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Everything posted by hogso

  1. hogso


    Oh man I am really enjoying the 'confessions' of how sad some of us were as kids. Keep em coming
  2. hogso


    The reason my French side is Montpellier is because they were my favourite Subbuteo team that I had. Lovely kit. I didn't ever play it properly though, used to use the little 'Monsters in my Pocket' figures (below!) as players too Fuckn awesome, do eeeeet
  3. There was a free screening of this at The Electric just after new year. It was one of the Grolsch sponsored things, they put them on at FACT in Liverpool too, you just have to apply for tickets when they announce they're putting one on. As for where is showing it now, had a quick look around around and it looks like this week is the last for screenings, at the few places that are still showing it (FACT and The Little in Bath are)
  4. Interesting, I'm going to have to try this. Mine is an old Xbox (don't know if it's first gen as you say, but I presume it is/close to be being as it doesnt have HDMI) and it's started to freeze not only in games but on the menu now too. Will give one of these repair kits a go
  5. hogso


    Great KO. Really really want to see him move and fight GSP now. There's nothing for him at MW Jon Jones lives up to the hype aswell, dominated Bader. Could be a massive upset (would it be?) on the cards for his title fight
  6. Felt a bit sorry for him actually, cos he was really **** shit, didnt get close
  7. hogso

    Dr Pepper

    Ah now then. Dandelion & Burdock. I can't make my mind up with it. I'll drink; but I'm not sure I exactly enjoy it. A bit like semen in that respect
  8. hogso

    Dr Pepper

    I don't get this. I LOVE marzipan, but I hate Dr Pepper - and I don't think it tastes anything like marzipan. In fact I was surprised to see somebody hated it but loved cherry Coke; they seem very similar to me - that artificial chemical cherry taste (which is nothing like real cherries). Red Bull is in the same nasty ballpark. I'm sure when I was a kid I was given medicine that tasted exactly like it. Horrible. Oh OK. When I tried it the first thing I thought was 'this tastes like marzipan' and that has always remained. In fact when people question the taste I say it tastes like marizpan and they say 'you're right! it surely does' You must be drinking it wrong. Sorry man.
  9. I like clearing in the woods. One of the better word filters I've seen on a forum, it's certainly better than word removed which is used alot. I haven't been around long enough to 'get' the other ones though
  10. hogso

    Dr Pepper

    It's my favourite. Liquified marzipan. Yum
  11. I liked it too. Although I am a sucker for that sort of stuff, abandoned space stations, aliens/monsters, etc...I'll give any sci-fi horror a go, and probably enjoy it too. I don't think it did well commercially though, and the rest of the proposed trilogy hinged on that
  12. Unbelievable tekkers. I am looking forward to this more than my h/t balti pie
  13. Same, most everything has been mentioned, but I am looking forward to Yakuza 4 aswell
  14. Really liked it! Although the age rating is a spoiler of sorts as it rules out crazy axe wielding murderers
  15. I'd like to see Heskey start too, they couldnt handle him in the Carling Cup game. Then again, maybe that had something to do with him coming on as a sub, so that would work too...would dearly love Fonz to get more game time though, especially in a game were Bent can't play
  16. It's not hard for a crowd to sing at all. Is 'Holte enders in the sky' sung exactly the same as 'Ghostriders in the sky' in the original song? No. Or should that be Nooooooooooo
  17. I havent seen any trailers for it yet, or read any previews, but have still pre-ordered it. Heh. Does it carry save data from the 1st one over?
  18. I've posted it before, but I'll try it again Anybody who plays SARPBC add me for some matches. Honestly, the best game of this gen
  19. Best bit about the first one was playing as a male character and getting to bone that bi latino-esque chap. Honestly the funniest thing I have ever ever seen in a computer game. I about wet myself (with piss (not jizz (ok maybe a little jizz)))
  20. That's pretty good bruv ...but adapting a classic song is one thing, using the anthem for Euro '96 is a wee bit different I think
  21. Sorry, more remakes, Pilot wings, Ocarina of Time and Paper Mario. Are Nintendo the laziest games developers around? 3D remakes :winkold:
  22. That Ian Brown thing is **** horrific
  23. How about this? Just change it to AVFC instead, should work pretty good I reckon, and everyone knows the words
  24. Thank **** that wasn't Oasis Think something more Brum related would be better though...still think War Pigs is the best bet :x
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