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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Will this summers work on the Trinity Road stand have a visual impact from the pitchside or from the roadside, or are the changes exclusively interior?

Are there any mock ups, plans or drawings to look at?

good point OBE i wonder if we could get pictures like we did with the training ground,holte hotel etc....just as the work is been done..

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General krulak here:

1. As of my last conversation with Nicky...two days ago...the waiting list was 1300+,

2. We have yet to set a final number of ST's to be sold. We absolutely want to keep enough tickets for fans who cannot make every match.

3. We anticipate the team playing in the new kit.

4. Corporate sponsors: We are constantly on the look out for more sponsors...and are actively seeking new ones and to renew old ones. As much as some complain, these corporate sponsors help us keep the Club going in the right direction.

5. Again, I am not prepared to speak to construction or nenovation around the stadium. We have not set a deadline on HOK because not much can be done this summer. The overall blue print for Villa will be ready, hopefully, next season.

6. The trinity road renovation is, for the most part, internal. Yes, we can get photos.

7. Tryout for youth team. I am not sure of how this would be done. My sense is it would start with a Coach calling into the Club with a "hot" prospect. I do not think that there would be much luck with a Dad calling up and saying what a good lad he has.

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Good morning General

let me say first a big thank you for what yourself and Randy have done for my football club. It will always be appreciated.

Now sir, onto a little moan !!!

This morning i received a letter from Villa stating that unfortunately, my son and his party friends will not be allowed on the mini stadium tour in July as part of his Aston Villa party package ( that was booked weeks ago ) due to re-furbishment. He is so upset as it was arguably the main highlight of the package.To be fair, he has been compensated by being told he will be allowed a full stadium tour in the future and will have extra football games at his party. That's fair General but you try telling a 6 year old boy he cannot tour the stadium on his birthday and then tell him he has to inform his friends that they cannot also !!. Can i just suggest that the club take into consideration pre booked events a little bit more when planning refurbishments. I paid well over a hundred pounds for his party on top of our season ticket renewals. It's a fair bit of money to shell out and 6 year old children , unfortunately cannot appreciate cancellations like us adults !!

thanks general

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General Krulak here:

1. You Tube...amazing.

2. villahero: Let's you and I have a call....give me your phone number and I will call you when I get to Villa Park next week and we can see what we can do.

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General Krulak here:

1. evnsj6: As I have mentioned often, a CEO of AVFC is NOT going to "help MON in transfer dealings." Randy and MON work the transfer window.l..Randy with money and MON with finding the right players for our Team. When it comes to a CEO, his/her efforts are not focused on the Football side of the house...that is the purview of the man charged with running that side of the house...in our case, MON. MON does have people who help him with transfers...he has lawyers, coaches, scouts, etc. etc. He does not need a CEO looking over his shoulder...and he does not have one. :wink:

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2. villahero: Let's you and I have a call....give me your phone number and I will call you when I get to Villa Park next week and we can see what we can do.

Amazing. This club is awesome.

EDIT: I just told a Spurs fan and a non-football fan about this - they both think its brilliant and so superb of AVFC that they'd do something so helpful as this. We're fasting becoming one of the most likeable clubs around.

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2. villahero: Let's you and I have a call....give me your phone number and I will call you when I get to Villa Park next week and we can see what we can do.

Amazing. This club is awesome.

you cant do any better than that,i never thought id see the day,that someone within our club would be so nice and helpfull..

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I am struggling to buy a new car, and also cannot afford the holiday in Maritius I have always wanted. What can you do about it.

(and in your duty to be fair to all supporters, I now expect the response "Lets have a call and I can see what I can do to help")

One thing you can help on. The Hereford Town website is saying that they are hoping to have a pre-season friendly with Villa. Has it / or any other, been arranged ?

Think if you can't send me to Maritius, you can at least send me to Edgar Street, it's only 18 miles away !!!

One other question - a) was the West Ham screenback a success. B) could we do these for all away games - as I can't afford away games anymore - but would almost definately come up to watch games with other Villa fans that are not on Sky

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General Krulak here:

1. paulanddonya: See here mate...I am more than willing to provide a ticket for your sweet lady to go to Maritiusm but for you, a bus ticket to Walsall for the afternoon. Of the Paul and Donya, only she rates the good trip. She rarely comes on this site and asks me what is going on in the transfer department or when I am going to start serving beer in the Lower Holte...administered off of my back. You on the other hand...its Walsall or nothing. :P:P:cheers:

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General, could you please tell us the official transfer fee of Petrov?

Don't see how it matters now but IIRC wasn't that transfer sanctioned by Doug Ellis in the days and hours before Randy took over? And £6.5m was the widely reported figure.

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