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Could Noah's Ark hold all the animals?


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You keep saying that you don't care Julie, and that you're going to stay out of these threads, but there you are again with your flood nonsense.

I got dragged into this thread when I had no part to it... and you in particular seem to have no conception that someone can beleive in

Creation without beleiving in Creationism. Now apparently it appears that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society suddenly teaches that

the Earth was created in 6 days!

Quotes are selected from posts that are then twisted to mean something different.

I do beleive there was a global flood and as I've said there is more and more evidence coming forth that is making many people question the

standards of anthrapology as well as other branches of Science. However VT Atheists simply ignore it and pretend it's not there....and just sit on their self congratulatory thrones contenting themselves with the gospel according to Dawkins. So be it!

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If you're not interested in who they are, why the hell did you post that list and say 'debate with them, they're all creationists!'? You clearly did care who they were when you posted the list, what has happened since is that you've realised how irrelevant half the names on the list are, and are hence back tracking

You see yet again you've selectively picked up on a little bit of the post and taken what I said out of context. I stated categorically that I had no idea whether they beleived in Creationism or Creation.... nor did I care!

I merely was responding to the addage from YOU Anthony & one or two others that No person could refer to themselves as a Creationist Scientist they were simply Creationists!

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I got dragged into this thread when I had no part to it... and you in particular seem to have no conception that someone can beleive in

Creation without beleiving in Creationism.

How does that work then?

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regular_john wrote:

I'm starting to get the impression that you care more about worshipping a book than you do about God!

What a stupid comment! Anyone who knows me personally knows full well that I try very hard to put my faith in God into practice.

Jesus said it was the first commandment to love God.

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Just going through that list and looking at the "scientists" with degree's in relevant subjects, first one I came to was..

Dr. Arlton C. Murray, Paleontologist, now deceased, he was awarded his D.sc (Doctorate of science - :mrgreen:) by the very august academic body known as...

Sussex College of Technology. Ever heard of it? thought not, it's a degree mill.

Fake Science, Fake Scientists

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regular_john wrote:

I'm starting to get the impression that you care more about worshipping a book than you do about God!

What a stupid comment! Anyone who knows me personally knows full well that I try very hard to put my faith in God into practice.

Jesus said it was the first commandment to love God.


Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Galatians 6:7

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He got a lot of his information and research for that article from another 2 scientists..One of whom was Jerry Bergman who obtained a Ph.D in Human Biology in 1992.

Jerry Bergman is an infamous nutjob

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Can anybody find a creationist with a higher degree in physics, chemistry, biology or astronomy, awarded since 1945, from (let's say) Oxford, Cambridge, London, Edinburgh, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, M.I.T. or CalTech?

One with widespread respect among his or her peers?

Not a deist, or a Christian/Jew/Muslim, but one that actually believes that the Bible is literally true?

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I do beleive there was a global flood and as I've said there is more and more evidence coming forth that is making many people question the

standards of anthrapology as well as other branches of Science. However VT Atheists simply ignore it and pretend it's not there....and just sit on their self congratulatory thrones contenting themselves with the gospel according to Dawkins. So be it!

I don't think anyone has mentioned Dawkins in this entire thread have they ? Funnily enough though, he has actual genuine credentials in his field, which he gained at some college in Oxford :winkold:

If you don't believe in evolutionary biology then I hope you have the moral fibre to refuse medical treatment when you require it as evolutionary biology plays a key part in the medical world . I'm sure you wouldn't be a hypocrite now would you ?

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I do beleive there was a global flood and as I've said there is more and more evidence coming forth that is making many people question the

standards of anthrapology as well as other branches of Science. However VT Atheists simply ignore it and pretend it's not there....and just sit on their self congratulatory thrones contenting themselves with the gospel according to Dawkins. So be it!

Julie, if there had been a global flood the world we live in today would be a very different place.

We would expect to see limited, if any, marine life as every marine environment on the planet would be destroyed by a huge flood. A flood would require freshwater (unless pre-flood clouds carried salt), so any marine life dependent on a saltwater environment would perish as the salinity of their surroundings would be disrupted, not to mention the huge mixing of saltwater and freshwater environments that would follow the inevitable overflow of rivers, lakes, oceans etc.

We would expect to see very little in the way of plant life. A massive amount of water would effectively destroy all plantlife through a combination of cell turgor and reduced access to sunlight.

We would also expect to see a significant genetic bottleneck in every species on the planet, with significant genetic disorder in every species, massive species-wide susceptibility to disease, etc. The only known modern species with a genetic bottleneck is the cheetah.

We would also see a mix of every animal in every level of the geological strata. There would be no distinction between the geological strata as every animal would have been wiped out at the same time in one huge cataclysm. What we see instead is the gradual appearance of newer, more 'modern' species in the strata, which is exactly what we would expect if species arose through evolution by natural selection.

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Just going through that list and looking at the "scientists" with degree's in relevant subjects, first one I came to was..

Dr. Arlton C. Murray, Paleontologist, now deceased, he was awarded his D.sc (Doctorate of science - :mrgreen:) by the very august academic body known as...

Sussex College of Technology. Ever heard of it? thought not, it's a degree mill.

Fake Science, Fake Scientists

I have a Phd in Theology from the University of Sark, and can let you know that as a result of my extensive research, god doesn't exist.


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there is more and more evidence coming forth that is making many people question the standards of anthrapology as well as other branches of Science.

You keep repeating this, but haven't explained what this evidence is that's making people question the standards of science and 'anthrapology'.

Please expand on this a bit.

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Can anybody find a creationist with a higher degree in physics, chemistry, biology or astronomy, awarded since 1945, from (let's say) Oxford, Cambridge, London, Edinburgh, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, M.I.T. or CalTech?

One with widespread respect among his or her peers?

Not a deist, or a Christian/Jew/Muslim, but one that actually believes that the Bible is literally true?

Even if the person fitted your exact criteria a poster would find a way of rubbishing him in one way or another.

I do know that Dr Merlyn Mehl graduated in South Africa with distinction in the 1960s and finally achieved a Master of Science degree in nuclear physics, and was then appointed to the faculty of the University of the Western Cape—the first colored student to be so appointed. He later became one of Jehovah's Witnesses because his life story has been retold. Because of the military aspects of Nuclear Physics he preferred to return to university work in a different field, he researched the learning difficulties of disadvantages of students and arranging alternative teaching methods. That research brought him a doctorate in physics education and resulted in his promotion to Professor. Cooperative research programs were also as a consequence conducted with universities in the United States and Israel.

Dr Alton Williams obtained his Doctorate in Thoeretical Nuclear Physics in the 1970s from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst=

His Life story was retold in an issue of the Awake magazine of 2004. Here is an exerpt...form the article entitled -

Why I Believe the Bible—A Nuclear Scientist Tells His Story

"For me, being a scientist has proved to be compatible with being a Witness of Jehovah. In 1983, I began working as an astrophysicist at the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), also in Huntsville. I worked in both the experimental and the theoretical fields associated with an X-ray telescope. (In 1999 that telescope—the Chandra X-ray Observatory—was successfully launched into orbit by the space shuttle Columbia.) I enjoyed working on that project, which involved the analyzing of X-rays emitted from various stars and galaxies in an attempt to understand the physical universe better..."

On eventually leaving NASA he was offered a teaching job as a professor in Physics at the Alabama A. & M. University in Huntsville, where he was still teaching at the time of the article.

He saw no incompatability with his work as a Scientist and his beleif in God... in fact just the opposite

My work was doubly enjoyable to me because not only was I working on a scientifically challenging problem but I was also coming to a deeper appreciation of the power and wisdom of the Creator. In fact, Jehovah’s words through the ancient prophet Isaiah took on special meaning for me. The Creator says: “Raise your eyes high up and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name. Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one of them is missing.” (Isaiah 40:26) The more I ‘raised my eyes high up’ to peer at the vastness, the complexity, and the beauty of the universe, the more I appreciated the work of the intelligent Designer who brought all of it about and established the laws that keep it all together.

During that time, I kept busy publishing new material in scientific journals based on my research in X-ray astrophysics

Presumably had these two Scientists NOT had the respect of their peers they would not have been allowed to take up positions in the faculties they are now employed by.

. Author and former professor of nuclear physics Dr. Gerald Schroeder compares the likelihood of mere chance being the cause behind the universe and life to the odds of winning the lottery three times in a row:

“Before you collect your third winnings, you will be on your way to jail for having rigged the results. The probability of winning three in a row, or three in a lifetime, is so small as to be negligible.”
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there is more and more evidence coming forth that is making many people question the standards of anthrapology as well as other branches of Science.

You keep repeating this, but haven't explained what this evidence is that's making people question the standards of science and 'anthrapology'.

Please expand on this a bit.

She's referencing stuff like this, a stone artifact allegedly carved thousands of years ago out of a stone we allegedly can't carve to much of a degree today that allegedly shows deep prehistoric knowledge of things like the development of foetuses and conception, as it allegedly shows things like sperm and a developing child. And it allegedly does not conform to that which we would expect from cultures in the area it was found. Allegedly.

Or these, made of the same stone and impossible to recreate with todays technology, let alone whatever they allegedly were made with, as alleged, thousands of years ago in the jungle.

It's clearly evidence that Watchtower was bang on. And don't you forget.

(I'm frankly shocked we've not had crystal skulls trotted out in God's favour).

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You don't understand probability.

The odds against winning the Euro Millions lottery is 116,531,800 to 1.

Yet somebody wins it every week (OK, OK, rollovers, I know).

Our universe is that person.

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. Author and former professor of nuclear physics Dr. Gerald Schroeder compares the likelihood of mere chance being the cause behind the universe and life to the odds of winning the lottery three times in a row: “Before you collect your third winnings, you will be on your way to jail for having rigged the results. The probability of winning three in a row, or three in a lifetime, is so small as to be negligible.”

Improbable is not impossible.

With an infinite amount of time , the improbable becomes inevitable.

Monkeys .

Typewriters .

Shakespeare .

Yawn .

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