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How much money would you say you had made in the last month or so? From the time when you just had a pool of 100g you liked to sit on via the epic mount and to where you are now?

Im thinking best part of 1k? Maybe even more?

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Haha, that Alliance Rogue with the Horde account will be calling me worse than shit for a while, but basically it was a taste of its own medicine.

I came in from Stranglethorn Vale, jumped off the Zep before it got to the tower lost about 3500 hp, started summoning my imp and got ambushed. Luckily i got a couple of huge heals from random Horde and the managed to kill the Rogue as a result. Gank attempt failed, but remembered.

Then when the tables were turned and the Rogue had low health (well, 1 health to be specific after losing the duel to the Undead Warrior) and i wasnt flagged and was guaranteed the opener i think a bit of revenge was more than fair...

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Yeah I got an HK out of nowhere whilst fighting that **** Shaman (Starting duels in Ghost Wolf form surrounded by totems FTL......Just like in the real world eh?) 7 honour points as well, nice one!

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You should have just dispelled his Ghost Wolf Dan..

Anyway, have you seen Demolith is quitting?

He fell out with Mugs, who i can only assume by reading his goodbye post has gone all the way to Holland to shag one of the Dashers(!)


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^^Top bloke, he's suprisingly open about his relationship with Mugs and the Engorge situation, at least he was with me. Hopefully he'll be back for the expansion. And you gotta love the guild he's in.

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Cheers for the help in Scholo Sam, we blitzed that quest with ease, despite Dan's biting remarks on Vent!

I've now got nearly 30% chance of critting with lightning, which is nice!

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Cheers for the help in Scholo Sam, we blitzed that quest with ease, despite Dan's biting remarks on Vent!

I've now got nearly 30% chance of critting with lightning, which is nice!

Imba !! :-)

Anytime matey.Shadow heals rule.

now,who want to help me actually finish the ony chain?

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Errrm, never heard of him, who is he? I take it he was boning Mugs but now she's getting it from someone else?

Real life mingling with WoW eh?

An ex Dasher (before our time), with a cool name. We did a load of BRD runs together a few weeks ago to get the burning essence.

Anyway, it sounds like Risso has a mic, but doesn't know how to use it, L2P!

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Errrm, never heard of him, who is he? I take it he was boning Mugs but now she's getting it from someone else?

Real life mingling with WoW eh?

Yeah, thats the fella.

He knows a lot of the Dashers personally. I think he even lives with Gaiana.

Really nice guy actually.

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