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Gym Routine


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Finally got back into some sort of lifting after nearly 6 months out due to several things. Got myself a Gymano Powerrack and used olympic weights off ebay for my garage, so now I can lift at home. Did a leg session on Sunday and was cramping up on the warm up, fair to say its hard to walk today still.


Now I'll be training on my own going to need a routine which doesnt involve going to failure much.

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I think a home gym would be my absolute workout dream!  If only I had some space in which I could put it! (I'm not lucky enough to have a garage :(


I couldn't get onto the bench press the whole time I was at the gym today so I had to go on the incline bench instead.  The one guy was doing one of my pet hates, he was using the bench press and then resting (which is all good) but then using dumbells on the bench too.  frustrates the hell out of me when there is only two bench presses!!  why can't he do his bench work then bugger off over to the dumbbell benches to do that bit of work and free up the bench press for someone else in half the time?! (rant over)

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Well, after being back at the gym for a while and getting back into my groove and progressing well I've now worked out my new aims based on my current bodyweight (93kg).


Squat 140kg x5
Deadlift 167.5kg x5
Bench 85kg x5
OHP 52.5kg x5
DB Bench 35kg x5
DB OHP 24kg x5


I'm hoping to work my ass off 3 times a week slowly adding weight to my current lifts to reach these before New Year. 9 weeks, 3 times a week, that's 27 workouts. Let's do this! (I realised it's probably a little ambitious, but if I can hit 1-3 reps of the majority rather than the 5 I'll count that as awesome progress).

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Also, did some DLs today (122.5kg) and an old guy at the gym walked past and the convo went as follows;


Him: Hope you're not lifting that above your head.

Me: Ha, nah. Not yet anyway!

H: What weight is it?

M: 122.5kg

H: What's that in pounds? 250?

M: Nearly 270 I think.

H: Hmm.. Nice.


Once I did the 5 reps I glanced across and he gave me a thumbs up.


Felt good being praised B)

Edited by Dante_Lockhart
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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished my first full month back on it today!  Pleased to have kept going and stayed in the routine.  My weights I've lifted are now;



Squat - 80Kg

Bench - 42.5Kg

Row - 45Kg

OH Press - 32.5Kg

Deadlift - 85Kg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im gutted as ive just slightly pulled a muscle in my back. Ive decided to rest it for a few days/the rest of the week. Its just not worth injuring it more and possibly not being able to play in goal on sat i dont think

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How on Earth does using bumper plates make him come across as a gimp? Fair enough, those bars aren't as heavy as they look to the untrained eye (still respectable) but what if they were the only plates at his gym?

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How on Earth does using bumper plates make him come across as a gimp? Fair enough, those bars aren't as heavy as they look to the untrained eye (still respectable) but what if they were the only plates at his gym?

I did say fair play to him doing weights ..and it was the bumper plates for a staged photo shoot that I would have said made him look more of a gimp than he already is *imo

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  • 3 weeks later...

Right not gym but football related. I've been playing  5 a side for a while and im in a sunday league team. Im not at my best weight by any means right now but ive been doing some gym work, squats etc. Over the last few weeks ive been amazing at 5 aside, fitness is right up, technique, everything going really well.


Then tonight we had more players so played on a 7 a side pitch and I looked like id never kicked a ball before, couldnt get my bearings at all. It was like I was trying to lean back into players who werent there when i was trying to control it, my balance was shocking and i just kept having the ball pinched off me. 


Interestingly i knew before the game I was going to have a shocker so what do you think, all in the head? anything I can do to improve. dont know how to get my bearings on bigger pitches at all

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