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Everything posted by Mantis

  1. Mantis

    Ezri Konsa

    Not always - those cases just stick out. I seem to recall Kamara last season being back way earlier than expected. 3 to 4 weeks is bad but tbh it could've been a lot worse.
  2. Mantis

    Ezri Konsa

    Konsa missing the next two games, while not ideal, is not a "disaster", and if he's out for a month it's bad but not catastrophic.
  3. Mantis

    Ezri Konsa

    In addition to what's already been said, higher intensity of play now means that players probably don't play while "carrying knocks" as much as they used to.
  4. Mantis

    Ezri Konsa

    With any luck we'll only be without both Konsa and Torres for a game or two. Think we're better off having those two injuries staggered instead of both at the same time.
  5. Mantis

    Ezri Konsa

    Tbf, Luiz, Martinez, Kamara, McGinn and Watkins have all basically been untouched so far this season (touch wood).
  6. Mantis

    Ezri Konsa

    Even if he's out for a month it's only 4 league games. It's bad but not catastrophic. Just hope it's no more.
  7. Mantis

    Ezri Konsa

    Article says he could be out for "over a month" at worst. Hopefully no more than that.
  8. Mantis

    Ezri Konsa

    Hopefully the club are just being cautious. Expect they don't want to have a repeat of Torres.
  9. We hardly fell apart, we just took our foot off the gas because the game was already won.
  10. I remember when we got tonked 7-1 by Chelsea in 2010 and I left about 20 minutes early when it was 5-1.
  11. Sheffield United have been woeful this season of course but tbf they've improved under Wilder and this never looked like being an easy fixture before it started. Definitely still in this.
  12. He's like Bertrand Traore on speed. And I mean that in a good way.
  13. It was literally one game. They hadn't scored against us at VP before that since 2013.
  14. No doubting we were poor but that was one of the few games where the decisions really did cost us.
  15. This is the key point. Doubt he'll start straight away but he's obviously been bought to have an impact this season.
  16. Not a chance. We're Aston Villa and the entire universe is conspiring against us, apparently.
  17. Yeah not hard to be so vocal when you go 2-0 up and the other team don't even turn up.
  18. Yeah we'd have lost anyway but he was awful. The standard of refereeing is diabolical nowadays.
  19. Seems massively premature to me. Comparing apples and oranges.
  20. Mantis

    Unai Emery

    He comes across the exact opposite? Not saying he doesn't bear a lot of responsibility for this because he does, he needs to sort a lot of things out, but this is a very bizarre point.
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