Toffees' forum and see which of their many injured players are out for our game and saw this little gem with many 'good write-up' replies. Anyhu.. Here
  6. As above: My team would be ----------------Friedel----------------- Walker---Cuellar---Collins---L.Young --------------NRC---Makoun----------- -----------------Delph------------------ Albrighton---------------------Downing ------------------Bent------------------- Bench: Marshall, Petrov, Young, Gabby, Heskey, Baker, Herd But i am beginning to hope we go ----------------Friedel------------------------- ------------------NRC-------------------------- Mark-Kyle-Cuellar-Collins-LYoung-Downing ----------------Makoun------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- --------------Bent---Heskey------------------- With NRC as a Sweeper
  7. I'd go ----------------Friedel----------------- Walker---Cuellar---Collins---L.Young --------------NRC---Makoun----------- -----------------Delph------------------ Albrighton---------------------Downing ------------------Bent------------------- Bench: Marshall, Petrov, Young, Gabby, Heskey, Baker, Herd
  8. What we need is a motivating speaker. Some one who speaks for the fans because they are a fan. Some one who doesn't give a **** about massaging a stupid ego or doing what the players wants, somebody who doesn't care about the politics or money, somebody who just loves football and somebody who can get the players believing and fighting in one team talk.
  9. would more than definitely take Veloso.
  10. Reject the request, player will say he's unhappy, usually if they are young enough telling them 'Prove to me on the pitch you deserve it' will keep them happy. At the end of the transfer window sign them up to a contract for the longest time possible (normally 4.5 or 5 years).
  11. Picsel HD awbenny, i'll give you a game of 2010, left my Fifa 11 in Brum.
  12. Tbf, that girl is worth it.
  13. General, I am studying Advertising and Marketing in my second year at University and about to move to a new Marketing and Management course in September, whilst this may not be the best place to ask, is it possible that there is any work experience or Summer work available in the clubs Marketing or PR department at any point (or for the entirety) of the May-September months? Thanks in Advance
  14. Warnock hates the club, hates the area and hates the fans. GH can only make him hate the way the club is going and make him hate GH... theres no way GH can be at fault for Warnock hating Brum/Aston and us, the fans.
  15. Lambert, an inexperienced championship manager, to come in for the last 8 games of a premiership relegation battle that atleast 9 teams are involved in? Give over. (Pardew has said Newcastle are in Relegation battle and are 9th from bottom before anybody moans at this)
  16. In order: Van Gaal Wenger - If he leaves/gets sacked from Arsenal Ranieri Benitez Coyle Moyes Jol My Mother Lambert Big Sam Hughton McClaren Curbishley If one of the top ones cant/wont come straight away, Big Sam till end of the season. Then back to this list.
  17. I'll preface this by saying I have been one of, in my opinion anyway, the biggest supporters of everything The Board and Gerard have done this season, I can see there is a big behind the scenes job to be done, I can see that the football is getting a lot nicer. I can also see that our injuries have been horrendous. So please dont mistake this as the typical drivel that has been on these boards for months now (no offence the rest of you but some times it does seem like drivel) Im 20 years old and if im honest never really took football that seriously, but every year i'd pay attention and watch as 3 sets of fans every year would be shown on the TV come the end of May all in tears.. 'It's just football?' I kept asking wondering why a bunch of grown men were actually in tears because for 12 months they didnt get to play in the prem but really, should be back the year after. I never got it. However, today, after yet again spending over £100 in tickets and travel, I actually thought i was going to cry and found myself sat there, instead of watching drivel, 'what am i gunna be like if this carries on?'. Now im no softy, im no Rocky Balboa either, but I dont cry. And tbh, sat there watching Albrighton come off (having to run from the wrong side of the pitch might i add) that the only thing I can see me doing come May 22nd is fighting back tears and having to delete my facebook as I get streams of messages from everybody I know as we are slumped to Championship Football. Might I also add that, financially, we are in the shit if we go down. It'll be atleast 5 years before UEFA let us compete in Europe again, we won't even get £10m for Ashley Young, when we should be getting £20m and we simply wont be able to sign the new defence we're going to have to sign (also spoke to a guy who works with James Collins' dad today - complete chance, bumped into him in Wales before I caught a £50 train to the game- and he seemed fairly confident both Dunne and Collins are as good as gone come September.) Devastated.
  18. Devastated. Phil Dowd is the most useless prick of a ref I have ever known. Furious at the linesman for holding up play that **** long, Wolves' subs moved **** quicker than he did. Shit result, shit performance, shit atmosphere, shit everything
  19. **** it, tickets booked, blew off work, on way to train station as we speak. UTV... somehow managed to get tickets on the halfway line in Lower Trinity .... I never manage that on a non-derby day let alone a derby day.
  20. General Just like to pass on thanks to Helen at the ticket office over the phone today, she managed to put me some tickets to one side for the game from the lower holte, successfully get them there for kick off and very speedily got off of the phone, she managed to do all of this during what was quite obviously the one week of the month she shouldn't be working.
  21. I wouldn't. Too big of a game to give him a first team debut.
  22. Board didnt want to give you the money?
  23. ^ It's only better if your not getting into Man City's side regularly... and they both are getting into the side regularly. More money, more chance of trophies, will likely win the prem in a few seasons... Admittedly if they are just bench appearances then its not great but lets not kid ourselves here. They were both fan favourites though. I never quite understand why players leave when they are hero's to the fans, especially when we have been on the cusp of Champions League for a while now. ------------New Keeper-------- Walker---New---Clark---New- ------------NRC----------------- ------------------Makoun------- --------------Milner------------- Albrighton-------------Downing ---------------Bent-------------- would be superb
  24. i love and loathe your comments equally, it confuses my brain
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