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In BF.

Pug with stupidest most immature and unintelligent mage on earth.

Fires away pyroblast, starts aoe and so on before warrior even has any chance of geting aggro.

Ofc he dies a few times and causes some wipes. We have an argument and he says "i dont heal him fast enough". Anyways, i win the argument and shut him up.

TIme goes by and im starting to run out of water.

Me: I need some new water please.

Mage: LOl U THINK I GIVE U WATER NOW? 1g/stack for YOu!!

Me: Ok, nvm then.


Once again, mage is once again in trouble with aggro:


Me: Flash Heal 3g. Greater Heal 5g. Shield 50g.

Mage dies.

Mage has left the group.


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Not much to do with WoW, but I'm pleased to buggery anyway. Managed to pass the three accountancy exams I took before Christmas, which included a stonking 76% in Business Taxation! Nerf!

Congratulations mate.

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Not much to do with WoW, but I'm pleased to buggery anyway. Managed to pass the three accountancy exams I took before Christmas, which included a stonking 76% in Business Taxation! Nerf!


but seriously, big congrats fella! Good work!


Finally updated for all classes. Shaman got added today. Always the first thing i look at when deciding which instance to run. Old site yeah, but its worth plugging once in a while.

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Did some math on my spellpower in raids with misery and weaving stacked (only self buffed debuffs ofc.) and apparantly i had 1515.55 effective spellpower last night :o :shock:

I wonder if ive done it the right way, but i think that is fairly accurate.

And i have quite poor gear and zero enchants!

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In BF.

Pug with stupidest most immature and unintelligent mage on earth.

Fires away pyroblast, starts aoe and so on before warrior even has any chance of geting aggro.

Ofc he dies a few times and causes some wipes. We have an argument and he says "i dont heal him fast enough". Anyways, i win the argument and shut him up.

TIme goes by and im starting to run out of water.

Me: I need some new water please.

Mage: LOl U THINK I GIVE U WATER NOW? 1g/stack for YOu!!

Me: Ok, nvm then.


Once again, mage is once again in trouble with aggro:


Me: Flash Heal 3g. Greater Heal 5g. Shield 50g.

Mage dies.

Mage has left the group.

Heh heh... that's class. :lol:

Any of you lot got your own stories of woe?

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Well,there is a certain mage known to us,who had an inordinate amount of trouble grasping the Carrot on a Stick q....despite 3 out of the five having already done it,and the other member understanding about 'turning in to get reward' system used extensively in WoW....

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Got a personal favourite (actually, a guild favourite).

It was a UBRS pug run pre BC that included a couple of my guildies. I got called in after they killed the beast since one of their raid "had to go" - a sure sign something was wrong.

And it was.

They had a druid in the PUG who decided going moonkin for the entire run was the way to go. He simply refused to heal, spending all his mana on moonfire spams and trying to off tank in that form despite numerous pleas to help heal and a couple of wipes.

We eventually managed to get Drek down - somehow. The moonkin druid asked for DPS meters to be shown and justified his staying in moonkin the entire time with this gem: "4th on the dps raid charts!"

But still behind the player who left after killing the beast.

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Well,there is a certain mage known to us,who had an inordinate amount of trouble grasping the Carrot on a Stick q....despite 3 out of the five having already done it,and the other member understanding about 'turning in to get reward' system used extensively in WoW....

Haha. I wonder if he has put that in his sig or not to confuse 99% of the forum users who will have no way of understanding the refrence? I certainly hope so!

I guess ours was back when we were farming URBS in pickups.

I think there would have been 15 of us in there? Anyway, i was going in for drops from Rend, Dan needed the Shadowcraft tunic from Drakki. Only we had another Rogue, Ikails. Yes. I still remember his name despite this being over a year ago.

Server wide famous arsehole. Alarm bells were ringing before we even went in.

Anyway, the run to Rend went relatively peacefully as i recall. A couple of people had to leave after Rend died because "something very important" had just came up. Always comes up after Rend, doesnt it? It had to take a turn for the worse and sure enough, it did...

We get to The Beasts room and after much whining from me i get people to kill the trash in the room before The Beast before pulling the boss. The logic here is 1] we have to kill them eventually anyway. 2] People who just want a drop from the beast (Finkles Skinner?) have been known to **** off after The Beast dies leaving a particularly difficult room of trash to clear a man or two light.

So, trash clearing commences and its going quite well. Then we hear a loud roar and a giant dog with two heads comes steaming at DPS low on hitpoints and healers low on mana. We wipe.

Ikails: "But i have 5/5 in master of deception, i didnt think he would see me!"

So instead of helping clear the room he had decided to leave us to the boring things like killing trash and dance in stealth in front of a level ?? boss. Wipe.

Anyway, thats annoying but its not over yet. We killed the beast. We killed all the trash on the bridge. We start clearing the packs in Drakkis room. Dan inspects Ikails.

Ikails had been wearing a Shadowcraft tunic from the moment we walked into Blackrock Spire, all the way through every bit of trash, the fire boss, the egg boss, anvilcrack, rend, the beast, the trash on the bridge but now we get to Drakkis room he has a green "of the monkey" chestpiece equipped.

Dan obviously challenged him on this. He was going to roll need on an item he already had "because it would be funny". Honestly, there are some arseholes out there but if there is a bigger one on the Horde side than Ikails, im yet to meet him.

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Are any of you guys engineers? I got it to 355 but theres no point in levelling it further that I can see.

Also a quick noob question- which addon is the dmg/healing/tanking meters or is it a macro that I dont know? Generally dont use them myself though a few guys use them- keep on forgeting to ask them.

my favourite crap run story- is when I did strat with 2 guildees and 2 randoms, 1 random struggled with english. The only thing he said was whenever anyone stopped for drinks was to shout "GO GO. YOU NO KILL BOSSES I GO. MUST KILL BOSSES".

It still gets yelled at random points in every guild run now as the tale as spread.

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Engineering is getting a rewamp or whatever you call it, in one of the future patches

Regarding your meters i guess you mean sw:stats or klm threatmeter, but not sure what you mean tbh.

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Im an Engineer. Its still only 300, and yes, the profession does seem a bit weak now because all the trinkets that you used to be able to make have been moved into other professions. Leatherworking has an AOE fear and a mount speed equip trinket. Jewelcrafting has green trinkets better than the level 375 Engineering ones and all the new grenades cant be used in the arena and look like they cost 50 or 60 gold to make, still no recipes from exhalted status with any faction (and thats why most people rep grind, isnt it?). It really does feel like Engineering has been **** over. I only keep it because i cant be arsed to level another profession at the moment and of course, the teleport to Gadgetzan is quite handy for the Caverns of Time instances.

There has been a blue post saying that Engineering is getting a massive revamp because it has been somewhat **** over. You can see it here which is a response to a huge "has engineering been left to die?" thread which you can find here

So yes, Blizz admit that Engineers got somewhat **** over and the profession is fairly pointless at the moment. It was never designed to be a money maker, it was for PvP and for fun. Both of those got removed. So, ill wait on the revamp and see what they do with it i think.

As for Damage Meters? SW Stats is a brilliant bit of code.

Its very accurate. It synchronises with other people in your party who also have it to help accuracy further.

You will need to set the filters up, or it will try to record everything everybody does and lag if you have a shit PC. But if you change the "filter" (its in the S button on the box) to only collect data from you and your party, then its a joy. There are 5 channels on it (all numbered circles underneath the box) so you can have 5 meters running at once. Set them all to different things such as damage done, healing done, damage taken, death counter, DPS, spells used (which is awesome if you are nosy like me) or a bunch of other things. It will need Ace2 installed to work.

There is the more simplistic Damage Meters of course. But ive found this to be less accurate as it often misses stuff that the melee do if you are ranged or the ranged do if you are melee. They might have updated it to be more like SW Stats since i had it installed, but i still think it isnt as good as SW Stats.

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Mind Flay is really **** fantastic now. Keeping Vampiric Touch up, while doing Mind Flay, you will hardly spend mana on casting. Along with a shaman/paladin in the group...its really great now tbh.

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Mind Flay is really **** fantastic now. Keeping Vampiric Touch up, while doing Mind Flay, you will hardly spend mana on casting. Along with a shaman/paladin in the group...its really great now tbh.

I think all the casters will be pushing for a dedicated shadowpriest in 25 mans.

Weaving and Misery for the Locks, Misery for the Mages, Stick him in the healer group for mana regen on healers and you have some kickass buffs. Then you have a good DPS class, extra dispelling (you can mass dispel in shadow form, cant you?) and if it all goes pete tong, emergency extra healing. Im sure even narrow minded hunters will have to give in eventually!

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If the girly casters get a shadow priest then the manly melee need a DPS shaman. Shamanistic rage, stormstrike, blood lust, totemz etc I've reached 3300 AP with Dojan in my group, thats twice what I have unbuffed, and the damage I do is quite insane.

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We can dispel atleast, so i assume mass dispel is possible too. I think dispel along with mana burn etc. is shadow school. But we cant abolish disease or heal without moving out of shadowform.

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I do agree with you dan, but the problems with shamans is that they cant control their aggro. Until they get a patch buffing that, they wont be very viable IMO.

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If the girly casters get a shadow priest then the manly melee need a DPS shaman. Shamanistic rage, stormstrike, blood lust, totemz etc I've reached 3300 AP with Dojan in my group, thats twice what I have unbuffed, and the damage I do is quite insane.

If you are prepared to fill a melee DPS slot with an Enhancement Shammy, i cant see why this would be a problem.

the beauty of the Shadowpriest though is its like a Warlock. Its a debuffer. The things a Shadowpriest can do to up magical damage are cross raid debuffs. Its not tied to the "caster group" or the "healer group" so the priest can buff more than himself and four others. I dont know if this is true with a Shaman or not.

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If you are prepared to fill a melee DPS slot with an Enhancement Shammy, i cant see why this would be a problem.

the beauty of the Shadowpriest though is its like a Warlock. Its a debuffer. The things a Shadowpriest can do to up magical damage are cross raid debuffs. Its not tied to the "caster group" or the "healer group" so the priest can buff more than himself and four others. I dont know if this is true with a Shaman or not.

Shammies still drop totems for buffs, which still only affect 1 party.

We do have a problem with aggro (melee shammy) - every time we crit we apply a buff to all party members. That raises threat through the roof if coupled with a double windfury crit from both hands - which has happened.

The trick is to trinket and drop tranquil air. Also helps if you come in with faster weapons as your damage is less bursty but your DPS will also drop a bit.

That aside, a melee shaman is a rogue and fury warriors best friend.

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