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The New Condem Government


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...If the 2013 bonuses match the average of £13.5bn paid each year, the total will top £80bn by the end of 2014.


This is more than £1,000 for every man, woman and child in the UK and three times the £20bn of revenue HMRC collected from the banks in corporation tax, the bank levy and the bonus tax combined during the same period, according to the campaigners for a tax on financial transactions...


...According to calculations by the campaigners the bonuses being paid out could reverse all the £11.5bn additional public spending cuts announced at the 2013 spending review, or eliminate 10% of the 2012-2013 budgetary deficit, or pay for the disability living allowance with enough left over to scrap the bedroom tax...




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I see Mr Cameron has decisively, manfully, resolutely, and in a wholly Churchillian manner, taken personal control of the flooding crisis.


You can just tell, can't you:




As more than a hundred soldiers from the 1st Battalion Royal Regiment of Fusiliers marched through the Berkshire village that has become the latest frontline in Britain's battle against rising water, there were neither wellies nor waders in sight.


Here were the men from the military trumpeted by the prime minister as proof the flooding crisis was under control, but residents in the Thameside town complained that when the water got deep, some of them couldn't even get out of their trucks.


One platoon – supposed to be checking on flooded residents on the embankment – couldn't get down because the water was so deep. They ended up just sitting in the back of the lorry while locals went about in hip-high rubber boots.

"They were not allowed in the water," said Ian Yorke, 50, an operations manager at British Airways who lives on the flooded street. "They had no waders, nothing. They didn't come prepared. It is all window-dressing."



So to all those who scoffed that a year or two in PR was no preparation for leading the country, let this stand as a convincing rebuttal.

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 'Money no object on flooding' now that Surrey has been affected


As one of my mates observed.



"Londoners enjoyed public investment of £2,731 per head, far outstripping any other region. The north-east received a measly £5 per head."





I suppose England can't do a Scotland also and get out,  leave the South as a (new) country on it's own ?


Pro's and con's but Birmingham would be the Capital of England for a start.  Below Watford could be called "TonCrusty" or similar. 

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I'm just wondering if you have read the directive or not. It seems they are trying for a uniform policy on water quality and management , with the same rules applying to the alps region, to the drought regions of Andalucia and to the low countries. I'm not sure that would be wise. Certainly the European landmass will have far different problems to an Island. But it seems it should all be treated the same

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They were looking to consider long term strategies.


Which may mean losing a lot of land to the sea, which is unfortunate but more realistic.


An orderly retreat is preferable to emergency measures and knee jerk political action.

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which is fine if you have a lot of land, but as we don't that would be a major problem. And wouldn't that be the end of Holland as about a third of the country is below sea level and a third in the nap level. Is that what the EU is about. Or would the dutch, who have kept the water off the alluvial plains for 100's of years be best to do what is right for them.

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