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Could Noah's Ark hold all the animals?


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I'd say the world's a fantastic place compared to the shit that went down in the bible.

Having visited New Zealand twice it is a very beautiful place with comparitively few people.

That's strange, after billions and billions of years of evolution, I would have thought the place would be jam packed.

You are literally too stupid to insult

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*We all live for our desires; We are "by nature" children of wrath..

Ephesians 2;3 Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest.

*We go to heaven through grace and faith...NOT WORKS.

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;

Ephesians 2:9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

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I'd say the world's a fantastic place compared to the shit that went down in the bible.

Having visited New Zealand twice it is a very beautiful place with comparitively few people.

That's strange, after billions and billions of years of evolution, I would have thought the place would be jam packed.

All becomes clear. You really, REALLY don't understand evolution.

Serious advice: LEARN. Please.

Dawkins's "The Greatest Show on Earth" is a good place to start.

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I'd say the world's a fantastic place compared to the shit that went down in the bible.

Having visited New Zealand twice it is a very beautiful place with comparitively few people.

That's strange, after billions and billions of years of evolution, I would have thought the place would be jam packed.

You are literally too stupid to insult


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so if they create artificial blood, i.e. not blood from another human but made in a lab, would they still not accept it?

I take it JW's also don't accept other organs then.

I mean if they are willing to let their own die by not having blood they shouldn't be taking anything else.

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Dawkins is full of sh1t...

Really? What makes you think that?

And what are your opinions of Darwin?

Read "Evolution a theory in crisis"..

Also love the way Dawkins attacks Kurt Wise...Why do that, if your so sure in your method?

I also notice how Kurt Wise didnt bite back..He dosnt need to.

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That's all well and good, and no doubt you're readying lots of links to the US military's pioneering work in bloodless surgery, but ignoring that, if a child was rushed into hospital in an emergency and the only way to save their life was to give them several pints of blood immediately, a JW wouldn't agree to it and that child would die.

We had a whole thread about this and discussed it at length so I'm not readying much at all.

Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to speak for minors regarding blood transfusions unless that minor is old enough to speak up for themselves.

Doctors would just take the parents to Court and then they would be made a ward of the state. Parents will request that the child be offered bloodless alternatives which most Doctors will go out of their way with to accomodate.

As was the case of the heart transplant lass who was not a JW but who was 14 and refused to have any more operations including a heart transplant to save her life. Her parents also wanted her to have a transplant. Doctors and Social Services went to Court over the case and lost, because the Court said she had demonstrated that it was HER decision and she was old enough to understand the implications of her decision.

Actually she later changed her mind and went through with the transplant eventually but it was her decision.

Hospitals throughout the world perform heart transplants, heart bypass surgery, emergency treatment without the use of blood.

Our Next Bloodless Medicine Seminar is scheduled for Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. at Allegheny General Hospital

The program will feature Ian Rosenberg, AGH Perfusionist, who will address the audience on the use of Cell Saver and Hemodilution equipment.

Bloodless Medicine.org


Findings of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability, June 8, 2011:

• Blood transfusion carries significant risk that may outweigh its benefits in some settings and add unnecessary costs.

• Wide variability in use of transfusions indicates that there is both excessive and inappropriate use of blood transfusions in the U.S.

• Medical advances and aging of the population are expected to drive demands for transfusions that could exceed supplies in one to two decades.

• Improvements in rational use of blood have lagged behind improvements in the quality and safety of the products.

• Additional data on blood utilization and clinical outcomes are needed to identify gaps in knowledge.

• Programs at some hospitals have demonstrated significant reduction in blood use without increase in patient harm, based on expert decision-making

There is a Jewish hospital in America that pioneered bloodless medicine, to accomodate any Jews who wish bloodless surgery and Jehovah's Witnesses.

I found this quote from a Jewish website discussing this very subject:

Orthodox Judaism/Use of Blood:

Firstly, I agree with you that quoting examples of how blood transfusions have gone wrong many times over does not prove that it is wrong in God's eyes – neither does quoting what some people thought centuries ago. My aim was more to show you that while Jehovah's Witnesses stand alone on this issue today, there have been others in the past that have interpreted the scriptures in a similar way. It also re-enforced in my mind what I so often see: When people ignore God's guidance, it never works out better for them in the long run.

The Jewish Standard

It has been called “Star Trek Surgery,” but California-based Intuitive Surgical makes sophisticated surgical robots for the here and now. And thanks to a program supported by the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey’s Partnership2Gether, Israeli doctors will learn how to use the mostly American-made devices with the intention of introducing robotic surgery into Israeli hospitals.

They’ve sent us doctors to teach us about emergency reponse and we’ve sent them doctors to teach them about bloodless surgery,” said Dr. Deane Penn, describing earlier aspects of the P2K program. This month the program brought two Israeli surgeons to northern New Jersey for the latest initiative, to improve medical practice and technology in Israel by teaching Israeli doctors robotic surgery.

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Dawkins is full of sh1t...

Really? What makes you think that?

And what are your opinions of Darwin?

Read "Evolution a theory in crisis"..

Also love the way Dawkins attacks Kurt Wise...Why do that, if your so sure in your method?

I also notice how Kurt Wise didnt bite back..He dosnt need to.

Why attack Dawkins as full of shit if you're so sure of your position?

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This explains the stance Doctors take over this issue and minors eat one hospital

Bloodless Center

About the CenterBloodless Care for Children

The Patient Self Determination Act of 1990 gives adults (the age of majority in New Jersey is 18 years) the right to refuse medical treatment, including blood transfusions and blood products. The law specifically excludes minors.

The University Center for Bloodless Surgery and Medicine will acknowledge a parent's directive that no blood transfusion be administered to their child under any circumstances. Our physicians have agreed to explore and exhaust all non-blood alternatives in the treatment of children. However, situations can arise in which the physician may be required by law to treat a child with blood. This is a New Jersey State law, and University Hospital is (as are all other hospitals in the state) bound by this law. These situations are rare, but parents need to be informed.

The University Center for Bloodless Surgery and Medicine is committed to the most aggressive attempts possible to avoid the use of blood. In an effort to open communication between the medical staff and parents of children enrolled in the bloodless program, we ask parents to sign an acknowledgement form that states the following:

1. The parent's directive for "no blood" is placed on the child's chart.

2. Elective treatment may be cancelled if the treating physician determines that blood and/or blood products may be necessary.

3. In urgent, life-threatening situations when the treating physician determines that the use of blood products and/or blood transfusion is necessary, he/she may be required by State Law to pursue a court order. However, parents will be notified immediately if any such action is contemplated.

4. In the case of an emergency, the medical team will still do its absolute best to honor your wishes and treat your child without blood, using all alternatives available and /or appropriate. However, if in such a situation the treating physicians determines that blood is immediately necessary to prevent death or loss of function of a major organ, the law permits Ð and may require -- the administration of blood.

5. Whenever possible, consultation with or referral to a physician more experienced in bloodless management will be undertaken before a court order to administer blood is sought.

University Hospital Bloodless Centre

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Dawkins is full of sh1t...

Really? What makes you think that?

And what are your opinions of Darwin?

Read "Evolution a theory in crisis"..

Also love the way Dawkins attacks Kurt Wise...Why do that, if your so sure in your method?

I also notice how Kurt Wise didnt bite back..He dosnt need to.

The Kurt Wise that said that even if all the evidence pointed against creationism he'd still believe in it because it's what the bible says?

The guy isn't a scientist. He might have a phd in geology, but he's no scientist.

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Dawkins is full of sh1t...

Really? What makes you think that?

And what are your opinions of Darwin?

Read "Evolution a theory in crisis"..

Also love the way Dawkins attacks Kurt Wise...Why do that, if your so sure in your method?

I also notice how Kurt Wise didnt bite back..He dosnt need to.

Why attack Dawkins as full of shit if you're so sure of your position?

Im just answering a post on a forum site...Im not going out my way to write a full essay to go public on my thoughts of Dawkins..

Why does Dawkins feel the need(a man in his position) to go out of his way to try and discredit Kurt Wise? Who he himself hasnt said a bad word about anyone? And Gould even keeping him in Harvard(as he was such a fine/clever student), when he was going to be kicked out "just because he believed in creation"...

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