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Going up t'German Market tonight


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Winter is finally here :)

Anyone been up yet? Owt different from last year? I'm looking forward to a pig cob and a glass of mulled wine. OM NOM NOM

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Havnt been up yet but will no doubt be making at least 2 trips up there, once with the missus and little dude...then once to get monkey drunk with the lads! From what ive heard its pretty much the same as last year, as long as they have those fried mushrooms & potato's with garlic sauce i'll be happy.

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Heard it goes right down to the Bullring this year, but I suppose that'll just be more of the same shops rather than new ones.

Yeah those mushrooms and potatoes are lush. Making me hungry now.

I might buy a novelty hat again. My last one was ace.


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It's right up to the ICC this year. They've got these stalls where you can win an iPad/iPhone but it looks fixed. Having said that I've seen people win these huge bears so they're not all robbing pikeys. I'll be getting slaughtered in a fortnight on that black beer they do.

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There are no decent German markets anywhere near me. :cry:

Make your own.

Lidl and Aldi.

Invite people. Charge 4.50 for a can of pisstenbürger and laugh gleefully as they scoff down a 5squid authentic Bratwürst.

Knock together a cheap alpine shed from B&Q and sell crappily made wooden xmas decorations.

Bob is indeed your uncle.

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its a nightmare, more potential fights from pushing than closing time on Broad street :evil:

Went up lasty Saturday and it goes all the way up to broad street but there is a lot of crap up there.

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Make your own.

Lidl and Aldi.

Invite people. Charge 4.50 for a can of pisstenbürger and laugh gleefully as they scoff down a 5squid authentic Bratwürst.

Knock together a cheap alpine shed from B&Q and sell crappily made wooden xmas decorations.

Bob is indeed your uncle.

Wait a minute... that's the smartest thing I've ever heard anyone say. :shock:

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I'm excited to do this!!! I have never gone before but the first day I am in Brum will be the last day of the German Market. ........I want to go to there.

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I'll make a note of recommended things to try and post them up here.

Apparently the Ostrich burgers are immense.

:clap: Woooohooooooooo!!!! I can't wait to have a list to check off. I will treat this as a treasure hunt. *getting even more excited!*

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