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The New Condem Government


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Why so. The chap who seems to be promoting it said 




Nor should the taxpayer have to pick up the bill for people's drunkenness, he said.

"Why don't we take them to a drunk cell owned by a commercial company and get the commercial company to look after them during the night until they are sober?

"When that is over, we will issue them with a fixed penalty and the company will be able to charge them for their care, which would be at quite significant cost and that might be a significant deterrent."


Maybe its not me who is confused

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Maybe its not me who is confused

It's not, for some reason people are not accepting that it is still the rozzers who will continue to pick people for being in a state, they'll just take them to these drunk tanks instead of clogging up the nick.  This is not about civilians snatching people off the streets then charging them to be released, that is called kidnap and ransom.

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bickster, on 18 Sept 2013 - 4:35 PM, said:

Last time I checked drunk and disorderly was a crime. Remind me whose responsibility that ha been again? Evidence due process etc


Not in my house it isn't  :)

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So, Drunk Tanks.

Privately run drunk tanks. Good idea?

The idea as I heard it put forward this morning was bad enough (a double financial penalty imposed for one thing) but muddying the waters even further by having the things run by a commercial enterprise, too? What stupidity.

It the kind of stuff that one would expect of ACPO, though.


Edit: Agreeing with one of your later posts, how would the wazzock from ACPO suggest this ought to be handled? That they not be released until they've paid what he rather euphemistically calls the 'charge for their care'? Or do these charges carry the same weight as a fixed penalty notice? Or is he suggesting some kind of contractual obligation (I'd have thought this would immediately fall foul of a catch 22 whereby if they're drunk enough to have to be put in drunk tanks then they lack the capacity to enter legally binding agreements)? Or is it the idea that seems to be underlying the posts of some others on this thread that there is a draconian level of fine imposed that then goes to cover the fixed price contract cost of the private company (if so then you're in to the speed camera/parking fines kind of debate, too)?

Have missed whether any of this has been discussed at length during the day as I thought I'd respond directly to your question - I'm catching up on the rest of the thread shortly.

It does take me on to another thing, though - this 'having a wider debate' claptrap. It seems that this is become some kind off cloak of protection worn by people who wish to put forward a potentially unpalatable idea or opinion.

Edited by snowychap
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the word from the Fuzz itself has been different

'The Fuzz itself' means one of those crime commissioner people and the member of ACPO that made this suggestion to 'widen the debate' earlier himself?

The last bit is like quoting Cameron himself as the word from 'the Tories themselves' is that the PM's a damn fine PM. :)

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snowychap, on 18 Sept 2013 - 5:12 PM, said:


tonyh29, on 18 Sept 2013 - 2:51 PM, said:

the word from the Fuzz itself has been different

'The Fuzz itself' means one of those crime commissioner people and the member of ACPO that made this suggestion to 'widen the debate' earlier himself?

The last bit is like quoting Cameron himself as the word from 'the Tories themselves' is that the PM's a damn fine PM. :)



no different from quoting the Police Federation for the "against "  argument though , is it :P

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no different from quoting the Police Federation for the "against "  argument though , is it :P

Of course it is. You were using the man who made the argument as an example of someone supporting the argument that he himself had made.

It would surely only have been of interest to anybody if Chief Copper Lee had, this afternoon, criticized the proposal that he made at 8am this morning saying that he should stick to catching criminals rather than devising more potential revenue streams for G4S and Serco (at least until all pending criminal investigations regarding these companies are brought to the inevitable conclusion of no case to answer ;) ).

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Sounds like Clegg did quite a decent stand up routine at the Lib Dem comedy festival.


"We are now where we always should have been"


"We have our own values and beliefs."


"no-one's little brother"


I doubt he's even convinced himself. One sniff of 'power' and they dropped all of their promises and 'values' just to prop up the Tories and let them have their way with everything. The Lib Dems are a joke, they are the party for students and fence sitters and that whole tuition fees situation lost them the student vote.

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The Libs haven't had values for decades, they have been a party desperate for power and in lots of cases have been prepared to side with the devil just for a piece of it. They'll use nice words like co-operation, pluralistic approach and joint and give an air of reasonableness to basically jumping in the sack with whoever gives them the first sniff of the girl next doors knickers. I think I've always hated them more than the other two, at least you knew where you stood with them, the libs are a bit like the cat that gets fed by three different families and claims the affections of all of them just to fill his belly a bit more.

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The Lib Dems are a joke, they are the party for students and fence sitters and that whole tuition fees situation lost them the student vote.

Will your opinion on the libs change should they enter a coalition with Labour in 2015 ?

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The Lib Dems are a joke, they are the party for students and fence sitters and that whole tuition fees situation lost them the student vote.

Will your opinion on the libs change should they enter a coalition with Labour in 2015 ?



I doubt it. They are fence sitters and they always have been. They could have used their position in this 'coalition' to say "we're propping this government up and we want to do this.." or could have used it to stop the Tories putting through policies which everyone but them disagree with, like the bedroom tax but instead they just fade away into the background.


I've never thought of this government as a coalition because it is just a Tory government with the Lib Dems making up the numbers. They're space fillers, that's all they are.

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The Lib Dems are a joke, they are the party for students and fence sitters and that whole tuition fees situation lost them the student vote.

Will your opinion on the libs change should they enter a coalition with Labour in 2015 ?

I doubt it. They are fence sitters and they always have been. They could have used their position in this 'coalition' to say "we're propping this government up and we want to do this.." or could have used it to stop the Tories putting through policies which everyone but them disagree with, like the bedroom tax but instead they just fade away into the background.

I've never thought of this government as a coalition because it is just a Tory government with the Lib Dems making up the numbers. They're space fillers, that's all they are.

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The Lib Dems are a joke, they are the party for students and fence sitters and that whole tuition fees situation lost them the student vote.

Will your opinion on the libs change should they enter a coalition with Labour in 2015 ?


I doubt it. They are fence sitters and they always have been. They could have used their position in this 'coalition' to say "we're propping this government up and we want to do this.." or could have used it to stop the Tories putting through policies which everyone but them disagree with, like the bedroom tax but instead they just fade away into the background.

I've never thought of this government as a coalition because it is just a Tory government with the Lib Dems making up the numbers. They're space fillers, that's all they are.


Nick Clegg Dislikes this



If David Cameron liked it, Clegg would soon change his mind.

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