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Everything posted by hogso

  1. Spoorloos? That cover is...odd. Namby pamby criterion stuff Good film though. I kept imagining Buried was the sequel when I went to watch that. Oops spoils. Watch the American remake if your game for a laugh.
  2. Eh, I was in the Lower Bullins last year it wasnt that bad. Although I was only in row C. Thanks for the heads up though. Looking forward to this one. Oh and as for the London midland train tickets, their half price thing ends at the end of Aug so isn't applicable to this I'm afraid!
  3. Protect your ears? pffffffffff don't fear the tinnitus fella, you will learn to love it as I do. Those high pitched whines keep me company when I'm lonely, I am very grateful for them
  4. IS IT MIIII IMAJ-IN-A-SHEEE-ONNNNN Oasis - Cigarettes & Alcohol
  5. Heh yeh it was weird, didnt know he even liked wrestling, or I wouldve geeked out with hi- er I mean I wouldve totally ripped the shit out of him, man
  6. Funny, just got in from the pub not long ago, the landlord was wearing a 'Hustle, Loyalty, Respect' shirt which I thought was a bit silly
  7. hogso

    Good RPGs

    Think I'll be having to buy Skyrim on PS3, don't think my PC will handle it - not to the level I'd actually want to play it anyway, and I don't much fancy buying a new graphics card for it either as the only other thing I ever touch, and will ever touch on PC for the foreseeable future is FM
  8. Ohh quality, yes everyone should watch it! Although you can't blame me for missing that, it was posted before I was even a member on here!
  9. Gary Gardner put a shot wide :shock: so he is mortal . . .
  10. I've finished my first play through, did everything nicey-nicey and what I thought was 'right', but I only managed to save 2 of the regulars in the bar, so got to give saving them all another go. My ending was nice though, eager to see how much it differs from the other 7
  11. hogso

    Good RPGs

    Yeh try The Witcher. It's on GOG.com for $9.99 aka. ~£6, it's DRM free and as a bonus its the extended edition and you get a bunch of art work and a walkthrough and stuff. It's 'adult themed' so the swearing and enourmous boobs feel a bit forced to me, and not really required cos it's a good game anyway, but there ya go. Planescape Torment is on there for $9.99 too. Oh and theres Gothic 1 & 2 aswell, look a bit dated but they're great.
  12. bwahahaa I can't think of a single film that should be remade, actually. I mean, I guess films that do get remade are remade because they were already good and the producers know they'll be onto a sure fire winner at the box office. Therefore, no films come to mind that were ok/bad, but had potential to be remade into something good now...I'm thinking it'd have to be something that could be improved with modern production values and special effects. Only succesful one I can think of is Solaris which was improved significantly. Although I'm aware that's hotly debated. Maybe Back to the Future...? Even then, I can only imagine a remake tarnishing the original. The Omega Man? Although there's I am Legend for that already, I suppose. Ahhh think I may have got it, a film I watched very recently. The Towering Inferno. Or maybe our American cousins are now too sensitive to the sight of burning skycrapers, I guess it wouldnt go down very well
  13. hogso


    Oh gosh Fedor. He's gotta be done now.
  14. Uncle Buck w/ James Corden in John Candy's role.
  15. London Midlands online tickets are 50% off at the mo, till September
  16. Goodness me that is glorious Is that one of those things on a forum where all the matches are just text, and the members of the forum that participate make their own bio's and stuff? I've seen them before, I remember the one that was on 606, but I hadn't got the faintest idea what was going on or why you'd even do it
  17. Oh and it's getting a European release sometime this year, uncut. So that's nice.
  18. The Widow's Peak (Victoria, or whatever she's called now) is a cracking looking finisher The Sharp...shooter...? :? Let me look that one up . Ohhh you mean the Scorpian Death Lock
  19. :shock: Sean says shelf pleasuring is good. bwahahahaaa :x
  20. Shooting Star Foot Stomp aka. Markout Moment. So sick. Used to love DDPs Diamond Cutter and Goldberg destroying everything with a spear/jackhammer. When he did to to Big Show :shock: Oh and Benoit's divign headbutt. Although I don't suppose that counts as a finisher...but the crossface was great too OH and the first time I saw the Canadian Destroyer :shock:
  21. Got it today, put a couple of hours into it. It's quality. The pacing is a bit awkward, with how you get chunks of story in an extended scene, but it's like Persona in that way (like alot of ways) so that's no problem for me. The only other thing is the audio levels, its a bit quiet during normal cut scenes and during gameplay, so you turn it up, and then the anime cut scenes ARE **** INCREDIBLY LOUD. Really enjoying it so far though, the gameplay is good, the social side of thngs is fun, the level of detail is immense, and as expected the cast of characters are just delightful. Plus it's really funny. I can not wait for the inevitable confrontation between Catherine and Katherine The Bosses in the final stages of each 'level' (of which you do one per 'night' in the game) are incredibly original, again much like the Persona games. The 2nd one is a grotequse vagina-bum with giant eyes and lashing tongue-thing. You'll be pleased to know that there are also references to sticking it up Catherine's wrong un.
  22. Just like the choo train ... :oops:
  23. Well I got it through Love Film, so you shouldn't struggle. And in something of a continued disater film phase, now they have sent The Towering Inferno. More burnt people hooray!!
  24. For the most part, yes, it is flattened but not obliterated. The actual bomb hits an army bas or something outside of Sheffield, but then they get covered from the fallout from the bomb that hit Crewe yay. 80kt of bombs total hit England, something like 60% of buildings destroyed so the majority of the country gets a face lift. It's quality. They follow the day to day life of some families with the story of war breaking out between America and Russia in the background via news and radio. Then as the possibility of a strike gets closer they throw some facts at you like what the Government has in place (or had at the time anyway) if such a thing did happen. Basically Local Government is given absoloute power to do as they will, and then the story follows the local government for Sheffield too. And the bomb hits and shit really hits the fan, yay! It keeps the documentary style in parts though, as it creates a fictional sequence of events for whats happening all over the globe and else where in England, although you only actually see Sheffield. A must for anyone who likes Post/Apocolyptic fiction. Or wants to see Sheffield reduced to rubble.
  25. So did we get those pics of that girl DP'ing herself or what
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