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Call of Duty: Black Ops


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When are you next on Risso? If there's some way of joining a party but being on opposite teams I'll happily plant them willy-nilly for you to kill.
You'd have to join his game and hope the game puts you on opposite teams.
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When are you next on Risso? If there's some way of joining a party but being on opposite teams I'll happily plant them willy-nilly for you to kill.

Are you on PS3? What's your name if you are?

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Tonight. Tomorrow night. The night after that!

Do private match kills count towards perks?

Just looked it up, private matches don't count (makes sense as everyone would just boost to the highest prestige level). Rino8's suggestion would probably be the only way of working it.

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Risso, is that spot on Jungle? I've seen a few people up there before (by "seen" I mean watched their killcam after they've dropped me like a sack of shit).

Yeah, sorry, meant to say Jungle.

I absolutely detest the Grid and Hanoi maps. I don't know why, but I always seem to get my arse kicked on them both.

And I STILL haven't seen a sentry gun. It's the most retarded pro-perk requirement ever.

Seriously you need to add me on psn, I see them all the time.

Tried the dual skorpions and like them a lot. Toughest part is knowing how to navigate the maps so you are getting picked off at range.

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You're more likely to find a sentry gun in domination. I don't think I've ever run into one on TDM.

I'm on a 51 win streak :D

Bloody hell!

How are you so good at it? My best result on a TDM is something like 16-5.

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You're more likely to find a sentry gun in domination. I don't think I've ever run into one on TDM.

I'm on a 51 win streak :D

Bloody hell!

How are you so good at it? My best result on a TDM is something like 16-5.

Experience I suppose, I played an unhealthy amount of CoD4 and since then it's just been second nature sort of. I can't really say much else, I just know where to go.

As for the wins, I never go into games by myself anymore, I just don't get any enjoyment out of it, so playing with at least one other person, or 3 or 4 increases your chances of winning a lot.

Kurtsimonw's win streak is 69

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Had a moment yesterday I'm not proud of, got no more than a minute into a game of Domination on Array and ragequit (we were being dominated within about 30 seconds and all of my team were completely static at the back of the map with sniper rifles :x). I walked around for a few minutes to cool off, then jumped back into a game; I somehow wound up back in the same game of Domination, except on the other team who were within 10 points of winning. :shock:

I've bought the G11, holymuddafookinsheet what a weapon. Any suggestions for good setups to run with it?

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