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Everything posted by villa89

  1. Heather 'Eduardo' Mills
  2. I find it strange that with so long to prepare for the game we started so slowly. Terrible performance by the players inclaret and blue.
  3. bluenose scum for me. God I hate them. 'I would luv it' if newcastle went down too though.
  4. villa89

    Flag Vote

    Yeah but its a good indicator of how the official vote would have gone.
  5. La Liga is better, better technique better style of play. Too many limited teams in the prem that are rubbish to watch at least the poor sides in La Liga try to pass the ball.
  6. I hate my job. . Its easy though.
  7. 4th - Liverplop 5th - Everton 6th - Villa 7th - Man Citeh
  8. When you know you've played too much
  9. I expect a minimum of 2 players and I hope we'll sign three. Right midfield is the key position we need filled.
  10. Its not about about sexy underwear its about comfort although women probably wouldn't understand. Loose fitting boxers FTW, cant wear anything else plus the added bonus of a higher sperm count!
  11. They said on SSN last night that Mike Ashleyknows who he wants and has said that the new boss will be british.
  12. I think it will coincide with the release of WarHammer whenever thats going to be (supposed to be summer).
  13. That a point I often make when I hear the legalise drugs nonsense. [sarcasm] Personally I think all drug dealers would become missionaries in the south pacific spreading the word of the lord, praise Jesus! Can I get an Amen? [/sarcasm]
  14. Yeah I saw your post in another thread, I'm pretty sure we weren't watching the same game. Villa won mine 2-1 how about yours? :winkold: I guess I was a touch harsh on him though :oops:
  15. I agree, I think its inevitable that Luke will be dropped and we will play a 4-5-1 with shaun on thr right and petrov back in the middle if carew isn't back. Not just becasue we are playing Man Ure but because of yet another lazy inept display from Luke Moore. He could argue that he didnt get the service last night but when petrov gift wrapped a goal in lovely white wrapping paper, placed it on a sliver plate 8 yards from goal, he duffed it. I hope we buy proper cover for Big John sooner rather than later.
  16. Thats a quality vid, very well made. Makes me wish I had done something with my life...oh well *runs off to farm honor for season 1 epixx*
  17. Yeah I saw that documentary, it was just the usual wacko cult nonsense. How someone as moronic as that michael guy can brainwash people into following him and believing he is the son of god is mindblowing and very sad. "You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep-seated need to believe." Carl Sagan
  18. Finally someone talking sense on this issue. This 'story' was utter nonsense from start to finish and I am surprised so many people got caught up in it.
  19. PBF FTW *I love TLA's :winkold:
  20. Exactly. Aslo why would he say 24 instead of 25? This is like 99% of internet conspiracy theories, total BS. Oh and the footage is from the daily star, does that not help? When was the last time they printed something that was true?
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