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Apparently Arrow Valley is the nearest Parkrun to my friend's house. Darren is there parking there?

Yes loads. Either drive right into the car park by the start line https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.3070109,-1.909015,284m/data=!3m1!1e3


Or park on the outer car park and you get a little stretch at the end https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.3071615,-1.9055783,142m/data=!3m1!1e3


Hopefully see you there Saturday :)

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Yeh that was me, we turned up late so missed the briefing, just caught the end of some man sat on a gate moaning a lot!


We then proceeded to line up about 10 metres back from the front, I assumed people at the front would be quick, big mistake! It all got very bunched up on the first two turns which resulted in pretty much walking. From there I just overtook people the whole way round but didn't know where the finish was so started to sprint round before we came off the end of the second loop (probably about 300 metres out which is too longer sprint for me)


Course was flat and am amazed people do not run it faster! In Cambridge the winning time is generally sub-17 every week! Sorry didn't get to say hello as having arrived late it messed whole schedule. Ran 19:57 by my watch but will have to return when next visit friends to take the Parkrun website time to sub 20.

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Had fun at the great south run today. Was a bit of a nightmare starting in the last wave (got given an entry) as after the first mile i ended up weaving through about 8000 people. Serious head wind for last 2 miles too. Even manage to run an extra quarter mile from all the weaving and running outside the spectators. Happy with a new pb of 1:06 for 10 mile after that.

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Yeh that was me, we turned up late so missed the briefing, just caught the end of some man sat on a gate moaning a lot!


We then proceeded to line up about 10 metres back from the front, I assumed people at the front would be quick, big mistake! It all got very bunched up on the first two turns which resulted in pretty much walking. From there I just overtook people the whole way round but didn't know where the finish was so started to sprint round before we came off the end of the second loop (probably about 300 metres out which is too longer sprint for me)


Course was flat and am amazed people do not run it faster! In Cambridge the winning time is generally sub-17 every week! Sorry didn't get to say hello as having arrived late it messed whole schedule. Ran 19:57 by my watch but will have to return when next visit friends to take the Parkrun website time to sub 20.


You obviously did a lot of catching up then to get from the back to 15th and 20 mins. I started in about the 3rd row as that's about where I finish but I always get overtaken at the start by loads of people but then drag them back with even splits. Crazy how fast some people go off only to promptly die on the 2nd lap.


Course is pretty flat but that little rise halfway round doesn't half slow you down when you're already at your limits.


If you look at the times you'll see it's pretty much dominated by Bromsgrove and Redditch AC at the faster end but I don't think their fastest runners do Parkrun on purpose. I think 18 is enough to win it most weeks but I'm a while away from that.


I clocked myself a few seconds faster than the official time as well but I was just glad to get below 20 again, especially with cycling there, running with my cycling gear on which felt very restrictive, and running with stones in my trainers the whole way round. I sprinted the last 400m, so just after the sharp right turn. I had to because my watch said 19:00 on the corner and I know that last bit can easily take a minute when you're rolling in. If you saw some bald bloke in a blue cycling top putting victory hands in the air, it was me :)


You'll have to come back and run it properly. 

Edited by darrenm
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Played 5 a side sat and my legs and knees are killing me ... Squash tonight is hardly going to help

Fear my running is going to struggle as a result for the next few days ... Keep thinking I need to stop the 5 a side nothing else seems to damage me just that one things !!

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Played 5 a side sat and my legs and knees are killing me ... Squash tonight is hardly going to help

Fear my running is going to struggle as a result for the next few days ... Keep thinking I need to stop the 5 a side nothing else seems to damage me just that one things !!

I had to hang the boots up as it was ruining any running training I was doing. My legs would be knackered for half the week. Eventually got used to doing both but it still meant more chance of injuries and I couldn't run on the same day as footie.

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Really got into running this year, did my first half marathon (Birmingham) in just under 1:44, will be entering again next year hoping to go under 1:40. Plus will do some 10k races next year also.


Have got my 5k time down by almost 2 minutes, from just over 22 mins to 20:18, which I got this weekend.....need to get that under 20 mins next year!


Some good times on this thread though!

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As Darren says, with a bit of distance training you would for sure.

Plans in place for my 'A' race next year as i have just booked my place in Maryland for Ironman no 2. Hope to knock some serious time off the one from July.

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As Darren says, with a bit of distance training you would for sure.

Plans in place for my 'A' race next year as i have just booked my place in Maryland for Ironman no 2. Hope to knock some serious time off the one from July.

Good luck with the Ironman!! The speed of my shorter distances did improve alot while training for the half, so yes I think I just need to focus on some long runs to improve my HM time.

If you can do 20:18 5k you can do a 1.35 HM and 42 min 10k

Thanks, will revise the HM target to 1:35 then. Funny you should mention the 42 min 10k, as that is what I was hoping for when I do come to race a 10k.

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I was thinking about picking up a GPS watch, as i need to start training smarter ahead of a couple of half next year. Are they worth getting? I've been using run keeper on the iPhone, but have found that the gps goes a little bonkers in certain areas. Its good for the esteem to see myself running 4 minute miles, but its sadly more to phantom gps miles than anything else...

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Darren i remember u saying u did the Warwick HM what is the course like is it like the brum one or is it circuits is it harder more hills e.t.c


Warwick's lovely. Undulating at best, nothing scary and you get a nice long downhill to the finish. I got my PB there earlier this year.


edit: no I didn't. Must have been Worcester. Anyway here's my activity so you can see the route and profile. I really enjoyed it. http://www.strava.com/activities/123191467/overview


I was thinking about picking up a GPS watch, as i need to start training smarter ahead of a couple of half next year. Are they worth getting? I've been using run keeper on the iPhone, but have found that the gps goes a little bonkers in certain areas. Its good for the esteem to see myself running 4 minute miles, but its sadly more to phantom gps miles than anything else...


At some point, everyone has to move to GPS watches. Phones have low power GPS chips turned down to the point where they just about work for phone and map operations. Garmin have the market all sewn up so it's just how much you want to spend. The Forerunner 10 gets good reviews: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Garmin-Forerunner-GPS-Running-Watch/dp/B00996VQD6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1414968692&sr=8-1&keywords=garmin+forerunner+10 it was £59 earlier this week on special I think.

Edited by darrenm
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not run much lately due to over doing the football and squash

5k today 23:40 smashed the 24:00 mark I was aiming for ... Still had plenty left in the tank so getting under 23:00 should be achievable in the coming week , then it's going to get a little tougher I think unless I ditch the sports

But knocks and aches aside the fitness seems to be going well

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Went for a run today, which other than five a side on a Thursday night and trying to walk five miles a day (happens more often than not) is the first exercise I've had in a while.  I only did a mile though, ran it comfortably without needing to stop which was pleasantly surprising considering I'm a 35 year old guy who is borderline overweight.  I stopped because it's literally freezing outside, as in there is ice on the ground and I nearly slipped over a couple of times.  I've got a little route near my house which is almost exactly a mile as far as I can tell (GPS used to measure the distance) which I think is ideal for now because I can do two or three laps of it before coming in. I plan to go at least every other day, weather permitting, but I wondered what things I don't know about running in cold weather I should be aware of. I will do a warm up before starting to run but what should I be wearing? Today I just went out in tracksuit bottoms, a long sleeve compression top and a Villa shirt and a wooly hat. It seemed fine except for my hands which were incredibly cold after a few minutes.  I presume I should get some better running shoes at some point too, at the moment I'm just using the trainers I play football in. 

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