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Gief Sam in my group tonight.

Proves point exactly.

One shadowpriest in healer group, keeps healers topped up in mana and VE heals them from environmental damage. Ditto in DPS caster group.

Now we are getting Paladins dinging 70 and in reasonable gear, and that respecs are a lot more affordable as gold is so damn easy to get these days its slowing dawning on me that Priests are a DPS/utility class, not a mainhealer class.

Swap a DPS druid for a DPS priest and get that Druid to go Tree and we could be onto something.

I think ill stick it up on the CL forums of Wowrush.com

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Oh well wont be online until 21.30 something due to football practise. Hope you still get a raid together. Think Hoork will heal aswell. First 90 min will probably go to buffing, grouping, trash and a wipe try anyway.

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and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking

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If you clearing in the woods cloth for 37,800 then expect....


.... A picture of you dead with some snot coming out of your nose!

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If you clearing in the woods cloth for 37,800 then expect....

.... A picture of you dead with some snot coming out of your nose!

Gratz on the Gruul kill!!

We are heading in there for the first time this Friday 13th. Any tips you can share?

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Bring plenty of gold for repairs, and hope to **** you have a few tanks who can take 10k hits.

Mulgar is the tricker fight to learn i think. The pull is pretty much the entire fight and once you have figured out the pull and kill order then its not bad at all. Just figuring it out is the problem as your first few pulls will probably be 20 second wipes.

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and bandages. Bring more bandages than you ever think you'll need. Only tanks get heals.

and learn to run sideways fast.

and make sure the entire raid has bigwigs installed.

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How annoying is this?

I have a day off today and had planned to use it to get a couple of levels and all realms are off until 1500 Paris time!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blizzard you total rocket polishers!!!


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How annoying is this?

I have a day off today and had planned to use it to get a couple of levels and all realms are off until 1500 Paris time!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blizzard you total rocket polishers!!!


Tarren Mill is up and running right now, ive alt tabbed out to type this message!

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How annoying is this?

I have a day off today and had planned to use it to get a couple of levels and all realms are off until 1500 Paris time!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blizzard you total rocket polishers!!!


Did you re-roll on TM?

And if so what is char name?


'See-I do post'

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Threat detected -

C:\Program Files\\World of Warcraft\fmod.dll

Trojan Horse Generic5.jmy.

using AVG.All down loads from Blizzrd,not mirrors.

According to OS its a false positive,but stopping AVG makes no odds.Nor reloading a

clean version of fmod.dll.

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