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All-Purpose Religion Thread


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I care. Unbelievably there are still bishops in the second house who are there because they are bishops and no other reason. I find that offensive, especially when the cult that appoints them discriminates on the basis of sex and carries no mandate from the very people it claims to represent. I want them shown up for the ridiculous anachronism that they are.

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Good point Simon. And I agree (surprise, surprise). That debate is there to be had.

What I don't care about is their stupid internal rules. Why any sensible woman would want to be a top magic mumbo-jumbo person is no concern of mine.

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Answers from Genesis. The book which tells us that god created light and day and then several days later created the two lights in the sky, the sun and the moon. You'd think god might have known that the moon isn't a light or that the sun gives us the day. It's like god didn't know what he was doing or perhaps this was all stone age myths written down by bronze age politicians.

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Halle **** lujah. :thumb:

Why isn't it mandatory already for all schools to teach it? I know there are still many fundamentalist kooks running about the UK, but they are not 40% of the population like they are in the US of A.

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Why isn't it mandatory already for all schools to teach it? I know there are still many fundamentalist kooks running about the UK, but they are not 40% of the population like they are in the US of A.

It is mandatory but there were loop(y) holes in the legislation, this tightens it up. The schools affected by this aren't the state schools but the new Free Schools that the government has brought in, which are state funded but they are outside the national curriculum. I reality there aren't that many at present but there will be many more by next year (though still a small percentage of the overall number).

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Well, fwiw evolution isn't taught in schools here (but neither is creationism).

Anyway, I remember Dawkins talking about religious schools in the UK teaching anti-science before, which was why I asked if it was mandatory.

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We've been OK for years here, but since (Catholic) Blair's "reforms" we've opened the doors for more so-called "free" schools which had a lot more leeway in what they taught. A huge backwards step, IMO. This does at least attempt to restrain some of their more loony tendencies.

We can't stop people being superstitious, but we should be able to stop them teaching superstition in schools.

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