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So earlier I did a chest/tricep/shoulder workout.


I did the following, all exercises were as you say one set. 15/5/5 with 3 seconds rest between each and a minutes rest between exercises.


Incline Dumbbell Press

Incline Flyes

Dumbbell Pullover

Decline Dumbbell Press



Close Grip Bench Press

Tricep Extension


Incline Shoulder Press

Lateral Raise

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After some pretty painful lumbar disc problems, I dead lifted for the first time in two years last night and totally surprised myself. Started with just 100kg on the bar, fully expecting to struggle but found myself flying up to sumo-ing 140kg for a really easy 8 reps. Not big numbers by any means but I was chuffed at how I'd maintained a lot more strength than I expected. Hoping to crack 200kg again by mid July.

I'm guessing that the sheer volume of upper back, hamstring and glute work that I've been doing has helped me maintain a certain level of relative strength.

Edited by JB
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Stevo, I but you can do 140kg deadlifts, even if it isn't for the full 8 reps I bet you'd get close.


I can do 130kg for 2 sets of 8.


The difference is JB has just come back off injury whilst i'm pretty sure I'm not going much higher than that anytime soon.

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Ah shit I didn't mean to come across as a dick. I meant relatively easy compared to what I expected and not big numbers compared to some of the guys in my gym. I also did sumo dead lift which decreases the range of motion. The point of my post was about maintaining relative overall strength and how carefully selected accessory exercises set you up to be strong on your big lifts.

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My brother dead lifted 230 for a double last week. Or so he says, the little clearing in the woods. He's fatter and not as tall as me though so I've got an excuse for playing catch up :).

Edited by JB
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Ah shit I didn't mean to come across as a dick. I meant relatively easy compared to what I expected and not big numbers compared to some of the guys in my gym. I also did sumo dead lift which decreases the range of motion. The point of my post was about maintaining relative overall strength and how carefully selected accessory exercises set you up to be strong on your big lifts.


You didn't.  :D

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JB just to let you know I started doing those band pull aparts after my bench sets and it cleared up my little shoulder niggle perfectly.


I also switched to a 2;1 ratio of back stuff to chest after doing 1;1 or if anything more chest for years and years and years.

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Completely off topic but my mate at work was telling me today that he said to the kids in class.....


"Guys, I just want the best for you, I love you all"


and a kid turns around and says.....


"Sir, you forgot to say no homo"

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JB just to let you know I started doing those band pull aparts after my bench sets and it cleared up my little shoulder niggle perfectly.

I also switched to a 2;1 ratio of back stuff to chest after doing 1;1 or if anything more chest for years and years and years.

Fluke ;). They're awesome though aren't they? I picked up a few tips with regards to form from this video:


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Smashed through it this week.

208lbs and feeling good!

6 weeks until my target date and 8lbs to drop.

2 more pounds this week. Probably too fast now, its a rollercoaster!

Although I've had a ridiculous weekend foodwise so those 2 pounds might have been erased already :)

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My brother dead lifted 230 for a double last week. Or so he says, the little clearing in the woods. He's fatter and not as tall as me though so I've got an excuse for playing catch up :).

Maybe he is on the juice

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I'd be very, very surprised if he was. He plays rugby to a pretty high level and is a prop so has leverages on his side. He's also been training hard, fair play. I reckon he might be exaggerating, though.

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