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I ruddy love it when the weather starts to warm up - finally have an opportunity to play with my macro lens! Can't decide which of these I prefer, which I guess is a good thing as at one time only one would be in focus!!!, would welcome feedback. ;)





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Those are great Macro's cat, everyting is spot on in them. You should try and get them published in a magazine (which isnt as hard as people think - I've done it a few times)

The bottom two are the better ones to my eye, the third being my particular favourite

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Yeah, great shots. I prefer the first one for its composition and contrasting background... but each to their own.

The last one is very different to the other three, so don't discount this one. It works in its own way too.

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Thank you guys. I was torn with the first one because I'm amateur enough to make mistakes like having the lens not zoomed out far enough and that shadow at the top looked worryingly like vignetting!! ( It isn't - but it looks like it! ) I think the third is probably my favourite....

anyway finished taking these, stood up and promptly fell over!!! Anyone else do that? I forget the time, sit waiting for the right light and end up with a dead leg!!

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Indeed it was!

Another from me... Bought the kids a Butterfly Garden for Chrimbo and our caterpillars have just cocooned. Quick pic before I transferred him into the net where he can safely emerge. Will then set him, and his siblings, free in our garden.


totally fascinating process and none of the trauma we had with our ant works ( they dug a solitary tunnel and then proceeded to die en masse in it... )

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I find boiling water rather effective for that particular problem... but then you have to deal with the emotional trauma of watching the survivors bringing up body parts for the next 24 hours.....

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Indeed it was!

Another from me... Bought the kids a Butterfly Garden for Chrimbo and our caterpillars have just cocooned. Quick pic before I transferred him into the net where he can safely emerge. Will then set him, and his siblings, free in our garden.


totally fascinating process and none of the trauma we had with our ant works ( they dug a solitary tunnel and then proceeded to die en masse in it... )

Is it just me that finds the above rather gross? Like something out of an "Alien" film.

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