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As long as they do it right, who cares?

Everyone complains that games are released unfinished, with bugs and they complain when games are pushed back to fix these things and make the final product better - what does it prove? That people are idiots that don't know what they want. [emoji1]

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As long as they do it right, who cares?

Everyone complains that games are released unfinished, with bugs and they complain when games are pushed back to fix these things and make the final product better - what does it prove? That people are idiots that don't know what they want. [emoji1]

I don't have a problem with the delay. It's that they lie about releasing them all the time.At this point they've had as much as development time as a normal game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has everyone given up? Never any VTers online when I'm playing this these days.


Played the other night. Was playing with one guy who was level 888, and one guy who was level 6 thousand and something.


Surely that's not real?

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I was hoping that the Heists would have been out yesterday as the given date was the 27th, although the PC version got moved back, I didn't see anything to say that the heists would be pushed back with it.


Been playing GTA3 lately though. I never actually finished it the first time around. I had 2 missions left and my brother wiped the save file to make some space <_<

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  • 4 weeks later...

Heists have a release date for the first time ever, March 10th almost 18 months after release. I'm nowhere near as interested as I should have been because the game has been out so long.

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Heists have a release date for the first time ever, March 10th almost 18 months after release. I'm nowhere near as interested as I should have been because the game has been out so long.

Same boat as me. I bought it on ps4 because i thought they would release it quickly, i think I've played it for about 7 hours, but I never think about it now.. the time has passed I think.

I'll try them out, but I'm not expecting much.

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Heists trailer up on Gamespot and Youtube.


Looks very nice, will definitely dust the Ps4 copy off and give it a go.


Hopefully it'll be worthwhile, as I love the world


Where have you been the last couple of nights you useless sack of spuds? ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I assume everyone here is playing on PS4. I'm still debating what console to get. I was leaning towards Xbox One because they suffered such heavy losses at E3, they must be working really hard to improve the console, while PS4 are just really complacent. That's another assumption of mine. So is there anyone out there playing GTA 5 on a xbone?

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Do any of you guys still play this?

I miss online but none of you are ever online (on this anyway) when I am on.


Forever alone


I would be on but work has been insane the last month and I've been busy at the weekends so I haven't been on much. I'd like to play again soon, especially if there's some new content and the heists on the horizon.

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