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Everything posted by abdomlahor

  1. if the patriots were trading him away and it was cleveland trading for him everyone would be criticising them, but because its belichick its a shrewd move
  2. its almost as if running backs arent worth picking in the top 5 ?
  3. i fear for the bills. allen looked nice when he entered the game but he stands little chance when his receivers dont catch the ball and give up on plays. im sure they'll come when they make the superbowl this year ?
  4. seahawks fans are the chelsea fans of of the nfl. always the refs fault ? honestly my first thought was that it wasnt a td i agree. didnt see the replay but it happens to every team. the best teams win regardless
  5. yeah, @kurtsimonw too i only caught the second half but it looked like a slogfest. the right side of the line is a nightmare.
  6. NFC: Packers AFC: Chargers Superbowl: Packers 32nd: Bills MVP: Aaron Rodgers OPOTY: Aaron Rodgers DPOTY: Aaron Donald OROTY: Sam Darnold DROTY: Roquan Smith Comeback POTY: Aaron Rodgers
  7. oh ffs i completely forgot the draft was tonight. oh well at least i got saquon
  8. good job the raiders only gave gruden a 10 year contract lmao
  9. the match video doesnt even appear for me, just the grey background. it's something different every single week. i have no idea why I even bother.
  10. well the fact that the transfer appears to be going through seems to be evidence that his wages will not be an issue one way or another, surely? plus, with more players allegedly incoming it doesn't look like this move would rule out any other arrivals...
  11. im not being unoptimistic, im just being a realist. i absolutely love the idea of thierry henry managing us. he's my favourite premier league player ever. but we do have a solid manager in bruce who wants to stay who brought us within one game of promotion. to throw that away for someone with no real managerial experience would be a risk im not sure i would take personally.
  12. in that he has a record of success in the championship. with him in charge i'd be confident of a playoff place every season. henry is a complete unknown.
  13. it would be a massive gamble. i think we're lucky to have bruce at this level.
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