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NurembergVillan last won the day on May 21

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About NurembergVillan

  • Birthday March 16

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  1. It's because 80% of fellas under the age of 65 now sport a skin fade and they're **** tricky to get right.
  2. He's an insufferable toss pot. I genuinely can't understand how anyone can support him.
  3. I can't imagine he'll get sent down. Teflon Don - it could never happen. Could it? If he does it could well be chaos over there for a while. All the MAGA loons taking to the streets.
  4. There was also part of the comment you quoted that talked about his partying too. I was merely playing Devil's advocate. FWIW I wouldn't use that video as a reason not to sign him, at all. End of season, years ago, who cares. I'd get him through the door ASAP if it's who our football management group wants.
  5. Looks like he could chew his way out of a submarine.
  6. Not quite, I just can't justify owning three cars and one of the two I own needs to be a shit tip I can ferry the kids and the dog about in.
  7. With a heavy heart, I'm letting go of the Puma ST. Will sell below the asking price if a VTer wants it... Worra motor, Jeff!
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