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Everything posted by hogso

  1. Have you seen 10 Things I Hate About You, great film for a maybe gay
  2. Oh they wouldnt have to be real, gens would be fine Feature bloat. I can't keep track of all the things I need to do to be successful... My problem too. I havent played a FM game in a while, probably since the FM/CM split six or seven years ago if I am talking about when I last played a game seriously. Every year I think about getting the new one, this year I have a real itch. I'm just worried that there are so many things I need to keep on top of that the game just collapses under its own weight. I like thinking about making signing, I like coming up with tactics, making substitutions and I even quite like dicking around with the stadium. I dont give a **** whether the side practices corners on a Tuesday afternoon or a Wednesday morning though, and I certainly dont care who takes throw ins. How much of the game can you delegate to AI coaches these days, and are you punished if you decide to do that? You slide some bars across for areas of training for players to focus on, and that's really it. If you hire good coaches, and have good training facilities then training will be better - but thats really it. You usually make a training schedule (which is just a general thing, not x on mon, x on tue, etc.) for each position and allocate all the players in that position the same schedule. So strickers will work focus on finishing and strength wereas central defenders will focus on tackling and tactics, for example. And if you don't touch training at all then all players do the same default training schedule which has each area of training at equal levels. As for the stadium you can't really do alot with that at all. They only last year introduced the option to ask the board to build a new one. But then the manager doesnt decide how many tiers the new main stand will have, and what colour the seats will be, do they? Which is a shame cos I love dicking around with that stuff too
  3. and don't forget the sticker for your seat
  4. I feel quite guilty about it, as I do love FM, but some of the features on FIFA Manager were really nice. Having youth camps around the world, and then having a proper in depth youth system where you can go and check squads and results all the way to u12s. Alright, some stuff like having a wife, and a dog, and buying a house wasnt important at all, but having a kid who could play for your team was interesting too. I used to play him even though he was shit Think FM needs something to change it up a bit, last time I got 'excited' for a new one was for the 3D match engine. Then again I'm probably in the minority, they don't want to change it too much and risk upsetting their core fan base - they have enough grief off them when upon initial release 'this is the worst most buggiest FM ever!!!'. I'm sure that has happened for at least the last 3 years running
  5. I will clap, and ask him to prove the doubters wrong - and sitting next to the tunnel 3 rows back I will actually be able to do this if I shout a little
  6. Bit worrying that I am getting increasingly apathetic toward FM with every passing year
  7. If you like the fact this film left you with those questions, you would love Primer if you havent seen it already
  8. I will be anyones Villa Football Friend if they havent got any to go to matches with tbh
  9. Thoughts on what the attendance might be? There aren't many red blocks (sold out - I think there's 2) on the select-a-seat at all, but I can't really remember if it was always like that last season as it only came in toward the end.
  10. I expect a similar game to last seasons first home match - 3-0 Villa
  11. Saw it on it's release and didn't really like it. I think I posted my thoughts at the time in the film thread.
  12. ooooo how bout this one; Nuns Dojesus Another one from work, and quite recent, so it's still fresh in the mind...I'm sure there are some proper good ones I havent mentioned but just can't remember
  13. Ha I saw a Carol Carroll not long ago. And of course there's Phillip & Gary's father Neville Neville
  14. Really? Now that has cheered me up. A group for that?? It's not even that good a name :| Yes that is name snobbery Today's best so far; Dr. Pilot Fairfax
  15. I expected a draw, and am quite happy with a point.
  16. Man, I looked Hereford up on google maps, didn't know it was such a small place! Anybody like to hazard a guess as to when tickets will go on sale? I guess this is combined with when an announcement regarding the games on TV will be made...but I don't know what that is either
  17. Ha, yeh my cousin works in a bank and we text the best names we find to each other I'm a civil servant, you know how you hear about people commiting benefit fraud, or getting paid too much benefit? We get the money back off the robbing bastards oops uh sorry, I mean off the uh unfortunate folk. Since starting this thread I have encountered a Chris Evans and Millicent Forbis, who is quite possibly has the most shady sounding, harry potter-esque villian name ever Oh Oh 2 others of my favourites, Gordan Bennett and Angel Delight
  18. In my job I encounter some really odd names. In fact, rather sadly, it's one of the highlights of my job Oh how we titter at some of the things people have changed their name to, or worse, were given when born. I just got thinking about some of the best ones I've heard as I'm working on a case at the moment for a Francis Jeffers - who does indeed live in Liverpool. Don't think it's that Franny Jeffers though. Saw one of the best names EVER a couple of weeks ago. A guy changed his name to; Dr Jo Jo Magic Space Monkey Genius. It's up there with some of my other favourites I have encountered, such as Bacardi Ann Coke, Hurricane Serenity Star, Monkey Skunky, and Lola Molly Poppy Seed Anyone know anyone who has a weird or wonderful name? Share one with a celeb?
  19. Why is Hampshire shortened to Hants. Whenever I encounter this at work I wonder, and it annoys me. It should be Hamps tbh
  20. Any home game or an away that isn't too far away - I will really struggle to go to any away game in midweek that is over an hour away
  21. Is this game very very complicated.
  22. I'm in the same boat, will be getting it on console (same with Skyrim) Pleased to hear that one of the pre-order bonuses are some of the remade maps from BF2 - Return to Karkand And I always loved Wake Island too.
  23. Gangpol und Mit - The Softcore People Club
  24. Is Jericho coming back that soon? I know Fozzy are touring as I've seen the ads for the show in Cov, but I don't think the dates are until November, so a comeback can't be that close surely?
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