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I wonder how many readers who regulary read this thread, without playing the game or leaving any posts!

Regular reader here....

.... but also a player and an occasional poster.

That level 1 is priceless, Rev. I did some PvP with a pug in Halaa a couple of days ago and noticed a level 28 on the alliance side. He was one-shotted by someone before I could even get close. Easiest token ever. :lol:

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I read- cause its interesting to hear about a raiding guild and all the stuff that goes with being part of 1. I dont post cause Im alliance and just get abuse.... Im 68 cracking along the instances and enjoying actually main tanking the first few sets of instances. I've respecced to prot paladin, so cant actually kill anything but man does it take a long time to kill me. Its great for me to be able to play the game alongside my brother whos back in birmingham while im in london.

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I read- cause its interesting to hear about a raiding guild and all the stuff that goes with being part of 1. I dont post cause Im alliance and just get abuse.... Im 68 cracking along the instances and enjoying actually main tanking the first few sets of instances. I've respecced to prot paladin, so cant actually kill anything but man does it take a long time to kill me. Its great for me to be able to play the game alongside my brother whos back in birmingham while im in london.

Alliance filth! Kill him! KILL HIM!!



I'm ignorant of all things pally. If you dont do much damage, do you have something similar to taunt to hold aggro? And doesnt your aggro drop if you bubble?

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I'm ignorant of all things pally. If you dont do much damage, do you have something similar to taunt to hold aggro? And doesnt your aggro drop if you bubble?

We have righteous defence- which taunts up to 3 mobs off a target, can cast blessing of protection on a caster if they have aggro (instantly reduces their threat), and can cast blessing of salvation at the start ofa battle which reduces others threat. I also have a buff that increases my holy threat by 50%. I can also spam my aoe to help keep aggro on multiple mobs.

Bubbling does lose aggro true- You only use it when things are going badly wrong and you're about to die. I guess the best tactic is bubble- then taunt.

Have you guys grouped with a be pally yet? Ive seen a few draenei shamans knocking around but havent grouped with them yet.

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I read this thread a lot but as it seems to be more of an extension to your guild I don't see much point in posting :)

My Druid is Lvl 70 now and is a damn good tank with feral spec and its good to be actually able to kill most other classes now, Yay for Druids not being a free kill anymore :)

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They are still easy to kick the shit out of in PvP though. Probably my easiest fight now the super stunlock they had in the bullshit patch is no more. :mrgreen:

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Like PW:S, Iceblock, Paladin Bubble?

How about this, casters should get full armour penetration, and all their spells completely negate the targets armour, and they can do so from 30 yards away. Oh, wait....

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Must be nice not having to worry about armour...

Dont you think that when attacking a cloth wearer? ;)

Seriously though, why dont you just let it go Dan?

For the cloth classes it breaks down like this:

We have **** all mitigation against physical. You need more armour at level 70 than you did at level 60 for a given percentage mitigation against physical damage. Cloth Armour scores have stayed static and value of that static number has gone down. Given the new Mage and Lock armour spells the static number has dropped too. Cloth at 70 is about a 10% mitigation on physical, down from the 20% or so it was at level 60. We have no dodge. We have no parry. We dont have the defenses against physical that you take for granted.

Then spells come into play? Well, we got the same mitigation against magic as you have. **** all. Cloth gear doesnt have more resists than leather/mail/plate. Sure, we can silence, but we have less silence spells than you do, and on longer cooldowns. Our ways of slowing down or interupting cast times pale into insignificance against the options a Rogue/Warrior/Feral has at its disposal. So our defenses suck against physical and magical attacks. Melee defenses only suck against magical.

Of course from this standing point there are any number of special abilities, dirty tricks and exceptions to the rule, but its still the building point that everything else is based on. You need to get close to us to kill us. We need to keep you away to stay alive. Thats the game.

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