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Every cloud has a silver lining, and a canceled Karazhan lead to Oblivion Spaulders dropping at the twelfth time of asking (according to mobinfo anyway)


I cut quite a dash now! Went off to Area 52 for some PvP. Me and Sam vs The Alliance! (at one point, one mage, one warlock and at least three Rogues. terrain abuse ftw)

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If anyone is on later tonight (after 10) and fancies giving me a hand, I have the quest for SFK. :D

Thanks again Riss. Nice to see that SFK has lost none of it's attraction. 8)


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Level 39 Dranei Mage meets Renew. Renew is evil. Renew attacks with me spellock darling. Mage gets affected by Curse of Tongues. Mage wants to run. Renew finds CoEx a more fun alternative. Mage dies.

:clap: :nod: :hooray:

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Apologies if this has been copied before, but it makes an interesting listen, as a radio interview from Wowradio with the high end guild, Nihilum.

About 3/4 through the interview, the presenter asks the guys from Nil if any classes are screwed and need some serious work. Their immediate response: Priests, holy priests (not shadow, they're absolutely fine).

Also worth noting they take 3 paladins for healing, and only one holy priest in raids.

Seriously, when the people pulling of world first's, who know the game inside out, playing it on a daily basis, and deal with the most challenging content give an opinion, it might be worth listening. You can tell me, in the usual no-brainer, cheap shot response to "l2p", but that doesn't quite wash with the people at the highest point of achievement in WoW. This isn't about skill, it's about raw class balance.

Seriously Blizz, when the Main healing class is being outperformed by Hybrids in raw healing, let alone the vast, vast disparity in the survivabilty and versatility of the hybrids versus Holy Priests, coupled with the fact that our off-spec, as Shadow Priests, is out performing raw dps classes, and proving a shedload of support healing and mana to boot, you really need to step in and do some development work here.

This just looks plain sloppy at the moment.


I only listened to the PvE part, and priest healing issue. The priest theme is around 3/4 through the bar.

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So what do you think the role of hybrids should be in raids? Not healing as thats priests? not tanking cause thats warriors... Paladins can't dps, so we're down to cleansing and buffing again. Great fun. You have to be careful going down that road with the main classes, otherwise half the classes in the game are redundant end game.

On a single target a paladin is better than a priest, but we lack aoe heals. I'd swop some of that power for an aoe heal for the 5 mans for sure.

What would yu do with this? Make paladins worse healers, or buff holy priest tree? In which case what to do about shadow?

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Hybrids are a jack of all trades class. They should NEVER out perform a class which is so to speak pure when it comes to endgame roles.

Personally they could nerf shadow to **** regarding PvE if we could become what the class is intended to be..the best healing option.

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So paladins, shamans and druids are all screwed then. Why would you take them? They can stand outside the instance and buff.

Theres gotta be a few situations where they can do something better than other classes. I dont think priests have a right to be the best healers in every situation. Neither does any other class.

But I guess Im talking from a holy paladin point of view- in fact thats one thing that annoys me about wow forums, most of the "omg buff this nerf that" crys arent about balance at all. Everyone wants their class to be the best for pve and pvp.

BTW I love the way shadow priests are at the moment, shadow priest plus holy pally plus tank= victory. First person I want in a grp after me.

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No they arent screwed they are healers in plate, mail with totems, buffs, higher survivability, lesser threat. A priest does indeed have the rights on beeing the best healer in all situations regarding PvE, like Warriors have the right to be the prime tank.

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