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What do you mean by background? He was born in Birmingham and I believe he is of Pakistani descent.


With a name like Suliman he could have been Turkish, although they are usually called Turkish rather than Asian.



U21s bad defeat to West Ham. 0-3. Gardner missed a penalty. Lambert watching. 


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I'm curious does the club not help in any way? they should be able to give you these details right? then again they are personal details so..


Think when the academy kids sign contracts the contract should have a "FM Only" section which they sign to ensure the researcher (you) gets access to the information for FM... we can dream eh.

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Cheers, just be careful how you ask though if you don't mind Kev, trying not to get myself in trouble which I'll explain below. I definitely won't beat you to it mate, it doesn't exist anywhere on the internet (without paying!).


FM does not have a licence for the Premier League (EA do) so the club are not obliged to do anything. In fact, I've been chatting to the guy who does the FIFA data and they are not allowed to talk to the club either, although certain things are obviously delivered between the two companies above the research level. We are discouraged from contacting the club direct for several reasons, one of which being that if all researchers were to do it, it wouldn't take long for someone somewhere to think "hmmmm, we can/should be making money out of this" and then there is potential for all kinds of problems. Add to that the secrecy that exists within football, it is a closed shop and they don't like outsiders poking around. Our club are particularly poor at sharing information on the young lads, look at our OS compared to other clubs, you are lucky if they have spelt the names correctly, let alone have all of the lads on there or DOBs and interesting information.


Some of the guys have contacts at their clubs who are more than happy to provide information and get involved but realistically, Villa or other top clubs aren't interested in wasting their time on this kind of thing. Frankly, it is hard to blame them, if there is no profit in it (particularly as there is for someone else) it is a waste of their time.


I can contact the players directly, but again you have to be very careful here, there are child protection issues with anyone under the age of 18, so I am not supposed to ask them sensitive questions like DOB etc etc, if they choose to tell me, that is a different story. Biggest problem is that for me, the detail is the best bit, so finding out middle names, eligible nationalities, friendships and all that kind of stuff is what makes me happy!

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