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I was the gheyest of all. At about 14 years old, me and my mates created ourselves on WCW/nWo revenge. (The best wrestling game at the time). We would go to my mates every Tues and Thurs before boys club (also sounds ghey)hunder on a T. We would do Nitro on a Tues and Thurs and pay per views every four Sundays. I was the leader of the wWo and 2 time world champion. We would write down the results and produce wWo magazine with loads of scanned pics with our heads pasted onto wrestlers using paint.

After each show we would go to boys club and wrestle all night and play entrance themes in the disco room, neglecting the perfectly good 5 a side football pitch. We got suspended for wrestling too much once.

I hate me.

Goodness me that is glorious :lol:

Anyone sad enough to have been in an eFed? Ah the good old days...

Is that one of those things on a forum where all the matches are just text, and the members of the forum that participate make their own bio's and stuff? I've seen them before, I remember the one that was on 606, but I hadn't got the faintest idea what was going on or why you'd even do it

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Anyone sad enough to have been in an eFed? Ah the good old days...

Is that one of those things on a forum where all the matches are just text, and the members of the forum that participate make their own bio's and stuff? I've seen them before, I remember the one that was on 606, but I hadn't got the faintest idea what was going on or why you'd even do it

Yeah pretty much. You create your own wrestler then you 'roleplay' by posting the promos that build up to your match, and usually whoever has the best promo will win the match on the weekly card. You also build fueds and storylines along the way, win titles etc. The old efeds back in the day were amazing.

A classic example

Look at the HTML on that!

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God dammit i love cm punk. That promo with hunter was quality. Thought it was going to fizzle out but they both came back strong. I could sense hunter genuinely wanted to punch punk. Brilliant stuff.

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I agree but part of me wants cena vs punk at summerslam in a unification match, punk wins, next night on raw comes out with a briefcase and unveils the old title. Then feud with Hunter and other title opponents or whatever.

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Start was excellent.

Ending was crap.

You could tell from the crowd how telegraphed the summerslam match was. HHH announces it to deadly silence in the crowd as everyone shrugs and goes "is that it? We guessed that".

The dueling chants was pretty crap as well because of the ridiculous amount of kids, girls, and middle aged single still live in their mom's basement men that will cheer Cena no matter what. God I hate Cena.

Speaking of hating Cena, why the **** did they bring out Johnny Ace just so Cena could come out and essentially rehash CM Punk's promo? Oh wait, it's because CM Punk's promo was gold, and you can't have anyone upstage Cena, so he came out and failed at being funny.

What could be a great angle is being ruined by two things:

1) HHH has to put himself over at every possible opportunity.

2) Cena has to be put over at every possible opportunity.

The WWE would be a MUCH better place without Cena, they're so hand tied with him because they made the mistake of letting him get so big at the expense of all others. If there were a number of big sellers, like there was in the attitude era, they could do a storyline like this MUCH better. Now, with the entire roster built to support one man, they can't do shit without worrying about destroying their one money maker.

I want Cena to get busted for steroids (the guys obviously on human growth hormone, he has the classic GH belly) so they can rebuild the WWE around a roster of talent not just one guy.

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hhh gonna knock the tatoos of cms skinny fat ass...? how does that work

Meant to reply to that before, seen a fair few people pick up on this, and loads of people seem to think it was a botch when it's not.

"Skinny-fat" is a term used to describe someone who's skinny, but has no real muscle mass, so despite being skinny, they still look fat.

It describes CM Punk pretty well, because he's got the obvious fat places despite being quite thin. It's also why he hasn't really had a big push before, despite being an amazing wrestler, he doesn't really have the superstar look.

So, whilst it sounded weird and a lot of people won't have got it (because honestly, outside the fitness crowd hardly anyone knows it) it's exactly the sort of thing HHH would have called CM Punk to piss him off.

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hhh gonna knock the tatoos of cms skinny fat ass...? how does that work

Meant to reply to that before, seen a fair few people pick up on this, and loads of people seem to think it was a botch when it's not.

"Skinny-fat" is a term used to describe someone who's skinny, but has no real muscle mass, so despite being skinny, they still look fat.

It describes CM Punk pretty well, because he's got the obvious fat places despite being quite thin. It's also why he hasn't really had a big push before, despite being an amazing wrestler, he doesn't really have the superstar look.

So, whilst it sounded weird and a lot of people won't have got it (because honestly, outside the fitness crowd hardly anyone knows it) it's exactly the sort of thing HHH would have called CM Punk to piss him off.

Maybe it's because unlike Cena, Punk isn't on steroids

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Maybe it's because unlike Cena, Punk isn't on steroids
Yeah but you can not be on steroids and still not have the bodyfat CM Punk has :P

Cena's body is absolutely disgusting though, did you see the picture he put on twitter? There's literally no way he's not juicing.

I'd say the majority of the WWE locker room is on steroids, the wellness program simply can't detect the majority of the designer PEDs.

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I love Survivor Series 98. Deadly game tournament.

Raw is getting predictable again already. What's the betting summerslam features, Zigger v Riley, Miz v Morrison, Kingston v Del Rio and Truth v's Rey?

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