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Someone in my office has the same ringtone as I use for my alarm. When it rings I have this horrible cold shudder as I associate that noise with the pain of dragging my arse out of bed at 5:45.

I know the feeling.


My old nokia used to have an alarm that started as just one very small beep. It would just sound once. Then about 2 seconds later it would have a few more beeps a bit louder, then a few more beeps even louder etc etc


anyway, That small beep was usually enough to wake me. but whenever I heard the same tone of beep anywhere else in the world, it would  send shivers down my spine. It wasn't uncommon to see me shuddering as my shopping got scanned through the till at tesco

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Someone in my office has the same ringtone as I use for my alarm. When it rings I have this horrible cold shudder as I associate that noise with the pain of dragging my arse out of bed at 5:45.

I know the feeling.


My old nokia used to have an alarm that started as just one very small beep. It would just sound once. Then about 2 seconds later it would have a few more beeps a bit louder, then a few more beeps even louder etc etc


anyway, That small beep was usually enough to wake me. but whenever I heard the same tone of beep anywhere else in the world, it would  send shivers down my spine. It wasn't uncommon to see me shuddering as my shopping got scanned through the till at tesco


I still use my old Nokia as my alarm clock and the same thing happens to me when I hear that familiar beeping. Does jolt me slightly more awake though.

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"You look cool in that NY Yankees baseball cap" was said by nobody, ever.

probably because I haven't worn mine yet.


but when I do...



I look cool in mine. But it's pretty plain.



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You could always use a CD player with a different CD every day. Or an mp3 player on shuffle, timed.

"CD"? What is this "CD" you speak of?



That's why I added the mp3 bit. Or I expect you could do some clever shit with Spotify and a timer.

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Make your owne CD with different artist`s and different songs,that should last a few weeks, surely ?


Dunno what CD's you buy but most rewritable CD's have an 80 minute max

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Ah, but you see the organisation i'm referring to (The Housing Executive), their policies are a matter of public record. Its strange to assume otherwise since they are a governmental institution.

I'm sorry but what?

I said you believe that other people's tenancies (other than those policies that are a matter of public record) are your business - that's an implicit acknowledgement that the policies of a public body are going to be a matter of public record and not a 'strange assumption otherwise'.

Secondly what is the point of having a tenancy agreement if neither party is going to adhere to the rules and regulations within that agreement...

Generally, it should be up to the parties involved (i.e. the tenant and the landlord) as to whether the other party fulfills its obligations under the tenancy.

...and thirdly the point which you have conveniently ignored. If councils and in my case 'The Housing Executive' have no responsibility for their tenant, why do they evict?

I haven't conveniently ignored anything.

Why do councils sometimes evict people for anti-social behaviour? Because it is the last resort to deal with the anti-social behaviour and not because they have responsibility for the behaviour itself.

I'm having a few guesses here (and any lawyers may well put me right) but it strikes me that:

The councils may have responsibilty directly to their other tenants to allow them quiet enjoyment; they may have a general responsibility to the community at large to try and do something about it (that is not a responsibility for the behaviour), and they ought to be held to account by the public to adhere to their policies (which is why you may well get some joy if you take it further up the food chain and complain that they haven't followed through on their public policy). They may well have fiduciary duties to the public concerning the use of assets, too, I suppose.

What has happened in your posts is you've gone from a reasonable position of being angry at having an awful neighbour and not having the problem dealt with to your satisfaction to some nonsense about landlords having responsibilty for their tenants' actions (even though, as you acknowledge, court decisions do not support this - save for if they do something which means they adopt that responsibility).

I do feel sorry for the predicament in which you find yourself but I must admit that feeling is waning by the post.

Edited by snowychap
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You could always use a CD player with a different CD every day. Or an mp3 player on shuffle, timed.

"CD"? What is this "CD" you speak of?



In a few years time they'll take over from the cassette tapes you're still using.

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"You look cool in that NY Yankees baseball cap" was said by nobody, ever.

probably because I haven't worn mine yet.


but when I do...



I look cool in mine. But it's pretty plain.





You sure do. :thumb:

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You could always use a CD player with a different CD every day. Or an mp3 player on shuffle, timed.

"CD"? What is this "CD" you speak of?



In a few years time they'll take over from the cassette tapes you're still using.



You say that, but...

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You could always use a CD player with a different CD every day. Or an mp3 player on shuffle, timed.

"CD"? What is this "CD" you speak of?



In a few years time they'll take over from the cassette tapes you're still using.



You say that, but...



Brilliant! And people snort when I tell them my car still has a tape player!


Bring back 8-tracks!

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