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Aston Villa Protest Group


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Firstly just to echo what Limpid said we cannot and will not be actively encouraging any supporter to throw anything on the pitch as this is a criminal offence.

1 hour ago, Gary Thomas said:

Loads of respect for the organizers, but I am not sure you need to change the form of protest for Bournemouth given the timescales. The banners out idea had loads of support and it worked well in terms of impact.  Why not just build on that and encourage more supporters to bring their own banners?  Alternatively, just ask every fan to bring a scarf and raise it aloft on 74 minutes for a sustained chorus of Villa till we die or something - keeping it positive for Acorns day,

With regard to us not continuing with the banners out protest we did discuss this but we did feel that unless we again supplied banners we would not get enough people holding up the banners on the 74th minute. On Saturday we supplied 5000 banners and without them the protest simply would not have had anything like the impact it did. The reasons are two fold why we cannot supply them this week. Firstly we are a group of five people funding this and in addition although we had better success with help on Saturday we are still short of numbers in terms of physical help on match days and it therefore falls on us to provide much of the manpower and it is difficult. Supporters can still continue with banners out on 74 and we are encouraging this but they will have to own it themselves. 

Scarf's out on 74 is one of the things which we considered and this may be done at a future game as it is quite a positive form of demonstration.

We will soon be setting up a crowd funding page to assist with the funding by the way.


Edited by markavfc40
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Seats on 7 – Aston Villa vs Bournemouth (April 9th 2016)

Following on from the successful demonstrations against Everton and Chelsea we are again calling on you our fellow supporters to join us in protest. We are asking you to refrain from entering the terraces until 7 minutes after KO this Saturday vs Bournemouth. We also encourage you to join with your fellow supporters in the concourse to make a strong visual and vocal statement that as a fan base we are very much united in our pursuit of answers and positive action from our absent owner.

The significance of 7 minutes being that during Aston Villa’s rich and proud history we have won the League title on 7 occasions, a league in which due to the incompetent ownership of this magnificent club we will not be competing in next season. Further to this, by leaving your seat vacant at kick off you will be mimicking the actions of our absent owner, whose seat has not been filled at Villa Park since September of 2014. That being the ONLY time he has attended Villa Park since December 2012.

We also want to see a continuation of Banners Out on 74. The supporters must now own this.

We have been asked why we don’t protest the players. That is not in our particular remit, they are a symptom of the disease rather than the cause. However we feel that banners, such as those seen last Saturday, provide the ideal opportunity for fans to express their discontent towards ownership and players alike.

We must maintain the pressure on Mr Lerner. The need for him to make a statement addressing the concerns in our recent open letter to him along with the need for him to action the three requests within that statement is as imperative as ever. Further to this we are in a crucial time for the club as it seeks to appoint a new manager and we must leave those responsible in no doubt that they must work hard to appoint the correct manager for the plight we face.

We must continue to show the world that despite a lack of passion from Mr Lerner and from the players that we the supporters care deeply for our club. That we will not rest until Aston Villa is proven to be back on a firm footing and heading in the right direction.

Aston Villa Protest Group

Website: astonvillaprotestgroup.co.uk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AVPG

Twitter: @OTDO74


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3 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

I always think the things you can join in with will have the best effect.

Walking out worked because people saw it happening and thought "oh yeah they're having that protest, I'll join in"

Same with the banners. The guys provided signs and people joined in. You only need a few hundred people for these ideas to start the ball rolling and then everyone else joins in.


Staying out of the ground for 7 minutes will be much harder to "join in with", imo. You won't see people not going into the ground and join in. Most people will have taken their seat before people clear the concourses anyway.


Taking nothing away from the organisers you are all doing a truely magnificent thing with our club and its history. I do how agree with the above. 

I think it will be very challenging to get a maximum output responce on the stay away till 7 mins idea. What you have built with the #on74 moto is truly unique to Aston Villa and our history.

Think this should be maximised and be the focus whatever you do #on74 even if it's a repeat of out the door, banners out, turn your backs, show your scarf or a minutes total silence. 

Build on what you have achieved with the unique #on74 so it's media focus from one game to the next.

Wish you all the best with the final decision and thanks again for getting our club in the spotlight. I truly believe the vast changes we have seen of late are a resulting contribution of your #on74 effective efforts.

Edited by Kingman
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Admittedly this one is a bit experimental! We think we've earned that. We never had firm plans after Chelsea, so even if we don't get this going as big as we liked we will move onwards, no drama. 

We'll put the work in though, with your help. Let's go smash another one out the park and right into Lerner's lap. 

Please RT.
Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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1 minute ago, lmarsha_926 said:

My question is why protest when it is Acorns Day what we should be doing is turning up and then giving our money to Acorns rather than the club, we are basically turning all the attention from Acorns itself

Because both can be achieved? 

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1 minute ago, lmarsha_926 said:

My question is why protest when it is Acorns Day what we should be doing is turning up and then giving our money to Acorns rather than the club, we are basically turning all the attention from Acorns itself

Tell me, what are the club doing for Acorns day? They sent me an email saying they were doing an auction, that's all. We won't be protesting the auction. We might actually do the clubs job for them and advertise it. 

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1 hour ago, PieFacE said:

Because both can be achieved? 

I just think no matter what we do in terms of protest it wont change alot, the media already know the situation, we are going do and us protesting wont change it, most teams in our position would no be enjoying what's left of us in the Premier League not what has happened.

The problem is the club, the players and the fans do need to all understand the issues and be on the same side otherwise nothing will change, Look at Leicester the fans got behind the team, the players responded and they stayed up and now likely will be champions, They had off the field issues with the manager and the board but still got through it, we have had a number of protest since 2011 and nothing really has changed anything. We have a new board who seem to know what they are doing but we wont know the summer.

Spending money to set up protest just seems to be a waste when really it is far too late, we don't need to protest to say how bad we are, or how unhappy we are I think it is obvious

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1 hour ago, PieFacE said:

You may think it won't change anything, there's a good chance it won't change anything... but on the off-chance that it does, then it has to be worth it, surely?

Doing nothing isn't the answer to Villa's problems. The fans at Villa Park have been far too patient over the past few years and look where we are now? Maybe if we did more protests and were more vocal 5 years ago about how Villa was being mis-managed, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now? We will never know.

If you don't think it's worthwhile then don't join in, that's fine. 


The board has already changed, the manager has changed and the media know had bad we are, job done. We cannot force Lerner to go as we still need someone who wants to take over which if he sees what stick he may get looks a long shot.

We have to see what will happen now but I feel we are treading over old ground we wont to forget not relive

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4 minutes ago, lmarsha_926 said:

The board has already changed, the manager has changed and the media know had bad we are, job done. We cannot force Lerner to go as we still need someone who wants to take over which if he sees what stick he may get looks a long shot.

We have to see what will happen now but I feel we are treading over old ground we wont to forget not relive

Thoroughly disagree and we are not going to stop. 

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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15 minutes ago, MikeMcKenna said:

Good luck with "Seats on 7" - I will be participating!

One idea i have had that you may wish to consider for later is "Whistle on 74" 

It would cause pandemonium both on and off the pitch.

If this is an idea you would like to pursue, I would happily contribute a 1000 whistles!

Great idea

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44 minutes ago, lmarsha_926 said:

I just think no matter what we do in terms of protest it wont change alot, the media already know the situation, we are going do and us protesting wont change it, most teams in our position would no be enjoying what's left of us in the Premier League not what has happened.

The problem is the club, the players and the fans do need to all understand the issues and be on the same side otherwise nothing will change, Look at Leicester the fans got behind the team, the players responded and they stayed up and now likely will be champions, They had off the field issues with the manager and the board but still got through it, we have had a number of protest since 2011 and nothing really has changed anything.


The thing is we have supported the players mate arguably for way longer that their performances warranted. Bottom line is though that unlike Leicester's these players aren't good enough both in terms of ability and desire. That situation hasn't come about overnight. The reason we have a squad of players that is currently struggling to achieve 20 points over a season is due to years and years of mismanagement. Mismanagement that has stemmed down from the owner. That is what, and who, we are protesting against.

In fairness mate I am struggling to remember any protests prior to these since 2011 so I am not sure what you are referencing here. There was the late walk in against Liverpool last season but that didn't take off at all.

I think had we have indeed had numerous protests since 2011, firmly called Lerner out during that time, then we may not have ended up in the position we have now. Who knows. What I do know is that by highlighting the issues at the club now, requesting certain actions of the owner, then we may just be able to help halt our slide and help set us on the road to a brighter future. It is certainly worth a try.

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25 minutes ago, MikeMcKenna said:

Good luck with "Seats on 7" - I will be participating!

One idea i have had that you may wish to consider for later is "Whistle on 74" 

It would cause pandemonium both on and off the pitch.

If this is an idea you would like to pursue, I would happily contribute a 1000 whistles!

Call Time on 74 LOL !!! A crescendo of whistles would actually stop the game - that would be impressive !!!


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24 minutes ago, MikeMcKenna said:

Good luck with "Seats on 7" - I will be participating!

One idea i have had that you may wish to consider for later is "Whistle on 74" 

It would cause pandemonium both on and off the pitch.

If this is an idea you would like to pursue, I would happily contribute a 1000 whistles!

That's a really good idea!!! I'll definitely contribute to some whistles for that! 

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Still like the idea of 20,000 balloons being released on 74 that hold words like "FUTURE" and "PRIDE" written on them. They would swamp the pitch, stop the game and lead to the fantastic photo opportunity of our "players" having to stamp on and burst balloons with such words on :) !!!


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1 hour ago, PieFacE said:

That's a really good idea!!! I'll definitely contribute to some whistles for that! 

The problem with that is like the ball throwing you may cause the game to be halted, The ref may just stop the game

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