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Everything posted by villa89

  1. FWIW Eurogamer does not agree and Neither does IGN
  2. I'd just like to second this, its the best post I have seen on the forum this year. We wouldn't be upset if SHA had a good manager and we were taking him off their hands but the fact that he's not goood enough for them says it all. Is he the best candidate, Have we sunk this low?
  3. At least we might get another use out of the "we're not fickle we just don't like you" banner anyway.
  4. This. Alex McLeish??? You couldn't make it up. I'm off to top myself before this gets anymore laughable...
  5. Why are the club making so many approaches for different managers. Surely you identify the man you want then contact his agent and try to get him in. If he doesn't want it then you move on to the next target. You don't speak to 10 different managers many of whom are not suitable and then pick the best one.
  6. There will be ways to get around those FFP restrictions.
  7. Seems like he is trying to save face and show that he did everything he could to keep Bobby including offering him a new contract.
  8. We shouldn't need to persuafde him at all. Hi Bobby, would you like to manage a real club with a proper history, fanbase, record in the top flite, big name players, a chance to win things or would you like to stay in a shithole like wigan playing football infront of one man and his dog and resigned to the fact that the best you can ever ever hope to achieve is to avoid relegation with one game to spare. If he does get offered the villa job he should be sectioned if he turns it down.
  9. At what price?, a £30k bet would surely have got the market suspended?
  10. I think martinez is worth a go. Its seems we can't attract a top manager and Moyes doesn't want to leave everton. Of the rest hughes would be my pick but martinez seems like a nice man and his teams play decent football which is something everyone on here is crying out for. We are not going to break the top 4 without taking risks on players and perhaps on a manager too. We are too good to go down so we might aswell gamble and see where it takes us.
  11. Really scared that it might be FSW now. Hoping for Moyes.
  12. You won't regret it, the first game is excellent. I am really looking forward to Arkham city.
  13. Is it? mediocre with 'Boro, good with Twente and shite with Wolfsburg. Apart from what he did at twente he shows no sign of being anywhere near good enough for us.
  14. The best English midfielder of his generation by a distance. The likes of Diving Gerrard and Fat Frank aren't fit to lace this guys boots. If he ever managed to learn how to tackle he would have been one of the true greats, sadly he never managed to.
  15. For every darren bent there is a Gareth Barry, James Milner, Ashley Young, Stewart Downing, (Darren Bent*) that's either left or going to leave. *Might aswell add that in as a prediction for next summer.
  16. So all clubs who are interested in him know he is available and that with only two years left on his contract Villa will have to sell.
  17. Might aswell sell him this summer so. Another player using us as a stepping stone. We need players who are committed to the club not just here to get an england cap and then f%^k off somewhere else. This.
  18. I think spurs are 'Triffic. 7-0 next week with Crouch getting a double hattrick.
  19. That's about as far from a fact as you can get. Estimates predict a national debt of somewhere in the order of €250 billion euro. The interest on that level of debt would be such a high percentage of the overall Tax take for a small country like ireland that we couldn't even afford to pay the interest, nevermind the principle. A quick look at Ireland's external debt to GDP ratio Here shows how bad things are, yes it is 1,120% and its only going to get worse not better. We can't pay our debts back, ever. The sooner the irish government,ECB and other Euro countires face up to that the better for everyone. Fortunately for us it looks like Greece is going to go tits up before we do.
  20. McClaren? Billy Davies??? Jesus wept. Do people actually believe they would be good candidates or are you just on a wind up?
  21. Guillem Balague knows **** all about anything. He's barely, if ever, accurate when he's talking about the spanish league nevermind the prem. Can't imagine he has any contacts inside Villa.
  22. Me either but I think he has earned the right to be given a chance with a club that has a bigger budget. He's shown he's good in the transfer market and with a bigger squad he might just be able to get us competing for top 4. Which is presumably the aim for us.
  23. Interesting theory(Contains spoilers) Crazy how much thought goes into a Valve game.
  24. I'd agree with this. I found it quite easy to be honest. I took my time and had it done in 7 hours. only got stuck on 16/19 and even then it wasn't for very long. Also the last boss fight was super easy did it first time without any hassle. I could have done with some added difficulty or making the game longer. It's also a shame that there's 4 hours of co-op content that I can't play cos I have no friends. On the positive side, the one thing that valve do better than anyone else was still there, atmosphere. Just like in half life, your not some guy with a mouse playing a game, you ARE Chell. The game sucks you in and makes you not want to stop. "Just one more chamber and then I'll get something to eat" he said, 14 chambers ago. The story was decent and the voice acting was solid. The new features, different gels, tractor beams and light bridges where brilliant additions. Looking forward to the presumably free DLC (PC version).
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