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Everything posted by Mantis

  1. Nobody is taking issue with you giving your medical opinion. All I was doing was pointing out that the club (seemingly at least) have given a recovery timeframe of 4-5 months but you essentially doubled it based on just looking at the injury from afar. At the end of the day, on this specific injury the club are going to know more than you.
  2. Mantis

    Unai Emery

    Yeah it's horrendous. Feel like it's been masked somewhat because they've not all been out at once (therefore we haven't had to start any kids) but it still has just as devastating an effect, if not more so.
  3. Unless you've been involved with Kamara personally on this injury, it's not really relevant. The club appear to be saying 4-5 months. Forgive me if I take their word over yours, given that they're the ones who are actually managing Kamara's injury. Which would be a fair assumption if we didn't have the club seemingly telling journos that it's likely to be 4-5 months. As I said, it's just odd. There's no need to make stuff up now.
  4. So? Ornstein, who was almost certainly briefed on the injury by the club directly, said 4-5 months is the expectation. Why is some Twitter physio now being taken as gospel over the club itself?
  5. No idea, but the only concrete information we have on timescales is "4-5 months", so it's very weird that people are just pulling "9-12 months" or "out for most of next season" out of thin air and running with it. Losing Kamara for the rest of this season is disastrous enough - there's no need to make stuff up. People don't need to concoct things to be miserable about.
  6. From the Athletic article: "is now likely to miss the European Championships this summer with a five to six month lay-off the expectation."
  7. The Athletic article literally says the expectation is that he'll be out for 4-5 months.
  8. It works both ways though. We've had to play players more than we like precisely because we've had such shit luck with injuries.
  9. Yeah that's my take too. People were saying similar when we lost both Mings and Buendia. People are absolutely right to be concerned (I am too) but throwing in the towel and declaring the season over is absurd.
  10. Mantis

    Ezri Konsa

    The Ornstein article also came out at exactly the same time as the club statement on Kamara, so I suspect he was briefed by them directly.
  11. With the way people were talking about "9-12 months" I'm almost relieved, tbh. I'd mentally prepared myself for him being out for the rest of this season but missing a significant chunk of next season would've been too much. Hopefully that shouldn't happen.
  12. Very bad but this is worth noting: "with a five to six month lay-off the expectation." Screws up this season massively but shouldn't affect next season too much hopefully.
  13. Losing Kamara for the rest of the season would be very bad indeed but this is flat out untrue.
  14. Mantis

    Unai Emery

    Even setting aside Konsa and Kamara, the injury situation he's had to put up with this season has been horrific.
  15. Exactly. If Konsa and Kamara really are both out for the rest of the season then yes it does diminish our chances of finishing 4th/5th but yeah it does feel like some are overreacting (and to the defeat last night).
  16. I didn't celebrate Luiz's equaliser (was watching on TV, not at the game) because I just assumed that VAR would find some reason to rule it out. The fact that there was no issue and not even a check is irrelevant - the way the game is officiated has conditioned me now not to really celebrate a lot of goals.
  17. Bizarre thing to take issue with. He was good and got on the scoresheet and that's all that matters.
  18. Feel like the officiating has been particularly bad recently - coincidentally around the time we've played Chelsea, Newcastle and Man United. Wonder if we'll get better, or at least more balanced, officiating when we play the "lesser" teams in the coming weeks?
  19. Mantis

    Unai Emery

    Have to say one of the only things Emery has let me down so far is that I genuinely thought he'd broken the Man United curse. Obviously not. Now I've accepted that they will always to this to us. I absolutely despise them.
  20. Mantis

    Unai Emery

    Didn't they claim that his teams were always crap in his second season? That hasn't happened so far.
  21. Looked sharp today. Will be a huge asset in the run in provided he can stay fit. We've sorely missed him this season.
  22. Mantis

    Unai Emery

    When you said "Arsenal fans appear to have been right". Unless you think they were wrong to hound him out, in which case they weren't right?
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