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Yeah, it was. They got split up at XR, and the Ally Warrior, Hunter and Rogue (and especially the Rogue) who were left behind got a hell of a kicking. They had to come back to their bodies, cos spirit ressing and hearthing would have meant missing out on the raid, wouldnt it?

Anyway, they all ended up at Thunder Bluff. Some (about 15) made it up the lift, and they were sent down (the gravity way) with Priest mind control and Lock fear. Then the bulk of the Horde took the lift down, and trounced the rest. A couple of Ally stragglers got camped while the rest of them either Hearthed or legged it to Thousand Needles.


btw, While Sion gets some rest XP, Heelfaction just got 35 HK's in WG in one sitting. I like Mages alot. 8)

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Clothies are ace. Pretty graphics, and great damage dealing attacks.

Just you wait until the first time you are in an instance and you hit something so hard that you pull aggro from the tank and he cant get it back. The tank will call you a bastard, you will die, but at least you will look cool doing it!

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Its just nice to have a crack at both sorts of characters tbh. The Warrior is ace for just steaming in and shouting 'whose next bastards?!' while the Mage is ace for just standing there laughing whilst delivering a huge fireball up the ass of some poor unfortunate who he's frozen to the ground.

Just shows the wonderful scope of the game.

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Last night was unusual. Up in Felwood there is a quest where i needed to kill toxic horrors, some big elemental things, and as usual there were level 60 Alliance farming them. There was a level 60 hunter, and a level 60 Druid, im a 54 Lock and was with Sie, a 57 Rogue. The Hunter was too far away to see us, and the Druid blatantly wasnt interested in fighting us, nor were interested in fighting him.

Then the Druid came over to me. I got an emote.

Druid points at Hunter.

Druid glares angrily at Hunter.

Druid starts to charge.

Druid starts to charge.

Druid points at Hunter.

He was asking us to kill the Hunter! Now this ive never seen before. I replied with a "Nayson threatens Hunter with the wrath of doom" to confirm, the Druid clapped exitedly and cheered! He must have been pissed at the Hunter for tagging everything or something.

Anyway, we killed the Hunter FIVE times for the Druid. Huzzah!

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A similar thing happened with me, Tarj and Dan on the coast of Tanaris a couple of weeks a go. We were killing pirates for a quest, when a loan ally warrior kept attacking us, who we duly despatched. Then a group of about 4 higher level allies truned up, and we though "uh uh, here we go!" The warrior turned up again, attacked us again, died again, but the group of allies just stood round and laughed!

(Actually I should complete the background to this story. The night before this ally and myself had been helping each other out killing Wastewater Bandits in Tanaris. The next day, he rode past me, Dan and Tarj and waved at me. Unfortunately, my warning for the other two not to kill him came a bit too late, and they dropped him like a sack of shite! It must have really pissed him off, because when he respawned he came looking for me directly! I bet I'm on his shit list forever now!)

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limpid wrote:

I got turned into someone's minion last night. Twice.

hope you got paid well

You can turn someone into a sheep as well Al. Must be the Welsh coders working overtime.

Shame I can't turn into a graphics designer..... :-)

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Most of us are in a guild but its kinda pointless you being in there unless you are at least level 40. Most people in the guild are around level 50-60 now, and are in the guild to do the endgame instances and level 60 raids, which take 40 people. Pickup groups where you just meet people in Orgrimmar can be a nightmare, playing with people you know through the guild is a lot more of an attractive option. But you can get away without a guild until at least level 40, probably longer. If you do need help with something particularly tough though, just ask. Thats what we are here for. Tarj/Bicks/Dan and Riss certainly got it, and i dont have any problem with helping a fellow Villa fan out if im not busy doing something else.

Oh, and can i just give big props to feral druids? They **** rule. All druids should specialise in Feral. Then i think id want one in my perfect five man instance run group all the time now. That moonkin form is just excellent, it really really is. They can tank and damage with the best of them, and that "moonkin aura" buff they give out is too good to be true. Massive +crit chance on all casters spells. Ups the DPS of a mage/lock you may have on board, and of course, your priest will be crit healing, which can only be a good thing, cant it??

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Shadow Priest PvP movie :lol:


Btw. what kind of addon does that thing were you see dmg and healing in green popping up? I would like that.

PS. The movie takes about 5 min to download.

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