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Well i really wanna do an instance tonight. Brd, ubrs, lbrs, DM, whatever. Even though i got a scholo quest if your up for it.

We need a healer too.... :mrgreen::hooray: :nod:

Here is my talents btw. Click

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Theorycraft ?

This is pretty cool.

It needs a bit of setting up, but a /theorycraft in game will do that.

It calculates what you hit for with the gear you have on.

Crit chance

Resist rate (and this adjusts from target to target, depending on level and i think after a bit, resists)

It changes when you change your gear.

You can see what difference it would make if you have full tier 1/tier 2/AQ40 or Tier 3.

You can put in your own gear and see what it does there.

You can ask it to put all kinds of things in the tooltip


this is me. Im targeting a level 9 undead outside of Orgrimmar and you can see it throws up what i can expect my searing pain to hit the target for. You can see the resist rate (its even got a little (9) where it is related to my target) and you can see if resists will affect the DPS of a spell being spammed.

You can also see what my other spells are expected to hit for on a target (ive asked for my average to include crits, as i figure i will be casting multiple spells against most things. If you want it to disregard crit data, it will) This number will change if there is a curse of elements/shadow or other debuff on your target.

With the resists thing, theorycraft aslo asks you to install a mod called Glock but ive only installed that myself today, so im not really up on it.

Theorycraft is well worth checking out though. Its easy to understand, easy to configure and it just sits there passively and does all the maths for you.

Also, i like my Cooldown Pulse. its great. You get a reminder of every cooldown on the game, whether it be Power Word: Shield, Mana Potion, Bandage even your Hearthstone when its ready to be used again.

Im not sure what else you might want.

The Outfitter mod i linked a few pages ago is quite good.

Just looking around Curse and seeing what appeals is never a bad thing.

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Oh, and Mute returns!

You know how ive always been adamant that there was no World of Roguecraft episode one?

There wasnt. But there will be in a couple of weeks

There is a downloadable trailer there. Its a naked rogue with one dagger almost killing a Warrior who is certainly wearing PvP rank 13 armour (which is on a par with the Blackwing Lair loot. Better than BWL loot for warriors who want to DPS and not tank in fact..) and may well have a rank 14 weapon.

Will we have a world of pissed off rogues again?

Is Mute the Cúnt that got Warlocks buffed?

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He just pointed out that it was physically impossible to cast any spell when a rogue had auto attack on near you because of interupts and as a caster with no melee abilites or escape spells whatsoever this was actually class cripplingly bad.

Blizz realised that he was in fact correct and took action.

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However, I think the recent announcement of a new Roguecraft video just goes to show that the guy simply has a chip on his shoulder about rogues. If he was genuine about wanting the game balanced as he puts forward in his videos, there would be *insert class*craft videos left, right and centre from him.

His videos are all about getting Rogues nerfed, not Warlocks buffed.

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Where did you get that idea from Sie?

Okay, his guild might be a hint... ;)


Took this screenie just before Hakkar last night.

Vampiric embrace ftw, but have you ever felt that you are just getting TOO MUCH INFORMATION from the game at some points?

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Wonder how i did dmg wise last night tbh. Really fun beeing dmg dealer for a change.

last healbot screenie taken before respec :P


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I made 100G in one of the weirdest hours I've ever endured in WOW, earlier this evening. It started off with a whisper from someone asking me to open strat gates (Scarlet side) for 20G. I of course obliged, it turned out the people I were helping out were 2 mages, both scouts, both unguilded and both kitted out in greens. But Christ, they knew what they were doing. They were Chinese Farmers.


I figured this out after watching their tactics, they basically pulled every single mob they could see, 2-3 groups at a time, thats like 20 odd mobs, half of which were elite, stuck this blizzard thing on them, and kited them about while aoeing the shit out of them, and they were killing everything.




It was mental, this was 2 poorly geared Mages pwning Strat Scarlet, I figured, whilst they might not have the gear, they must know these instances like the back of their hands from farming 24/7. They know exactly which spells to use, and when, and can kite around any number of mobs as long as they keep their distance.

So they know the instance inside out, but didn't have the key, thats where I came in, after helping them take down the Magistrate so they could get their own key, I got given more money, then I went and opened DM for them, more money, then I helped them kill the elemental for the water quest, more money. These guys were paying me BEFORE I'd done anything to help them, they were trading me all sorts of pots to ensure I stayed alive, God knows how much money they had, but from their knowledge of how to farm somewhere like Stratholme with just 2 (I was merely a bystander for most of it) I'd imagine they'd have made a fair bit.

So there we go, I got to see some proper Chinese Farmers in action and made shitloads while doing it!

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You mean the line that indicate fatigue etc?

Yeah, you have an empty outline that is on your screen all the time.

You can have it so the bar is only on display when you are actually casting something.


Make sure "hide outline" is ticked on both the bar and the mirror.

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Nays your screen is ridiculously cluuttered! How do you actually manage to play the game?! I use very few mods these days, prefer to play the game as it was intended.

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Its never like that normally Riss. That was exceptional, hence my screenshot.


You can see more of it here. Everyones favourite Alliance outside Orgrimmar.

Just wish i could have made it a bit better, but the bastard was already dead by the time i got there.

Still, replaced the sound of Evildan and Viskahn blethering away with the sound of one of the best bands in the world ever!

(view 800 please)

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