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I have a 16GB Nexus 7. My kids live on it (yes I'm a bad parent, but I see myself as allowing them to learn modern technology so they're better prepared for modern life, but anyway).

They play Minecraft together and with other kids on other devices, whether they be my phone, the wife's phone, other tablets, iPods etc. They go into this virtual lego world and build stuff together.

The craze seems like it's spreading because, due to my kids, at least 2 other kids either in the extended family or their friends are getting Nexus 7s for Christmas purely for this. My son is getting a Nexus 7 for Christmas also.

What I'm wondering is, is this limited to just my family and circles, or is it something that's happening a lot, and a lot of kids will be receiving Nexus 7s for Christmas as the 16GB is £159.99? Be interested to see the sales figures after Christmas.

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My brother was asking me about the Nexus 7, and I'm going to give him mine for Christmas. Also my mate was asking about it and I'm loaning the Nexus 7 to him when my Tab 7.7 arrives tomorrow. I think it will sell very welll this Christmas

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My daughter loves that stuff (she is 6) but we are trying to keep her on books at the moment. Mind you, at the rate she reads she will have most likely exhausted the national library of books before she turns 7.

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My one year old is trying to claim my phone. I love him and everything, but not that much.

It's ridiculous to see just how intuitive touch screens are for kids though, my lad had figured out what swiping left and right did before his first birthday.

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Google Play store is a **** disgrace this morning, just totally crashed for an hour then said out of stock notify me. Really **** pissed me off. Cop on Google if you don't take preorders make sure your site can hadle traffic. **** idiots

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And I swung by the Carphone Warehouse again. Stood in a queue for twenty minutes behind some woman who didnt know how to turn her phone on, asked the guy who was working there (different fella from yesterday) whether they were SIM free or whether Carphone Warehouse were forcing contracts on people and was met with a blank expression. He had heard of the phone, but didnt know it was being delivered tomorrow and didnt know whether it was going to be available SIM free or not. He asked me if I had checked their website, he clearly hadnt, and on that it strongly implies they wont be selling the phone unless you sign a two year contract. So after twenty five minutes in the shop all I came out with was a shrug of the shoulders. Seems equally as frustrating as the website experience.

I fully expected Google to **** the launch up though, so I guess it will be a few more weeks before I can get one of these handsets. Surely if Google want to be competitive with Apple then getting the launch right is a big deal? This phone has came out with a whimper, and even then it's proving almost impossible to buy.

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After owning a Nexus 7 for the last week, I've decided to sell it on eBay and try and recoup as much as possible. After reading all the positive reviews, I was pretty excited to break free of the Apple shackles and get my first try of Android. Unfortunately, If I've taken anything away from the experience, it's made me want to stick with Apple products even more. My main problems with the device were:

  • Play Store - This is my biggest frustration. 99% of the apps aren't made to utilise the tablet screen, they are just extended phone apps. It may come off as an Apple fanboy comment but it's no where near as enjoyable using an App like Flipboard on the Nexus compared to the iPad. Obviously the selection isn't as good as the App Store either.

  • Chrome - I love using Chrome on my PC but I think the Android version needs a few tweeks. The URL/Tab bar takes up far too much of the screen (makes a big impact on the small 7" Nexus screen). I like to hold the tablet in landscapre so it takes a lot of scrolling to get to the bottom of a page. The bar should simply disapear as you scroll down the page (giving you more contect). There was also quite a lot of times e.g. BBC website where the mobile version of the site would load. Obviously I can select the option to request the desktop version, but why can't I have a setting that does that automatically everytime?

Maybe I should've done a bit more researtch pre purchase, or possibly my expectations were far too high for a device that only costs £159.99. Either way, I'm pretty disappointed. I've been into the Apple store since purchasing the Nexus to see how the new mini stacks up. I know it's obviously £100 more but I think the screensize is perfect (although not as high a resolution as the Nexus). I think once my Nexus has sold, I'll spend the extra money and purchase one.

I think I may have succummed to Apple and their ways. They have the standard devices for the majority of app developers so will naturally get the best (although this may change as Android gets more and more popular). I've simply invested too much money in my apps and the prospect of redoing that with another OS doesn't interest me.

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Well Rev at least you have a phone. I'll be shipping my Galaxy Nexus to it's new owner tomorrow. I'll then be phoneless bar the Tab 7.7 which DHL are managing to **** up delivery of.

The lack of any unlocked Lumia 920s for sale is also very annoying. The yellow one isn't even available on contract.

So it looks like back to a Sony Ericsson dumb phone for me. Ho hum.

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Total. I may go buy a 2nd hand Nexus S or something. Could be a month before I get either Nexus 4 or Lumia 920. I've zero faith in Google selling anything, they're a joke. While Nokia just have exclusives all over combined with a total lack of information and it's helping nobody.

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Just how many did they have for sale, it cannot have been more than 100,000 in the UK surely - people have been struggling to get on ever since it went live.

If you are going to sell it online at a price way below the bricks and mortar outlets you need to be better prepared than this.

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It was sold out in 20 mins mykey. I couldn't order one as site kept crashing. Then by 8.40 I realised it was now out of stock. I can't imagine they even had 100k for sale. At least half that.

Joke, they look like amatures because they are. How can Samsung release the S3 to millions of sales no problem, never out of stock. Yet LG and Google can barely manage a site working to sell 50k devices. Never mind the volumes apple can sell.

Such a daft moronic idea not to take pre orders. Amatures

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Well, I think I'll just go buy a Galaxy Nexus on ebay. As expected there it a torrent of ones up now. No less that 10 finishing this evening all still at or under 100 quid. I'll take one for less than 150 as it represents a 40 quid profit from the sale of my current Galaxy Nexus. Will get it by Friday too.

It's probably the best idea at this stage. Galaxy Nexus will get 4.2 in the next dew days and I love this phone anyway. It'll take pressure off my attempted timing gamble Nexus switch.

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After owning a Nexus 7 for the last week, I've decided to sell it on eBay and try and recoup as much as possible.

Strange thing to say. Why would you need to try and recoup as much as possible? They can't make enough at the moment and are selling on eBay for more than brand new when available. You make it sound like nobody wants them when actually they're massively in demand.

After reading all the positive reviews, I was pretty excited to break free of the Apple shackles and get my first try of Android. Unfortunately, If I've taken anything away from the experience, it's made me want to stick with Apple products even more.

Really surprising as it's probably the best experience you'll have of Android. If you can't enjoy using a Nexus 7, then Android definitely isn't for you.

My main problems with the device were:

  • Play Store - This is my biggest frustration. 99% of the apps aren't made to utilise the tablet screen, they are just extended phone apps. It may come off as an Apple fanboy comment but it's no where near as enjoyable using an App like Flipboard on the Nexus compared to the iPad. Obviously the selection isn't as good as the App Store either.

Again, a bit of a far out opinion from the norm. Firstly, in general you don't have 2 separate apps for phone or tablet on Android. Apps are designed to scale to whatever screen size is running them. That way you don't have to pay for different versions like in iWorld. I'm trying to think of any of the 100 or so apps I have on the 7 which don't look perfectly fine scaled up, but I can't.

  • Chrome - I love using Chrome on my PC but I think the Android version needs a few tweeks. The URL/Tab bar takes up far too much of the screen (makes a big impact on the small 7" Nexus screen). I like to hold the tablet in landscapre so it takes a lot of scrolling to get to the bottom of a page. The bar should simply disapear as you scroll down the page (giving you more contect). There was also quite a lot of times e.g. BBC website where the mobile version of the site would load. Obviously I can select the option to request the desktop version, but why can't I have a setting that does that automatically everytime?

I get along with Chrome fine but I'm a portraiter. If you don't like it why not just install Firefox, Dolphin etc instead? Surely Chrome on iPad mini will work exactly the same?

Maybe I should've done a bit more researtch pre purchase, or possibly my expectations were far too high for a device that only costs £159.99. Either way, I'm pretty disappointed. I've been into the Apple store since purchasing the Nexus to see how the new mini stacks up. I know it's obviously £100 more but I think the screensize is perfect (although not as high a resolution as the Nexus). I think once my Nexus has sold, I'll spend the extra money and purchase one.

My mate was round my house yesterday. He's got an iPhone and iPad and was thinking of the getting the mini. He played with my 7 for an hour and texted me today to say he's just bought a 7 because he was trying them both out together at PC World and the mini felt awful. It's what everyone else says too, they're awkward to hold and difficult to pick up. There is nowhere to hold your thumb as the screen goes too close to the edge. Also as you say, the resolution is a fair bit lower than the 7, so you'll get less on screen.

I think I may have succummed to Apple and their ways. They have the standard devices for the majority of app developers so will naturally get the best (although this may change as Android gets more and more popular). I've simply invested too much money in my apps and the prospect of redoing that with another OS doesn't interest me.

Apple developers have to test with all combinations of various iOS with iPods, iPhone 2, 3,, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5, iPad 1, 2, 3, iPad Mini. That's a good 30 combinations even allowing for lack of support for old versions of iOS. How is that any easier than testing with the most popular Android devices and later OS revisions?

Android is on 75% market share vs 14.9% for iOS, and Android developers are in massive demand:



Obviously some of that is your opinion, no problem, but you're quite far wrong with some of it.

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Those figures are very misleading when you take into consideration how many handsets and such Android is actually used on as opposed to iOS. There are far more Android devices so you would expect their market share to be higher.

I've had a go on both the Nexus 7 and the iPad Mini and actually prefer the latter. The screen isn't as sharp as on the Nexus 7, yet the shape seems nicer to me. I'm big on films and am quite a perfectionist but the iPad Mini screen looked pretty crisp displaying films anyway. Plus the build quality is much better and I can't see the issues with holding it in your hand at all. I'm now considering getting the iPad Mini as I know I'll be sticking with Android phones. This would allow me to have two different OS experiences in my portable devices. I know it's paying a premium for an Apple product that has old tech but sometimes it's nice to own a flashy product.

Now, onto phones. The Nexus 4 is really tempting me although I know I should probably wait. I've currently got the Galaxy S2 and my contract expires around May/June next year if I remember right. Would you splash on the Nexus 4 or wait to see what comes out between now and then?

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Those figures are very misleading when you take into consideration how many handsets and such Android is actually used on as opposed to iOS. There are far more Android devices so you would expect their market share to be higher.

How is that misleading? It's not pretending to show anything different.

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Just got my New 3G Galaxy Tab 7.7.

Jaw -> Floor.

This is a stunning stunning piece of hardware. It's super thin, feels lovely and light, and premium. I have an iPad 2 here and it's more premium than that, the cold feel of aluminium in the hand is as premium as it gets. Now the screen, holy jesus. Super Amoled Plus in this size, for a huge Amoled fan this is the most beautiful screen I've ever seen. Just wow.

I type this post on my Samsung Series 9. the most beautiful and amazingly well make piece of hardware I've ever seen, more premium than a Macbook Air in every way. The Tab 7.7 is the tablet equivalent of that level of hardware quality. It just makes you ask why on earth don't they make a phone this premium? I mean they are stunning piece of hardware. I dream of a Galaxy S IV that's aluminium.

I don't want to actually use it now out of fear of ruining this perfect moment buy using touchwiz on ICS on a dual core cpu.

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At least a 3 day wait for Nexus 4 to reappear on the play store according to posts on CDA.

Surprisingly there is a armour on there that Argos will have the 16gig Nexus 4 in two weeks time and will retail for same price as Play store but presumably there won't be a delivery charge.

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Am I right in thinking the nexus 10 was released today?

Has any one had a play on one yet or heard any reports?

I can't decide on a nexus 7 or 10 it's to share with my girlfriend, mainly to watch films and read. I liked the look of the 7 but she thinks its too small

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