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Everything posted by KJT123

  1. People mention Diame, surely if he was any good then West Ham wouldn't be looking to offload?
  2. That's odds, my source tells me that something will definitely happen tomorrow. But there's always a chance it could fall through. Excellent track record so far.
  3. That pass to Bent at the end just shows how good he is technically. It was absolutely inch perfect, timed impeccably.
  4. The thing is their goal was lucky, if that hadn't of gone it we would've played it out comfortably. Well done Villa excellent display.
  5. KJT123

    Match Thread

    Trent, what has Keano told you about being on your phone when in the dugout?!
  6. KJT123

    Match Thread

    That was a nice drilled corner from andi
  7. It's the safe play, we know that we can play using this formation. If we chuck Sanchez in at the deep end using a different formation, things could go pear shaped and the fans will turn on the team. It's not a must win, we just really don't want to lose.
  8. Win this, and it's very possible, our start to the season goes from a good one to an excellent one. Come on Villa.
  9. £8m is just the standard valuation for this player. If we change our standard bid to a cheeky bid, I think we could get him for £5m.
  10. Dunno about you but my confidence would be sky high if i was picking up 70k a week
  11. I'm not against this signing, Cleverley would be a good player to have purely to add a bit more quality to the midfield. But £8m, wow. I thought the going rate for this lad would be half of that.
  12. £8m?! Where has Randy been hiding that?
  13. Not gonna lie, I signed this before the World Cup http://www.change.org/p/the-fa-ban-tom-cleverley-from-the-world-cup-squad
  14. He really isn't. He really is. Very mature, measured responses from both of you. Bravo.
  15. Just got back from the game. I thought the line up was good and had more than enough about them to beat LO. Grealish was outstanding, you really can tell that he is a class above everyone else on the pitch, the ball really does stick to his feet, Messi-esque. Solid performances from most players, most notably Westwood who i don't think gave the ball away at all tonight. The attack was the main problem and it is glaringly obvious that we need someone that can tuck away some of the many chances we had. Bent was surprisingly good at winning aerial duels but seems to have lost his knack of being in the right place at the right time. Senderos was good, Baker was okay but how many chances did he have to score from a corner? He should have had a hattrick. I'm not sure about Richardson, he seems to me, to put it lightly, brainless.
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