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Everything posted by KJT123

  1. There is no takeover. Lerner tried and failed to find a buyer and is now now commited to the club again. Thats what I heard anyway........ Heinz or Branston?
  2. With Sanchez in the side, Hutton and Cissokho will be allowed to get a bit further forward and act as our wingers I think.
  3. Mentioned this in the match thread but does anyone else think he has had a bit of media training? Because he looked very composed in his interview last night and was a bit more "open", for example when he said we played the diamond to start with and then changed to a midfield five, he would've never said that before.
  4. He's just tweeted that he's back in training tomorrow
  5. Is it just me that thinks this "kick" things is being taken way out of proportion? Yellow card at most, definitely not a red. It wasn't dangerous play and he certainly wasn't trying to hurt Balotelli.
  6. I didn't see a lot of Cleverley today, when he did get the ball though he used it wisely. I don't think Sanchez should be starting at the moment because I think we tend to lose our shape a bit. The best time to use him is when we start to go through a bad patch and then we can experiment with positions.
  7. Oh my god this sky interviewer is an absolute rocket polisher
  8. Has Lambert had media training? Seems much more composed tonight
  9. I reckon there's an agreement in place with United that Cleverley has to play every game
  10. I can't work out the formation, four Central midfielders?
  11. A least Sterling isn't playing, he would've ripped baker apart
  12. If he is out, I hope Okore comes in instead of Baker.
  13. http://instagram.com/p/s29eCSts0K/?modal=true What a beautiful voice
  14. Remember we beat these two years ago at their place with Clark, Lichaj, Herd, Bannan and Holman all starting.
  15. To me he would be a good right midfielder. He can beat a man and has a very good cross. Also would be good at tracking back. I just don't see him as a defender at all.
  16. One thing I find odd though is Trent said that no club has ever been interested in signing him. If that was the case why don't we just keep offering him one year deals until we deem that he is not good enough?
  17. He's probably taken a wage cut hasn't he? 30k seems feasible.
  18. Hopefully this signals the start of a flurry of contract extensions.
  19. Unrelated I know, but if you could choose only one to stay, who would it be? Vlaar or Delph? Delph everyday for me. I think we would struggle to replace him.
  20. Contract negotiations to open later this month. John Percy in the Telegraph.
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