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Did my first two heroics since returning last night, a Mechanar and a Furnace with Nays, didn't go too badly all things considered.

You should really do heroics Riss. The badge rewards at the healing side is only focused at hybrids or Paladins/Shamans, so you can get some really nice gear there.

If you want a decent healing mace, beeing Murmurs Truncheon i think its called, you should do Slabs heroic.

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Should be getting these bad boys this week.


The War is definitely taking shape now. I have noticed I always seem to be near the top of the dmg charts in BG so I must be doing something right.

Want to get a 3v3 and 5v5 team added to mine and Risso's 'Villains' team. Anyone fancies a bash give us a shout.

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Did my first two heroics since returning last night, a Mechanar and a Furnace with Nays, didn't go too badly all things considered.

Heroics are ace, I healed a horribly undergeared Yggdrassil in Slave Pens last night with no wipes, 24 badges on my pala now, 1 more and I can get a cloak, ring or neck.

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Well im gonna type this as im kinda stuttering at vent talking :lol:

Well the point was, which i tried to state last night at VT, that if you want badges and primal nethers (i also need just one primal nether with Renew.. but its so hard to get when your not revered :( ) you should just join our heroic runs as DPS. Firstly you know how to play a warrior when it comes to dps, and warriors can actually dish out a decent amount aswell.

And another essential point is that tanking in heroics doesnt just mean you have to be prot. You have to have decent tanking gear aswell. Ive healed many a tank without the gear and spec, and its no point really. Just stick with what you fancy and can.

Horses for courses innit? God i rawk at idioms :lol:

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Yeah but he said last night that he already was revered with several factions. Or atleast thats how i heard it, might be my bad.

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I'm Exalted with Mag'Har and Revered with Scryers.

Tbh, Instances won't be a priority for a while, especially with the War. Maybe when the Mage gets to 60-70 I'll do more with him but BG/Arena and quests are my main concern for the Warrior.

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I'm Exalted with Mag'Har and Revered with Scryers.

You need Cenarian Exp, Thrallmar, Keepers of time, Lower City and Sha'tar rep for heroics.

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I'm Exalted with Mag'Har and Revered with Scryers.

You need Cenarian Exp, Thrallmar, Keepers of time, Lower City and Sha'tar rep for heroics.

Is that all? Easy.

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Firstly shadowpriests are probably the most efficient endgame caster. You will have people like Gone who compares Sam's endgame efficiancy with his 'cycles' while grinding. Mind Flay is über efficient. Having improved talents in Mind Blast cooldown, then to moan about your efficiancy is just amusing.

For any PvE situation you will only need + dmg, and the extra mp5 you aquire is just a bonus. Your role is not to max you burst damage. You dont have to blow Mind Blast each cooldown, both dots and SW:D to improve your general dps. You role is to keep debuffs up and keep steady dps, and with Mind Flay alone and SW:P you will do massive damage, and have extreme efficiancy. Vampiric Touch in itself is regentastic, and as a raiding priest id say meditation is fairly useless atm aswell.

If you still believe mp5 gear is the way to, you should check some of the hardcore shadowpriest raiders, and look up their gems and gear. Only thing thats essential EVER = +damage. Everything you bring as raid support/utility debuffing class is improved with the more spellpower you got. If you claim you cant keep up your mana bar with VT and MF, then you seriously need to rethink what the hell you have been doing.

Didn't realise I was so poor at my class to be honest,or I understood so little of the mechanics of the game.

What the hell have I been doing? - quite obviously very badly.

Perhaps you can show me these 'uber' shadowpriests so I can see what I should have been doing instead before I delete my crappy toon?

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