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Everything posted by gilbertoAVFC

  1. No, it's rubbish Horrible?? It's hilarious! ASS TO ASS, ASS TO ASS, ASS TO ASS Erm... each to their own!
  2. Girlfriend and I are thinking of going on a long weekend over our Xmas breaks (about four weeks that runs mid-way between Dec up til the same time in Jan), but with us both being students we don't have an awful lot in our bank accounts (GET A JOB!). Thought about Copenhagen which looks nice and reasonably priced accomodation and flights but apparently it's about £7 a pint and everything else ain't much cheaper either. Anybody got any decent recommendations that won't involve me having to live off Asda Smart Price meatballs for the remainder of the year? We're not the type to go for the real romantic places, just somewhere maybe with a decent atmosphere around that sort of time that isn't ridiculously expensive to have a few drinks. Cheers.
  3. Facebook. I de-activated my account the other day as it has just become such an unnecessarily compulsory part of my life. All I do is procrastinate rather be productive as a result, when I just get nothing out of it apart from sharing a few amusing links with my mates and seeing some photos from the night before. All in all not worth the hassle. Also, this new fitsort thing is horrible! If you haven't heard of it, it's basically a rating system by people on how 'fit' you and your friends are. It's alright for generally bland and average-looking people like myself, but for the people at the bottom of about 300 people it must be less-than-pleasant and it is bound to cause problems.
  4. Watched Requiem For A Dream for the first time the other day... all I can say is, wow. It's like Trainspotting (obviously) but without the "aren't ya jus' proud ta be Scorttesh?!" moments. If you ever want your kids to fear the dangers of drugs, make them watch it. Or watch it yourself of course if you haven't... just don't listen to Joy Division for a few days afterwards. The ending is absolutely horrible to watch, nevertheless quite brilliant though.
  5. See I dont really get this, I cant see it at all. He hasnt actually showed any glimpses of creativity since he's been with us. His passing HAS been shockingly poor and (whilst you're not saying this) I can't agree at all with the people who say that he's not performing because our players arent on his wavelength. I simply dont understand anyone defending him, for me, Barry Bannan has shown far, far more technical ability and creativity, but just lacks the application at present. Agree to an extent, but there's simply no doubting that Ireland has ability. I want Bannan to make it here so badly, but really, if both were on top form, I'd pick Ireland any day. He needs to get his head right. After Houllier lodged a few minor criticisms at him before the Fulham game, he brought him on with ten minutes to go, and he set up a host of chances and looked very good. I know that's only ten minutes, and we also went on to concede a late equaliser, but there's no doubting Ireland has quality with his feet. It's his bloody mind that's the problem. If he can't get it right during pre-season, let him go, but if he shows improvement, he could be excellent for us - especially if Ash leaves which seems likely.
  6. Hardly a bold claim is it? I have formed an opinion based on bits and pieces of info I have had from various people connected to the club, some more strongly than others, and based on this info/my own knowledge formed an opinion of what is happening/ will be happening. I am not claiming to be ITK by the way. Far from it. Surely the bit like this means you are not 'claiming; to be ITK but implying you are ITK. No. I don't have a source at the club who I go to and get bits and pieces from regularly which I would say would make someone in the know. What I have had is one off bit and pieces from various people some with strong connections to the club and based on these pieces of info have formed my own opinion. Nothing I have said is outrageous. Quite the opposite in fact. Just the way you came across suggested you were 'in the know', so I guess people just want people who do make bold claims (and it is pretty bold, to not only state that you are pretty sure Houllier will be replaced, but also to give a specific figure of the number of potential replacements there are) to put their money where their mouths are. But cheers for clearing it up (not said in a sarcastic way).
  7. If Mark AVFC 40 is going to be making such bold claims could he back them up?
  8. Quite amazed Dunne only has four votes - he had his best game in months! Won nearly everything and was even commanding going forward.
  9. Why did you hoist it back-up after ten minutes? Looked good!
  10. I think this is a rather old-fashioned outlook. In the modern game you see that the very best wingers tend to be those that cut inside on the full-back's weaker foot. It's evident by a certain Lionel Messi, who has just scored his fiftieth goal of the season coincidentally. Can see where you're coming from, but I think Downing is very much suited to the right, likewise with Ashley on the left (at least Ash has been in the past).
  11. http://www.skysports.com/football/match_preview/0,19764,11065_3285040,00.html
  12. Thought Gabby and Petrov were superb today, really showed that they cared about the cause and both have been perhaps our weakest performers of late (when they've played). Luke Young also made a big difference, solid as ever and created an outlet in an attacking sense. Downing dangerous as ever and Collins won a lot (why people have turned on him so badly on occasions is beyond me). Houllier frustrated me with his subs - his changes are a little too predictable. Rather than keeping a flying Gabby on to stretch their tired defence he brought on Pires who frankly, in that situation at his age, isn't going to do a great deal. We needed running, we got a man with a half-decent touch but the sprinting technique of a fat Paula Radcliffe about to unload. We saw it out so just happy with the three points. Created chances, still a lot to work on though and our defence in the first-half was giving me heart problems at the age of nineteen.
  13. People who rave on about how soldiers should be paid more than footballers.
  14. Watched Mike Bassett again (for about the twentieth time ha) the other day. The whole film's on YouTube for anybody interested, such a laugh. 9:03 onwards is pure genius on this: Funniest thing Mark Lawrenson's ever been involved in.
  15. In reality, the only reason why it is being so sceptically looked at by the authorities is that they don't want to have to put there neck on the line if by some chance anything did go wrong. If it was done properly, nothing could go wrong that couldn't already in seating, just some bureaucrat doesn't want to put his reputation in potential danger by having to receive the backlash from the few that do object. Firmly for. Better atmosphere. Just as safe.
  16. I'd just put Allardyce on a contract until the end of the season. I don't care if we don't play pretty, we'll stay up. Get somebody else in next season.
  17. I'll keep it simple: Baker is a centre-back, Herd is not. Herd is a full-back, Baker is not. Herd is a full-back, Delph is not. Gabby is a striker, Ashley Young is not. Ashley Young is a winger, Gabby is not. Pires is old and slow, Albrighton is not. Emile Heskey contributes, Darren Bent does not. Ashley Young is the worst captain I have ever seen a Villa shirt - almost trying to get sent off at the end. Gerard Houllier has lost the fans and players. Tactically good or not, he should just leave for his and most likely the club's own good. At least Sunderland are laughing. Leeds #2.
  18. Who's that running down the left and down the right, is it Shaun Wright-Phillips the step-son of Ian Wright? Is it Aaron Justin Lennon? Someone should probably tell them. It's Ashley Young the metaphorical footballing equivalent to dynamite.
  19. Stewart, oh Stewart Downing runs down the wing for me (to the turn of the Heartbeat theme). HAS TO GET STARTED!
  20. You mean everyone taking their shoes off and waving them in the air doesnt look effective and fairly humourous? Only problem is with some of these 'unique' actions we are supposedly doing at games... they are not unique. Newcastle have been doing "shoes off" for years and Celtic famously sing "Just Can't Get Enough". They are good, but would be good if we could think of something ourselves.
  21. Love it! Are there any actual song starters on VT? I'd try but I'm a nineteen year old ginger student in a Harrington.
  22. In all honesty, the result is gutting. But you have to put things into perspective. Having massively criticised Houllier for midweek (something that I won't ever drop), yesterday IMO was simply a combination of bad luck through injuries and wasteful finishing, something GH cannot help (even if some people think it's all a fitness coach conspiracy). Performance = good. Result = GUTTED.
  23. To the tune of the Heartbeat theme song: Stewart, oh Stewart Downing runs down the wing for me DA DA DA DA DA, DA DA DA DA DA. DA DA DA DA DA, DA DA DA DA DA. Quality song if you ask me, plus Downing needs one.
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