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U21's 2013-14


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You'd think that with the success this group of lads (generally speaking) had last season the club would put a bit more effort in to communicating what's going on with them, really. Simple example, when going away and picking up other teams programmes, they generally have a pretty nifty section for the youth (and womens, but that's a different matter) teams. We don't even get the league table in ours, just a list of results.


Kind of on the same subject, will we finally get the lads out to parade with the Next Gen trophy? We were expecting it at 2 home games at the end of last season, but it didn't happen on either occasion. Although we did get the Womens League Cup.

Edited by hogso
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So gutted I missed the match last night I was going to go but in the end couldn't.  Our manager,  however,  did not miss it


I have lined up to go either Newcastle or Leicester now.  Really pissed off about not going last night though.

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