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Everything posted by limpid

  1. Actually, I've made it so only guests see that ad.
  2. That looks like a youtube ad. What happens after the ad finishes?
  3. I think it's clear that people don't know about it. Strange really when it's not just built in to gmail,but also into android.
  4. New iOS version submitted. Just bug fixes.
  5. Having had a look at Hangouts, its not a rival to Whatsapp. Hangouts rival is Skype or Facebook chat. Whatsapp is different, its an 'always on' chatting (by text) app, not for videocalling or speaking to people. and who actually talks to people nowadays? when was the last time you made an actual phone call to family or friends? I don't get that at all. That's how I use Hangouts. It's core is group text messaging. The video stuff is additional. I have Hangouts open for the people I sit with at VIlla, for several games that I play (like Ingress). I have one for family. It's real time text group chatting and it's not owned by Facebook. I don't know what you are looking at.
  6. That's odd. It just worked for me. Are you definitely running the latest version? If so it might be worth clearing your app data (or re-install)
  7. So rather than getting the defective, expensive software fixed, you spent even more money on something else to hide the problem? I'll never understand Apple users.
  8. Once you get to a certain level of rich those are the same thing. Sadly, I don't know whether that's true or not. I suspect not. A money pit is just about the best possible way to offset tax liabilities.
  9. Was this before or after my post above?
  10. I used hangouts for group chats. I'm not sure I've ever been asked to join WhatsApp. I must be too old.
  11. I'm going to try adding one of the advertisers back that I blocked before as people were still getting bad ads from them after I disabled them. Please post here if you get another redirect. I'm following this thread so I'll get alerted by the app.
  12. limpid

    Rik Mayall

    "It's only Nicholas bloody Parsons"
  13. limpid

    Rik Mayall

    Mr Jolly Lives Next Door Probably the comedy program I loled at more than any other. It's not aged well though.
  14. Once you get to a certain level of rich those are the same thing.
  15. I barely use facebook now. I'd probably have deleted my account if it wasn't for VT using it. I don't use it to keep in contact with people any more. I'm not back in contact with anyone I knew in the past because of it. I doubt I'm the only one who feels like this. Does WhatsApp do everything Hangouts does? Genuine question; I've not used WhatsApp. It'll be good if Oculus is helped by being owned by facebook, but improving things hasn't been their forté up until now. Perhaps this will be different, or perhaps they'll put money in at arms length until it's ready. It's hard to see how it'll help to view baby pictures.
  16. Meaningless unless you define "monthly active users". When facebook was busy, I bet they published stats of active users per hour.
  17. I've been asked to create this. Please keep it on topic or it'll be closed. So first up, the opening ceremony.
  18. Of course it matters who owns it. But that's what you go on to say... I don't trust facebook and judging from the network logs at work, interest in facebook is finally waning. They'll rename it to "parentbook"
  19. No, it's Windows only. I don't own a PC which runs Windows, but I own a few PCs. You have such a way with words I just want to try the game
  20. Please don't be scared to start new threads
  21. I didn't change anything yesterday. All I can think is that one of the ad partners has been compromised. They're unlikely to ever admit this. Has it stopped happening for everyone now? Please post any further occurrences in this thread. PS. I've still not had this happen to me. I'm not seeing any drop in page views which suggests only a minority are seeing this. It's very odd.
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