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Lavezzi and Hulk have 6 chemistry, to be honest I didn't know you could even find that out individually, does it make them perform differently even though I have 100 overall?

I just looked on the auction and there isn't any German LW/RW that are gold, and the only LW in the Bundesliga is Affelley who is on my bench. There isn't a single gold RW from the Bundesliga. So I have tried!

I found with my Belgian side, that had David Villa at LW, that he wasn't always making the right runs etc as he had a red line between himself and the midfielder behind him. That was the point that I decided to tear the team up as I tried to figure out how to get him to fit and it meant far too many changes or compromises.

As far as Bundesliga RWs go, you can get hold of Blaszczykowski as an RM and buy a conversion card or buy him already converted from RM>RW. Can't remember how I did it. Depends how cheap you can pick up the conversion card for. He's not a super skillful winger, but I'm crap at tricks etc and this lad has 93 pace. Win! I've been using Afellay as my LW. He's handy at running across the box and bending those finesse shots into the far bottom corner.

I've got at least yellow lines between my team and they all have 9 chemistry and make great runs for each other. I'm still shit in defence but going forward it's lethal. I've moved Müller into the centre of the three and have Javi Martinez to his right and I've been using Holtby on the left as he seems to fit in well.

Might have a pop for van der Vaart. Or buy some more defenders. Oh, the headache!

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If the rest of your team is still what you put on the last page, and you're happy going forwards, defenders would probably be the best option for now? You could get someone like Naldo in to replace Sokratis without spending a great deal, or if you have quite a few coins then maybe someone like Hummels. Piszczek would be a good upgrade at right-back, too, if you're happy spending a few thousand coins.

Buying van der Vaart is probably more appealing, though! I kept telling myself I'd improve my defence for a while, but still went for attacking players. However, I did buy a few defenders but sold them on at a profit. Now I've finally got round to getting better defenders, I do notice the difference. My team is automatically harder to break down, although I did have to sacrifice some pace when putting Piqué in there. I was considering getting Puyol too (would have great chemistry next to Piqué and behind Fabregas, and I may get Valdés in goal) but I think that my back three will be too slow overall if I bring him in.

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Funny I should be reading that now - I picked up Naldo on the cheap last night, grabbing him for 3100 just as an auction was ending. Will try him for Sokratis later. I also managed to do a last minute steal for Diego at 3100! Bargain. He was a CAM though so I spent 8000 on a modifier and now he fits in nicely. Or I hope he does. And I'd still make a profit if I dispose of him.

As for defence, I'm interested in your experience. I'm always nervous about what constitutes a slow defender. With Felipe Santana I've got real pace but he's not a great defender. If I sign someone with really high defensive qualities will their positional sense cover the lack of pace? I'm used to seeing opposition forwards tanking past me, so that's why I've gone for a quick back line. Against the AI though I'm struggling with getting tackles in as the opposition seem to dance through the heart of my defence.

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My little brother got this the other day. I havent had a proper look at a FIFA game since '10, and the new features since then are pretty impressive. Ultimate Team in particular seems to be exactly the sort of game mode that shouldve been in FIFA games years and years ago.

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Funny I should be reading that now - I picked up Naldo on the cheap last night, grabbing him for 3100 just as an auction was ending. Will try him for Sokratis later. I also managed to do a last minute steal for Diego at 3100! Bargain. He was a CAM though so I spent 8000 on a modifier and now he fits in nicely. Or I hope he does. And I'd still make a profit if I dispose of him.

As for defence, I'm interested in your experience. I'm always nervous about what constitutes a slow defender. With Felipe Santana I've got real pace but he's not a great defender. If I sign someone with really high defensive qualities will their positional sense cover the lack of pace? I'm used to seeing opposition forwards tanking past me, so that's why I've gone for a quick back line. Against the AI though I'm struggling with getting tackles in as the opposition seem to dance through the heart of my defence.

I went for fast defenders initially, to cope with attacking runs, like you mentioned. This is especially the case with playing three at the back, as I also wanted my defenders to be able to quickly move wide and back inside again if necessary. I also liked having the left of the three as a left-footer. So originally, when I first set up my team, I had a back three of: Héctor Moreno (78; 71 pace) - Miranda (78; 75 pace) - Godín (79; 66 pace). Although Godín was the highest rated, he's not too quick so I replaced him with Piqué, and put him in the middle of the back three so he has less width to cover and is well-positioned to make defensive headers. Piqué's slower than Godín (62) and he sometimes does let runners in behind, but often his strength and defensive abilities prevent this. I also brought in Pepe, who now plays in place of Moreno. Although I lost the left-footer in defence, he's a solid player (74 pace, 85 defending, 84 heading) and has good chemistry with my Portuguese left-midfielder, Eliseu.

I've kept Miranda in as the right-sided centre-back, and as I mentioned, initially planned to replace him with Puyol. However, he sometimes has to cover for Piqué's relative lack of pace, so I decided against it. Good defenders definitely stop more coming through them, just in general play, and overall they position themselves better. Tackles are easier, too. However, I don't want two of my three at the back to be a lot slower than most strikers I'll come up against. That said, I'd guess that playing four at the back could mean your full-backs (who have pace) can tuck in and cover if necessary, particularly depending on how wide you play in the tactical settings. At the end of the day, I'd recommend trying to pick up one or two quality centre backs at prices you know you'll at least break even on if you decide to sell. That way, you can play a few games with them, see how you feel, then sell/change/tweak as necessary.

Oh, and if it's mainly AI you're struggling against, I wouldn't worry too much. They seem to be able to just dribble wherever they want sometimes, although I'm finding it easier to play against them on this year's edition compared to FIFA 12. I never really played them on Ultimate Team before, but this year I play them between online matches with a reserve side, to boost my first-team's fitness, and I generally walk all over them. It seems much easier than my Career Mode in FIFA 12, which I played on much more often than going online.

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Ultimate Team is really pissing me off at the moment, I started off really well, winning division 1 twice and now I can barely win 1 game. I haven't changed the way I play or anything it just seems that all of a sudden my players have turned into a bunch of drongos and make massive mistakes (especially at corners), don't make the right runs up front and my defenders don't follow the opposition runs. The routine seems to be that I have a cracking first 10-15 minutes, then the rest of the game I'm utter dogshite. I've no idea what's changed!

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You're probably used to your players having very high morale, especially given how well you had been doing, and a few losses will have changed that quite significantly. From my experience, players are much better with higher morale, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's a big factor. Play some easier games, either offline or in cup mode, or apply a morale card to improve it, and you'll probably notice the difference.

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Unbelievable. I haven't bought a pack once this year (only the free ones you get at the start) because I just think it's a complete waste of money/coins. I remember a couple of years ago I forked loads out for continious packs that had nothing in them.

Anyway, with 20k coins last night I thought **** it and went for a gold pack. Who do I get in there? In form Pedro. :D Thank you and goodnight!

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Nice one Warnock! (Wow, I don't know if I've ever said those words). Are you keeping him or selling him? What's the plan?


Erm, well I'm trying to sell him as I'll probably make better use of the coins. I've done a bit of research and he seems to be going for around 100k so that's what I've started him at but no good so far. If I do get that much for him I may need a bit of help rebuilding a team. I did a Ligue 1 team for a good few games but fancy a change. Fancying Bundesliga perhaps... hmm

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